if i knew you where gonna use them candles against *.norrland players i would never have given any to you, you friggin englishman rooting for the wrong team in premier leauge! *nod self*
2001-06-04 00:09:06
I have five more! Combined with my sucky 180 hp stab, just think of all the lowbie bns I can kill!
2001-06-04 00:25:36
lol! and relim, why dont u sleep me and stab me 5 times? i feel like a massage atm...
2001-06-04 00:26:32
bad tick timing:/ cpl more rooms a cpl cure lights and u'd have been ok
2001-06-04 00:33:09
Why didn't Relim venom his dagger b4 stab?
2001-06-04 00:37:35
Comfort man
2001-06-04 08:43:37
h..hh.hhha-haaa-ha-haHAHAHAH-HA-HA-HHAAA-HHHHAAAAAAAA...all the lowbiebns you can kill, youpathetic fuck you cant't kill a blowflies.Fookin' rabbit.