If we could get this kinda shit in pill form all my problems would be over!
2001-05-17 03:59:08
*rotfl* log, and insomniac
2001-05-17 14:00:27
I was valed 'for my own safety, and that of others' the last time I played drunk. But I was hammered - I 'sang' the entire song 'Stray Cats Strut' (which is good in karaoke, but not so good on the narrate channel of mume) and lost citship in 3 towns. Nienor stepped in and saved me. I then collapsed on the office floor (for i'd returned there after a night out) and didn't get home til 11am in the morning, by which time my wife had called the police. So no, I don't get away with playing drunk :P
2001-05-17 14:06:58
2001-05-17 14:07:29
ah yes many a morning i have woken up on the floor minus 5 or so levels on mume
2001-05-17 19:24:54
cant people stop posting logs with the description "boring log! dont read!" WTF!!! if its so damn bad, dont fucking post it... didnt read this one btw =p
2001-05-17 22:40:11
much better is to awoke in the morning with nasty hangover... and find out that you gained 2 levels and got super eq, even tho you don't remember it *flex* :P