Mormaeg stinging.
posted by Jones
2001-05-15 22:19:27
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As trolls is immune to all kind of poison then it is bug.
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Rogon2001-05-15 22:34:00
use bug command on mume instead? it's much easier to get reimb there than here for a bug.
Jones2001-05-15 22:38:52
I used bug command talked to maiars talked to valars . maiars try to get some
valars looking on log and valars just say they doesnt care.
Slobber2001-05-15 22:52:47
Slashing Trolls about as effective as smiting hobbits! *blink*
Tharain2001-05-15 23:16:09
My topaz... :/
Indigo2001-05-15 23:58:20
The code for player used poisons is not the same as mormaeg...still I would imagine trolls should be made immune nonetheless... Might be a feature tho ;)
Peleus2001-05-16 00:00:33
Nice flee action.
Jones2001-05-16 00:03:57
Flee actions are alloves when fighting vs mobs :)
Juston2001-05-16 00:35:00
How does a spider hold a topaz? Answer me that, troll-man!
Peleus you fuck2001-05-16 00:55:09
its legal vs mobs, dont try to be cool
Shriek2001-05-16 01:42:43
Was it that he was SLEPT, or that he was ARACHNIA'd? I'd have to say there's always the chance of being slept instantly by Mormaeg stinging, no offense. And I didn't see you lose level either, so was pk rip?
Moroth2001-05-16 01:55:45
Couple things, first, since you go right by the lanterns on the way in, should get them in case pukes/need to flee quick. Second would be I've done Mor with about 5 different trolls and NON, group or me, have ever gotten slept by him so I would have to say somethings kinda fucked up here.
Burner2001-05-16 03:04:58
dumbass, try *burn webs* next time so you can fleee
Daisho2001-05-16 03:56:12
Trolls dont lose that much xp when u mob Shriek, so it was mobdead.
Common Sense2001-05-16 05:45:31
Again why some Gods should be demoted to lvl 1, "they just DONT care" One of my Characters has been pked by this guy, or should I say Moron who has killed me with 3-4 of his different chars because I proved him wrong. I prayed to gods to get my eq back or demote him or something and....NOTHING after 5 different attempts (each after 15-20 min) I was told to shut up or be demoted for spamming....LESON #1 Spamming: The act of saying the same thing over and over and over again in less than 5-10 sec's NOT 15-20 MIN I just though I would clear that up. Anyway I mume-mailed the "Proper gods" (if there is such a thing) and soon wait for a reply. I know some gods work very hard and some should have been demoted to lvl 1 a long time ago. So dont expect the gods to help, if anything they are going to be a pain in the butt and only give you a newbie kit *comf on death* Well flame at my comment if you want (I like the fact that someone would waste their time trying to hurt my fealings : ))
Devastator2001-05-16 07:50:20
Trolls do loose much xp when they mob STUPID DAISHO.
Maedhros2001-05-16 14:44:20
Perhaps the relevant helpfile on trolls will need to be revised so that it states that trolls are immune to poisoning by PCs.
Jones2001-05-16 14:56:57
And where the hell should i know what you thinking about trolls.
Write it that trolls are immune to all poisons expect those what
are done with mobprograms because we dont have time to write if_is_not_troll.

mudller2001-05-17 09:28:47
Trolls are imune to poison, not to Mormaeg's sleep attack.
Johannes2001-05-17 21:47:58
Gotta hate "features" :-(
Jones2001-05-23 22:22:45
Hmm actually trolls really dont loose much exp when they mob compared to that when they sun
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