posted by Naksitrall
2001-06-07 04:19:45
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A little log showing that i'm not poping to warlords this morning, maybe tomorr
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Ender2001-06-07 04:25:37
buh bye fine set, copper, icy, etc, eh? *comf nak*
Celorfilas2001-06-07 04:26:59
*comf Naksitrall* *clap Drow*
Veluslol2001-06-07 04:33:38
I ate shitloads of spells there and Lived!!!! (barely)
Oscarmeyer2001-06-07 04:44:09
Sucks that call is so overpowered atm (more dam than stab, and you don't get lightning message as you should)
Someone2001-06-07 04:46:35
He ate 2 calls, how many hps does a bn mage have , 180?
During that fight he also took some beating from a dwarf.

Would not say it's overpowered, stab can do 200hp+ in a hit.
Unknown2001-06-07 04:52:20
Veluslol2001-06-07 06:06:48
Not so lucky by bree :(
Wryak2001-06-07 06:29:16
Stab barely does 100 through armour dear "Someone" :)
Mulefoot2001-06-07 07:02:43
Well a friend tried call on me and did 200 hps dam. As for stab a friend stabbed me once for 250 dam or so. So to me they both close to the same and seem very powerful.
Everhate2001-06-07 07:06:07
Gay is the bug that STILL hasn't been fixed where if you walk into room you see the lightning message, if you ride you don't. If you could actually know lightning was up without spamming weather local call wouldn't be that bad.
Lochdale2001-06-07 07:16:38
Like you can get 2 stabs in 2 rounds? Call and stab are chalk and being the cheese.
Winzy2001-06-07 09:49:24
Call rocks.....
Pontiac2001-06-07 10:33:32
i like warriors talking about owerpowered call lightning... who never tried to put lightning up as solo mage and hope to kill some1 with it... if ya are careless and don't pay attention when some1 narrates 'lightning up moors' then you gonna die in bashtrap... trying to groupfight with lightning and then afterwards talking about bugs... dead morons:)
Drow2001-06-07 10:38:51
I'll decay lightning asap and get silence + curse instead.
Rogon2001-06-07 11:15:13
It would be nice if they fixed the bug that makes it so you get no lightning message if you RIDE into a zone with lightning, but you get it if you WALK into it. I think you should all bug report this (i did a couple of times!) and maybe someone fixes it, cant be that hard.
Haazheel2001-06-07 12:47:57
Nod, you must see a lightning message when u enter into a zone with linghtning. I also think that dispel evil is overpovered, i eat That really Hurt from Turviniel at full hp and armour up, while that would take some 6-7 hits from warriors to make the same damage through my defense. Also i want to point out that 2 of my groupmembers died to Turviniel's dispels when they ate bash at fine hp.
Haazheel2001-06-07 12:49:00
I also narrated that pukes are calling when i ate dispel, just because the amount of damage is almost the same.
Haazheel2001-06-07 12:49:25
Big comfort Naksitrall...
Wyrm2001-06-07 13:15:15
Damned 2 Drow calls did more than 440 damage to me. So dont talk that call aint overpowered.
ReM02001-06-07 13:59:10
yeah, clap drow(????) - using lightning really needs skill! wow! *spit* comf naksu.
Unknown2001-06-07 14:38:45
That's usually why most of us don't warlord
Zedar2001-06-07 14:52:53
Naksitrall has now posted 7 logs in 7 days, record? I just want to know if you ever sleep?
Manatark2001-06-07 15:26:58
Mwahahah Drow how long have you been playing this game?
Grimble2001-06-07 15:36:02
Heh Drow tried to kill my bn thief linkless yesterday too with flag and we had not even seen each other up to that point. What skill!
Unknown2001-06-07 16:11:15
why the fuck do you keep posting logs?
Naksitrall2001-06-07 16:30:43
Erm :P, isnt this page for logs?
Grimble2001-06-07 16:32:13
Dont take my previous post to mean that using call means lack of skill. I was just pissed about Drow trying to kill me linkless on purpose earlier. Calling does take more skill than spamming poisons, though if the weather message is broken as Rogon says, I'd agree that needs fixing. Btw this should be a log that shows that call is NOT overpowered, since it took 2 calls for less than 150 hps and non-fresh armour. The first one only got you hurt after eating ~3 hits and not being full hps to start with!
Drow2001-06-08 00:16:48
Grimble your thief did not have a flag, simple answer.
Drow2001-06-08 00:18:42
Manatark, off and on since 1996/97 i think. I used to
play trolls only but sunkilled them all some years ago.

How long have you played Mume since you seem to
know ;-)
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