Feardying sucks!
posted by Vräsh
2001-05-13 20:45:37
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Enforcer2001-05-13 21:10:06
well, if u were kicking their ass, was a good strategy =)
Peleus2001-05-13 21:23:09
BTW, after this happened Relim and Kaldae re-eqed me. They gave me bej, gleaming, and fine grey. Lowyn spams me for fine grey, saying that casters need more than warriors, and that I should give it away, when I'm sitting there half naked.
Lowyn tells you 'don't be greedy' heh, hypocrite?
Lowyn purrs softly, 'ok antar/angelina/missy/algo wants? did anyoen else
wanted ?' if warriors dont need it, then why is she asking if antar and angelina want it?
Shadrach2001-05-13 21:50:53
Oh please shut the fuck up Peleus.
a little bird2001-05-13 21:57:39
no wonder you died to fear if this was your first death. your heart must have been really old and weak. Old men should venture out east.
Wryak2001-05-13 21:58:20
Coz Lowyn is a greedy fuck? of course the dead guy deserves eq more than any of the other pukes.
Suka2001-05-13 22:19:31
I didnt see the ass-kicking part from your side. It looked more like the darkies were kicking some serious ass. But still dying to fear sucks. Which reminds me, my puke should prac fear!!
Norsu2001-05-13 22:25:21
As warrior fgc is more useful than fine grey anyway.
Bök2001-05-13 22:28:50
First time i see that legend dies to fear, sounds like hmm they have uograded it.
well so to die in one fear is like chance 1 : very much orso :)
So go get new eq and dont whine shit happens, and happens every day.
Antar2001-05-13 22:47:37
Actually, I used fine grey while buffing in my (for once) 140+ def mode. And I only wear when fighting, wear russet when moving.
Moonshade2001-05-13 22:47:45
I predict more logs like "Lowyn and finegrey cloak" are coming... *cough*
Edvard2001-05-13 23:16:45
hahahahhahahahhaha!!! SUCKER!!!!!!! ahhahahahahahha
lol2001-05-13 23:36:40
bree legend dies and loses eq he had since birth. hahah
Johannes2001-05-14 03:20:57
*Comfort* (And Bok, you need to get out more :-p)
Unknown2001-05-14 04:09:43
Lowyn says 'FINE GREY!!!!'
Setanta2001-05-14 05:10:12
One wonders what you picked for WIL.
Toki2001-05-14 11:33:50
Toki has cure for dat fear thingie!!! Go berserk!! =D Toki was berserk whole time there!! =)
Raichu2001-05-14 14:29:15
Raichu2001-05-14 15:58:30
Btw I use fine grey as much as russet, only fur nearly never (for rogge)
blackfoot2001-05-14 17:31:05
was a level 42 shaman that casted the fear so dont get too riled up
Jocke2001-05-14 18:03:46
It's actually not that unusual that ppl die to fear. Atleast it used to be pretty
common. I recently read an old log of mine when i feared Lowyn to death. :)
Thalantyr2001-05-14 18:39:14
Reminds me when another puke feared me to death during a fight against orcs and ofcourse darkies looted.
grunge2001-05-16 00:31:52
if you want to fear someone to death, first sleep them...on another note, Lowyn always deserves whatever eq is available, and don't tell her any different...she is the most generous person on mume (after she is fullsetted and has traded off the spares so that others can fullset her other chars)...but she is still a rocking dude....(sarcasm for you 'tards)
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