posted by Grunga
2001-05-19 12:37:58
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just check the file... bah.. some fight
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Jaron2001-05-19 12:53:52
And i noticed later that i actually had a purple *peer self*
Grunga2001-05-19 12:57:46
Happens... i usually loose my head in the heat of battle... and forget about scrolls and such...
Elmo2001-05-19 13:02:24
bootyho was outta moves or just tons bad luck?
Jaron2001-05-19 13:09:11
Wonder why u called backup on the moors fight lyonis, i was low bad, u prolly had more hps than me
Enforcer2001-05-19 13:58:14
*Lyonis the Mountain Troll*!!!!
a snot2001-05-19 16:59:40
Didnt read all but im curious, was it pukes or orcs who double-broke portcullis?
Unknown2001-05-19 18:02:40
*wonders where the part of killing the lowbie afk bn went*
Unknown2001-05-19 18:09:06
Long and boring...
grunge2001-05-19 20:24:18
bootyho blocked portcullis, flagstone, and metaldoor...leaving herself with enuf mana for burns on
the *elf* (apparently toulen) that was trapped inside. Unforetunately, a level 39 block is no match for a puke break :P
I had spammed myself exhausted trying to kill the elf, but I had fun :P
Ughár2001-05-20 13:50:48
Enjoy the eq :P Lyonis was pretty much naked in this fight as we had just whacked him - but pukes outnumbered us in warriors rather badly, couldn't cast at all , couldn't even refresh armour since they spammed rather well. Grats for Toulen for the kill, I had just given Jaron some of my draughts before he died, thus ran out of them myself and died moveless with healscroll, word of recall , dark room and enough mana to cast it. Oh well :)
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