Kaldae dies
posted by Melinda
2001-05-22 22:44:44
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Irogla2001-05-22 23:03:41
Kaldae, i have your staff in rdell.
Tharain2001-05-22 23:12:09
Well, he was linkless when some1 narrated he died (flag then),and why then he fled every time ye tried to hit him? wasn't it wimpy what wnt to max with connection lost?:/
Trap Mud2001-05-22 23:38:45
Zek2001-05-22 23:48:24
ok grats on kill, but hardly worth posting the log, i mean, 2 mages vs a cleric in a trap isnt so big a deal :P
Kaldae2001-05-22 23:53:49
Hmm, no I was not linkless at all!!
* smiles at you as you recieve some basic equipment. <- IN MID FIGHT!! ||
So, due to SOME FUCKIN AINU who gave me a kit, i could NOT GET from pouch: purple scroll to sanct self, NOR rock to break exits! So, you AINU! feel very afraid of me from now of!
Kaldae2001-05-22 23:57:13
But, NO! I am not pissed at those bns, I know perfectly well it was a trap and I charged 2 bns. Not that hopeless though, I could have gotten away too. To bad I could not get things out of pouches..
NSL-hater2001-05-23 00:03:59
Was it (Gimilzor's NSL-friend-on-ainur)? *ponder* Hehe... Sorry, couldn't help myself.
Voile2001-05-23 00:19:59
Hehe, kinda figured out that something like that had happened. Somehow i think a reimboursement is coming up, and that some ainu is going to loose his ability to kit..
Voile2001-05-23 00:21:22
Hehe, kinda figured out that something like that had happened. Somehow i think a reimboursement is coming up, and that some ainu is going to loose his ability to kit..
Juston to Kalda2001-05-23 00:23:42
Eat the magic space bread!
Kaldae2001-05-23 00:26:30
Tasted good :)
Edvard2001-05-23 00:36:58
nice one...
Ghostly2001-05-23 01:27:49
/kitting someone in pk......hope you enjoyed maiarhood.
*a large bat*2001-05-23 01:51:51
Help! I need a doctor...! Why does not anybody care about me...? *sniff*
Aschit2001-05-23 02:01:08
Some Ainu should lose his ability to kit AND his ability to be an Ainu, if not being bansited entirely. If he is willing to do this shit as a god, what will he do with his chars? I say delete his whole damn account.
Aschit2001-05-23 02:59:53
I say that, then whois the god in question and see that he plays several chars that I really like :(
Voile2001-05-23 03:25:14
Who was the maia anyway ?
Juston to Kalda2001-05-23 03:50:33
And for Christ's sake son, why didn't you wield the damn shortbow?! You could've worked him.
Lowyn2001-05-23 04:18:47
Wryak2001-05-23 06:09:39
Hrm imagine trapping Fingeror there vs 2 bn clerics, one not even legend? :) Oh well shows that not just lvls count, link/skill also, neither of the bns was even close to dying :/
balthazar2001-05-23 06:40:29
now if he had killed you both, that would be an interesting log. somehow i knew it wouldnt be that way, so i skipped ahead =)
Rogon2001-05-23 07:14:21
Kaldae, if you are serious that someone kitted you there without you asking for it, and thus MAYBE caused your death, please do mail some active v+ about it (fror, nienor, vaire, etc) and they can check logs for who did it.
Spectacles2001-05-23 07:17:49
gee killing kaldae, what a challenge.....
Why not2001-05-23 07:36:50

Store a teleport next time! Or quick word of recall- faster than burning hands! :)

grunge2001-05-23 07:54:43
i totally agree with rogon, that would be a fucking lamelame interruption in your pk'ing
Saber2001-05-23 08:10:17
any fucking ainu that kits like that should be demoted to lvl 1, that is a HELLUVA alot more annoying than someone like Raiden going around and eating boards... (imho)
Gimilzor2001-05-23 08:32:22
I'm sorry if that was the case, Kaldae. =(
Seems Irogla has your staff tho, go get it!
Lowyn2001-05-23 08:41:17
Did he have copper ?
Mudller2001-05-23 09:08:58
The matter is being dealt with. The kitter happy Maia is known...
Fragir2001-05-23 10:47:23
That Ainu should be demoted to level 1, and it would not be surprise if it was some NSL friend !! Kaldae should get ALL eq back not only damn staff. And if it was some NSL god, than Gimilzor should be demoted too cause it was probably aranged, in that case !
A clueless Maia2001-05-23 10:59:14
'is possible he kit you but meant to kit something else'
Unknown2001-05-23 11:53:26
So two legend BNs killed a single puke? Why post this shit?
Tirandil2001-05-23 13:34:27
I did not read the log, figured it was a trap or a linkless kill the second I
saw the title and the desc. I really hope Kaldae gets a reimbursement.
Ibrahim2001-05-23 14:29:00
who was this ainur to whom we darkies owe so much thanks and praises? Must
have been Gothmog! Im still hoping for a little spark of pitch black evil in
him. I mean, with that name
Alcion2001-05-23 14:31:06
As usual Fragir is the dumbest fuck of all. Reall comf it you died because some
moron kitted you. I do to suggest to follow Rogon's advice.
Gonfor2001-05-23 15:47:31
Whichever ainur did this should have their entire account scrambled.
Nardhal2001-05-23 15:57:58
I was the one kitting Kaldae, not the Nsl or anyone else. Kaldae was a friend of mine before i kitted him and i didnt think that he was in pk. I was testing if it works and i chose kaldae cause i didnt think it would harm him but i realised that he was in pk today, a tad to late. Im so terrible sorry and i hope kaldae would accept my apol. I didnt mean to do so kaldae couldnt pk i just didnt knew that he pked and i thought i were wiz to him but i was inwized i realised to. So once again Marius im terrible sorry and i will try to make it up to you.. and all you have right im probbably getting demoted to level 1 sigh.

Nardhal the sorry one..
Ibrahim to Nard2001-05-23 16:33:40
WHAT!? It was an accident? Not a cruel act of destruction? YOU CLUMSY WIMP!
I dont know what chars u play but chances are this was the only good thing
u ever did and now u regret it? U miserable arch puke
Nightwolf2001-05-23 16:40:22
hmm at least he is apologizing and feeling sorry...think about it kaldae...
its ur decision...but eqp can be organised :), friends are hard to make...
Eàle2001-05-23 16:48:48
im also the player of nardhal and ibrahim shut the fuck, your worse than me you ported away from a 1 vs 1 trap in tbad that sucked by you. And im very very sorry that i fucked up and made kaldae killed. I dont want to loose him as a friend in this game.. Hes the one who have always helped me in mume infact, hes the one who brought me to this game.
A copper ring2001-05-23 17:27:31
Lowyn narrates 'i want copper'
Lowyn2001-05-23 20:44:13
Everhate2001-05-23 21:04:13
Then again, a smart thing to do under such an emergancy is .. drop all. Was very silly of the Ainur to kit Kaldae, but Kaldae isn't a new player either and should have figured out how to get rid of all that crap real quicklike.
Devastator2001-05-24 00:40:27
COPPER! (Nice going btw but sucked that stupid maia kitted Kaldae)
Manslicer2001-05-24 11:17:47
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