Huge overkill
posted by Baresark
2001-05-24 02:55:19
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Kaldae2001-05-24 02:59:37
You ever killed someone without poison? Just wondered...
Mammoth2001-05-24 02:59:40
lemme hear your SWWEEET whines!
Sharghl2001-05-24 03:02:35
I think Kaldae you died without poison. But, then again, it was overkill-trap
that got you this time, ofcourse.
Elmir2001-05-24 03:09:04
'tis a shame. Although... Im gonna bring up a little something from the first book after Moria. Aragorn: You were lucky, Sam! He said. Many has payed more than this for slaying his first orc. The wound isnt poisoned, which most of the wounds after orcs swords are.
Aschit2001-05-24 03:14:03
We all know that 'Tolkien' doesn't have as much place in MUME as some people think. I also remember GG dying in 1 hit, Gandalf soloing Balrog, and there being very few hardened rangers. 'Tolkienism' has to make sacrifices for playability, and current venom system is highly unbalanced.
Unknown2001-05-24 03:15:43
sharghl read the fuckin log you dumbass? its spampoisoning *whining about caster using staff* archdarkie who travel around with other spampoisoning types who trap and can ONLY trap is why kaldae quit.
Unknown2001-05-24 03:16:01
sharghl read the fuckin log you dumbass? its spampoisoning *whining about caster using staff* archdarkie who travel around with other spampoisoning types who trap and can ONLY trap is why kaldae quit.
Unknown2001-05-24 03:18:47
Jandor's back. Let the slaughter begin. Anyone willing to follow Jandor is either a moron or deserves to die.
Mammoth2001-05-24 03:20:11
Unknown Sharghl and i have tried the "underpowered" pukes.. beating Norsu group(4) + (from half fight)2bns
with group of 4 30+ simply ain't right. If pukes used all the resources they'd got.. they'd rock arda up and down.

Poisons are lame etc. Well mebbe i think staffs are lame? quick dispels for 100hps damage.. that's just mad.

In other words keep your clueless mouth shut. Try play a darkie for a while and see how overpowered you'd be!

Baresark2001-05-24 03:21:37
Okay, i didnt see it at once, now that i read log carefully i see that Kaldae and Whitman and that dwarf all died to my poisonspam. ACK, what have i done?!
I'm so sorry ..NOT.
Elmir to Aschit2001-05-24 03:23:11
unbalanced? I play orc... I went bree, saw some dwarf, he slashed me, got arachnia first hit... I dont know what you mean with unbalanced, maybe that its good? I highly dislike poison my self, but the thing here is not if its too good or not, the thing here is that he uses it and that he uses is alot.
Finwë2001-05-24 03:36:39
You are right Aschit apart from the hardened rangers. There were actually quite a few (somewhere round 30), but they only grouped up to fight at Minas Tirith etc. not to kill solo darkies raiding Bree.
Grilz2001-05-24 04:06:08
OH jandor is back my arch enemy!
I gonne eat you all!!!!
Rogon2001-05-24 06:15:07
Just as if VENOM had any part of the deaths in this log? rotfl. Those 20hps sure made ALOT of difference. Always good to have something to blame tho!
Relim2001-05-24 07:01:43
Y'know, poison whine makes no sense. Rogon himself has told us many times to get antidote. So I did. Now he poisons me, I either am already anitdoted (prior to going out to fight the whore) or have a bottle ready. So much so, that, even when he poisons me, then follows with his group of handshandys, they get all miffed cus I antidote and then hide tho. (If one more ainur tells me Hide is overpowered when I use it to escape them and their poisoning ways...). *AND* when Sharmak's group went to OF and all got arachnied from my arrows (Shargl died), everyone seemed to think that rocked (I got so spammed with tells after narrating, one after another, that they were poisoned, I actually missed kill :/). Poison is part of the game. Learn to fight with it and fight against it.
Rogon2001-05-24 07:30:35
Relim i think i poisoned you once during the last 6 months or so :) And yes, all the poison-whining-puke-only players cheers wildly if some puke uses poison and kill an orc with it. Ironic, isn't it? They don't really want poison gone, they don't mind if their side uses it on the other side, they're just afraid of anything that could have a chance at killing them even if they dont dismount and go in somewhere.
The Old Folks H2001-05-24 07:33:29
We are happy to admit another one of you fine old retired gentlemen. If it weren't for the *orc*'s our yearly sales would be down.
Grunge2001-05-24 07:34:12
Looks like those rescues pretty much secured Kaldae's death.
I just put on a clean pair of panties they are soiled with jizz.
Jaron2001-05-24 08:33:52
Nods was a rocking(!) rescue there.
Thwag2001-05-24 09:09:43
Well poisons are more effective for pukes I think - I got arachniad+venomed at day, it ticked me to awful exh, had hps to quaff one draught and that took me in smelly, where I woulda died if other darkies wouldn't have been there. All this happened in what, 30 seconds? :)
Toe2001-05-24 09:49:58
Try poison me! haha.. haha.. ;) Gonna miss ya Kaldae
To Elmir2001-05-24 09:59:24
Well, this isn't like you think- i was dwarf at bree (you was female orc, right?). Just praced some envenom, some mage mixed vial (now i have lore myself) went out, hitted you once and you ran... So, this isn't common.
Sharmak2001-05-24 10:22:03
Id kill jandor if he would spam rescue me in pk, i mean see the last of kaldae is like mammoth hits-> then jandor rescues (rescue delay) then grishelda pierces-> jandor rescues (new delay) and so on;P
Relim2001-05-24 10:34:34
Rogon, lad, you poison me each time we meet. You just did it again five minutes ago! I quaffed, hid etc... same old same old. No complaints, just stating a fact :>
Bulk2001-05-24 11:09:43
Pukes y suck ass
a snot2001-05-24 11:13:54
Cant call me a puke-only-player and I say as I always said - poisons sucks dick. Why? Two reasons - 1.wimpyfication. If you poison someone in a fight, what does he/she do? answer-flees. If you know some orcgroup is spampoisoning around, do you go in for a fair fight? answer - no you need overkillgroup. 2.Ok experienced players don't die often to poison. so who does? answer- _inexperienced players_, so you give them even less chance to survive than they would have. Remove poison, leadership, approach, fix bashtrapping and cap spelldamage lower.
Sharghl2001-05-24 12:11:41
I've got even better idea! Cap all damage, wheter it is spell or weapon, to 5
damage per hit/spell. Increase all classes hps bu 200%, and regen by 200%.
and ofcourse remove poisons. Perhaps then we shall have a mud where everybody
is happy and noone is dying. We shall live together happily in peace, orcs
picking flowers and elves harvesting the gardens... wouldn't it be beautiful?
Ibrahim2001-05-24 12:12:04
How can 4 vs 4, while 2 on darkie side are also spamming close exits, be
an overkill?
Eàle2001-05-24 12:18:01
rogon, thou shall be spitted in the face when Eàle storeports.
Devastator2001-05-24 12:42:11
I am sorry but this was another whine, those 4 darkies were not newbies so what was the problem? 4 vs 4 in an 2 room area with 2 doors both not blockable, I am sorry but the darkies just rocked there. I don't see the fucking whine, pukes just suck dick and always need to whine. They can kill AFK darkies tho! *burp*
Balduran2001-05-24 13:12:18
hehe, that's the best spam of "hit *elf*" "hit *dwarf*", "close thornbushes" I've seen for a while, where da fakk did ya learn that?! Gotto teach me some day :)))) What's in a name? A whole lot more than we think.
Bök2001-05-24 13:15:15
All is good til it is used Against you :)
Rogon2001-05-24 14:07:51
Hey tindomere, dont you wanna do something about TRAPS too? *wink wink* Never touch the thing which gives YOU kills eh!
Rogon2001-05-24 14:19:54
Other than that, i have just one word for people who want to remove everything thats dangerous and might kill you : P U S S I F I C A T I O N
Alcion2001-05-24 14:44:08
Well put, Rogon. And about this little trap (or fun fight in closable!), until
the day I die in there I will find it really odd that it's possible to die like
that. Maybe because I have a nice link or so.
rza2001-05-24 15:04:57
poison is great i use it all the time, but im a mage and hit like a girl so it dosnt work :((((((((((((((((((((
Johannes2001-05-24 15:31:03
Baresark rules! (Ibrahim, Devastator and others - one word: sarcasm).
Dorlak2001-05-24 16:11:27
Remove Narrate, simple as that.
Devastator2001-05-24 17:09:41
And I don't care about some fucker like Johannes who plays pukes mostly and thinks that this fight was not fair. And do remove narrates so the lab of Dorlak can warlord! *PUKE to all selfappointed rocking players*
Baresark2001-05-24 17:37:28
Baresark2001-05-24 17:38:39
ackack, well devastator, i think you skipped one word in Johannes' post, it begins with "s" letter!
Baresark2001-05-24 17:42:38
ackack, well devastator, i think you skipped one word in Johannes' post, it begins with "s" letter!
Baresark2001-05-24 17:42:59
Ok, i cant handle it, i quit!
Elestir2001-05-24 18:06:00
Its not underpowered pukes or overpowered darkies. Just groups consisted of 3+ warriors are overpowered, because of overpowered follow. You can hardly fight these 3+ warrior groups, unless you get same type of group or bigger group of casters. And if they use poison, its even harder. One hit with psylonia makes caster useless for fight and arachnia dramatically reduces your chance to flee, if you decide to stay longer in fight. I agree with Snot that poisons has its part on making ppl hugegroup and making inexperienced players play wimpy or getting wizkilled. I don't vote for removal of poisons tho, just tweak the damn follow command. Still I think whole poisons system should be changed, including remove poison spell.
Devastator2001-05-24 18:37:23
And Elestir, why you always have 4+ ppl folling you, often even 7+? If you think it is so badly programmed why u use it=) and yes Baresark I missed that word, I am touched today, had AGAIN words (this time with LUKE) while i was trying to safe him from mobdying to sage, it was not very much wanted tho seemed.
Devastator2001-05-24 18:39:15
So sorry Johannes=P
Jocke2001-05-24 20:40:12
100% agree with Tindomerel and Elestir.
Bornack2001-05-25 00:21:15
most of the times i have grouped with elestir and p(tindomerel) its just us 2 hunting...but answer this me and p(tindomerel) was hunting around noc and a group of 4+ legend orc's come what are we 2 suppose to do?
Mammoth2001-05-25 00:32:02
What r you stupposed to do when 4 uruks come to try and stop you and Tindomerel?
Fight and kill em all. That's what you usually do anyways. O don't even try to tell me you couldn't.. i now how strong that bitch is some help and she can beat 4 for sure.
Elestir2001-05-25 20:11:01
Devastator, read what I wrote about fighting norsu-type groups. Then you might figure out why there is sometimes need to lead huge groups (count with fact that not all characters are max-equipped, spampoisoning, experienced pk-ers, while norsu's henchmen always are). Simply if you know one of those boring groups is out there spampoisoning every1 passing by, you either mix antidotes and get equally sized group (then you will still probably lose, because these groups tend to cooperate with other groups) or you get bigger group. ...and of course, you can as well rent if you consider it boring to get plants for antidotes or to hugegroup.
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