Fakk it, Im gone
posted by Ainairos
2001-05-19 15:12:38
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Fakk it, Im gone
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Grunga2001-05-19 15:15:42
Woohoo.. nice link... like mine... i spent 2 days mailing to my isp (eenet) about problems with my link. they mailed to me that thei router is working overtime (hehh..) well and 1 thing they sayd : ahh that 2000 ms ping.. 2 sek delay is acceptable (ok).. u can still view all webpages! aye... try playing MUME.. bastards
The noname orc2001-05-19 15:18:19
Nice of you to call backup for me!
Ainaros!!2001-05-19 15:20:55
if you're smart... change your password FROM ccb865
Ainairos2001-05-19 15:23:53
Noname orc, Grishtar, I knew it was trap... brave to try trapping a level 16 with orcs 3 against 1. Im not dumb, I heard 2 orcs inside old fnost, then you come, try to make me go after you down in rubble... *shrug* 5 against 3 would be less overkill than 3 against 1, so dont call me a wuss for calling backup.
Vargas2001-05-19 15:30:42
u come in room, eat 1 pound, 1 harm and incap. On incap link drops. Die nsl die. And if i recall right u killed atleast Lothar and Gravesh linkless (as elmir)
Bobbie2001-05-19 15:33:12
Vargas tells you 'de va la go kill!' Nice going Jaws and Vargas! Jaws is player Lancelot, I.e whois Isolde. Vargas is player Mumma and Gurgel.
Elmir2001-05-19 15:33:43
Vargas, you had NO IDEA that I was ainairos, so dont gimme that bullshit.
Elmir2001-05-19 15:34:01
Gravesh? No, Lothar, yes, mistake. Im just plain ol' gone.
a snot/jaws2001-05-19 15:43:34
We didnt try trap 3 on 1 we knew 2 others were around and wanted to have a fun fight with you under drawbridge. We were scried so we knew you knew we were there. As you can see in this log, however, 3vs3 wasnt good enuf for pukes so they got 6!!!! 6 for charging 3 orcs in old fnost, THAT is tottaly ok?!? As for linklesskill, i post log above. I wouldnt even try linklessrip the arch lameass nslfuck on purpose.
a snot2001-05-19 15:44:15
and sure with that eq grishtar immediately thougt "a lowbie, maybe lev18"
Vargas2001-05-19 15:46:42
yes gravesh, u killed him tmt with 3 orcs watching or so. It is on mume.net somewhere.
Elmir to a Snot2001-05-19 15:49:59
Heard of consider? and if he kept kicking my ass, why would I be highbie? If I stab him to fine, why would I be highbie? Thats a sorry excuse aswell, and as far as you knew others were around, how could you? I waited there for 3 minutes for people to come *shrug*
Fredde2001-05-19 16:06:13
Relim2001-05-19 16:17:04
Actually, noone called anyone. I was in seperate group with Irogla, and we ran n from bree to go for this orc that was irritating Bobbie so much. There were never 6, btw, Galadon and his pal came and kicked Grishtar's ass, while Irogla and me were outside fissures fighting versus 2 fleeing orcs (Jaws and pal). How you can claim you wanted 3 v 3 fight when noone was there until late other than Bob is beyond me... ah well.
a snot to relim2001-05-19 16:39:17
1. noone called anyone but "you ran from bree with 1 other for that orc that was irritating bobbie so much" *rofl* 2. galadon,his pal and the elf that died is not 3? Vargas told me grishtar had told him 3 around, and we were scried so pukes knew how many we were. Just give up your excuses. (only _I_ am allowed to be right!)
Rogon2001-05-19 16:40:35
I think any numbers is ok for charging trappers. You don't trap if you want a fair fight. period. As for the death, sue me if i'm blind, but you reconnect several times, has bullshit link, and do you try to go into fornost? No, you head south and east to old fornost castle where the orcs is. Why? Not the action if a badly linked player who wish to live.
a snot2001-05-19 16:40:56
not to forget 3 of you and then 5 of you fought grishtar on drawbridge with us 2e? jesus christ relim, are you blind?
a snot to rogon2001-05-19 16:48:38
"you dont trap if you want a fair fight" LET THAT STAND FOR YOU "Mr. i never wanna risk dying". we want FUN fights where people have to stay til LOW for vicory, thus even GOOD players have a CHANCE of dying. We want fights that are not over in 2seconds, we dont wanna spam around tracking down fleing people all across arda _get_in_head_get_in_head. Now if you insist that multipoisoning down people with 4 highlev chars in areas where you know you have 99% chance of winning/fleing out of easy is the most fun for you, consider this: You don't think people have more fun fighting us than you? That goes for morons on the puke side like Elestir too. I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore Tomas.
Rogon2001-05-19 16:54:40
Whatever you call it when you flee people into closeable exits and hope to kill them by spam closing. WHATEVER YOU CALL IT, it's still TRAPPING. You can glorify it any way you want, call it anything else, it it will always be trapping. I'm not talking about FUN here, i'm not saying something is more fun than anything else, i dont see why you have such a hard time accepting that you're trapping. heh heh heh oh btw didnt your group use poison in one of the other drawbridgetraplogs? hmmmm
Rogon2001-05-19 16:56:20
Rogon2001-05-19 16:56:48
Tindomerel group using poison!!!!! heeehhehehehaha (cant wait for the excuse bound to come any second! i bet its good too)
Rogon2001-05-19 16:57:04
Like shaggy says : IT WASNT ME !!!!!
Heldo2001-05-19 17:04:44
a "trap" is in most cases just a way to get fun fight in a limited area.
Most players getting trapped atleast tries to fight inside and can't run away
to rangers/other pukes.
Vargas2001-05-19 17:16:35
yeah call it a trap, but atleast it's exciting for both parts, spamming ppl down isn't. And i never denied i used poison, p snotty havent tho, just his followers!
Rogon2001-05-19 17:28:37
Both preteens to the defence, lucky tindomerel.
a snot2001-05-19 17:28:40
i said it wasnt trap? hello? i said we dont trap to overkill people, which was what you said earlier. It happens that someone in my group uses some poison, but its extremely rare, and almost always they have a vial mixed when they team up with me. I didn't ask anyone to mix poisons for ages. And besides, poisoning doesn't always have to be lame, but some people drive it too far, and puts it into system as a way to overkill people.
Relim2001-05-19 17:44:56
Seems, Snot m'lad, you're missing the point. You imply that there was a huge plan to get 6 pukes on 3 orcs. That simply wasn't the case. Mind you, always seems to me that you believe what you want to believe - black being white in your world means that you're not exactly an easy one to agree with.
Vargas2001-05-19 17:49:56
planned or not u where 6. U sound just like elmo relim saying "ppl just come". well dont narr for backup then. And u must have the lowest solokill rates of all thieves in mume's history? And can u plz whine on Relim too rogon, since he uses poisons perma.
Heldo2001-05-19 17:56:56
And yes im a 18 years old preteen!, If 18 years is preteen for Rogon I wonder
what kind of chicks he is on!111
Rogon2001-05-19 18:27:15
I dont whine on anyone for using poison, i use it myself! I dont whine on snotty for trapping either, what i'm laughing at him about is that he's sooooo busy trying to deny everything he does, and soooo busy telling everyone how much fun he has now after 4 years of playing ultrasafe, he logs on lowbie crap chars to spam die with and say "IM HAVING SO MUCH FUN!". I wonder if he convinced himself yet?
Kazan2001-05-19 19:56:29
Hmmms isn't Rogon a 'chick' him(or rather her)self? anyways Rogon has alot of fun killing solo pukes with poison, and a group of 8, u can't blame him/her. only been doing it the last...hrmf, how many years? The Thrill!
grunge2001-05-19 20:29:22
poison is so underpowered that none of my chars even prac it (remove poison)...you guys are just shitty tweakers if you let it kill you.
Relim2001-05-19 22:59:27
Laugh - the lowest solo kill rate of all thieves in mume history? You sweeping the floor with those generalisations that you have no clue about! Ah well - and Grunge, as ever, is right - you ppl that let poison kill you, when it's the easiest of all effects to overcome, really should look into this more.
a snot2001-05-20 11:43:09
I think rogon hears what he wants to hear. He didn't get a word of what we say, just following the same old line, _skipping to answer on/trying to redicule accusations that he really has no defence against_. *snore*. I'll give up trying to explain why nobody on this mud don't have as fun as they could have, i'll give up trying to explain how i could be so wrong for several years, trapped in the status swamp - ooo i rock so much you cant kill me but i can kill you so what if i run on hurt and never enter places where there is a risk i might die i rock so much ya ya ya.
Rogon2001-05-20 14:00:14
If you're concerned with "status" and what other thinks, no wonder you're not having fun.
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