posted by bök
2001-06-08 02:48:57
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Seems like mume have grown too big.
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Manatark2001-06-08 03:04:00
I wholeheartedly agree that dickheads are doing on this mud better than most of us.
Belámir2001-06-08 03:04:38
Now you don't see that often... kindness :/
Brath2001-06-08 03:16:02
Nod belamir... btw, awsome storeport from oermgw :/
Juston to Manat2001-06-08 03:24:35
Well, if you aren't an ass, do you need to do well on a MUD?
Korf2001-06-08 03:34:39
sorry to see ya go bok. I have never pked alongside you by my
knowledge, but what you say rings with truth. I'd love to get to
know you better, you seem like one of the few on MUME that i'd get
along with well. hope to see you back soon, and when i do, i'll be
sure to try to bag ya for a group :)

Korf's Mother2001-06-08 03:37:19
Time for dinner now Korf.
Xak2001-06-08 03:54:41
Well its a realization all of us are coming to (well the ones that know the word "respect"). Slowly and surely we are all leaving, and well when we are all gone, they Valar can change the name from MUME (something that meant something to us) to The Dickhead Mud.
Belámir to Brat2001-06-08 03:57:31
*bow* sorry, with you guys sitting oermgw spamming kill *elf*, real easy to spam past with a 600ms link :P
Guzzo2001-06-08 04:28:08
Belamir is a total newbie
*a Fearsome Tro2001-06-08 04:30:02
I completely agree, im one of the few that uses unarmed combat. The reason I do is how pathetic could it be to listen to pathetic *Troll's* whine about enchants and equipment. Funny to sit at Cave and watch boobs come and GET ALL. It was planned that way it almost seems, to make even the troll race pathetic.

I would say come play an orc instead, at least I used to say this, but orcs cant do shit either without basically a fullset anymore vs any puke legend. Yah yah the usual stupidity about darkies being an Expert race. Written by the same meatheads that say shit like "Why didnt you flee?" "Why didn't you bash" "Why didn't you unlock that door?" who think everyone plays on 20ms links.
Aseff2001-06-08 06:38:43
I completely agree that kindness is hardly ever seen in mume. Some people
flat out spam loot and just don't give anyone anything, not even a couple gold.
and eq hoarding trolls aren't that great either.
Re: Aseff2001-06-08 06:43:30
See also: Valamir
Reef2001-06-08 06:45:51
All the jaded mumers seem to commenting on this 'log' so I should throw in my 2.2c worth (GST baby!). Pah fuck it, its useless. Glorified mIRC, thats all this mud is now....
Grunga2001-06-08 09:20:21
BÖÖÖÖK!!! DON'T LEAVE ME !!! *cry*
Filibert2001-06-08 09:41:02
Hey guys, you must be newbies to mume, I cant say that I have played for long just like 4-5 years or perhabs more, but this has always been a part of mume. Labgroups have always hoarded legend eq for the ones in their team havin a bad day, a those who play alone, either have to kiss some asses or become friends with those who have the eq. Mume is a hard place where those who cant take it have to leave. When I started out we had a labgroup and we could spam do supermobs, sometimes we made it sometimes we died because we were unexperienced players. Nowadays I have no labgroup and I have ask my friends that I have made over the years for help, and that aint that many. But mume is still fun, you dont have to have a maxed set eq to get kills, you can get kills with crap eq and most importat of all - you can have fun without a maxed set, and I thought that havin fun was what gaming was about ............
Bök2001-06-08 11:06:03
Filbert seems you have some vala chars that you say mume is fun.
yes im more newbier than you i have played 3 - 4 years :)

Ah also there is ways to get kills with plain set.
But then you are called poisonwhore, overkiller, linklesskiller, or newbiekiller.
You cannot get any descent kills with basic set.

Ah also being some follfuck can get ya prety descent kills too.

Has been all time this way ? i wont say.
Maybe you rember Wash and Go trolls who needed only boots and cloak to pk ?
Guzzo is pissed2001-06-08 11:22:33
*a Troll*2001-06-08 11:34:39
how can trolls with boots and cloak can survive if they fighting with a fullset eqwhore hugegroup legend pukes ? when i'm on lvl 6 i get killed easily by 3 pukes with stored fball, dispel evil, and another spell. we need good eq too so we can fight a lil' better against them. i often come cave and get all too but if it doesn't fit i put in in crack in grinder.
Filibert2001-06-08 12:01:57
hmmm, cloak and boots, do you really need those to pk as a troll
Filibert to *a2001-06-08 12:04:14
sounds like you are spending more time getting eq that you do on getting exp for yourself, that is not the way
Fragir2001-06-08 12:48:42
Give trolls back +5-10 unarmed ob a bit better moves, and make them unable to wear any eq with MAGIC FLAG. Cause it is realy almost impossible to play solo unarmed troll now. This is just my idea.
a snot in exile2001-06-08 14:22:36
Bok and Korf sure would be best friends, they are in the same annoyance category!
Manatark2001-06-08 14:38:19
What I meant is that assholeish tactics are well rewarded here with eq, xp ad wps.
Moonshade2001-06-08 14:43:23
Another "i_quit_mume" thread. Quit then, but why bitch and whine here?
shadrach2001-06-08 15:07:35
Edvard2001-06-08 17:48:57
You all want a good tip? "Dont Care"... Dont care if someone calls you poisonwhore, linklesskiller, overkiller, newbiekiller, newbie, bashtrapper, hoarder etc etc etc etc... Just ignore everyone but your freinds/the ones you have fun with. Play the game just for the fun of it...
*A geezer*2001-06-08 18:58:22
It ain't much different than it's ever been, ya whippersnapper. Greedy, eq hoggin' bastards have always had the upper hand. It's survival of the fittest and for the mume environment, being selfish is a skill. It's the number one skill after kissin up to V+ (or being one) to get special considerations.
Wroom2001-06-08 19:01:20
Hey i pk even without cloak and boots! xped shitmany lvls without eq at all. as i say WTF is eq.)?
Arkine2001-06-08 20:06:13
Korf your one of the arseholes who ruin mume.
Rogon2001-06-08 22:42:54
Filibert, a troll without cloak and boots can pk just fine - inside warrens.
Bök2001-06-09 14:41:42
No it isnt iquitthismud thread. im just bored :)
Devastator2001-06-11 18:30:47
Nod Rogon - well we trolls all whined TONS on all boards about giving ob back - noone wanted this change but some stupid vala. Since they did not even post any good arguments back on the board but "we don't want level 10 trolls being able to spamyell at bree" - comon what a bullshit - ppl started to accept it and changed to weapontrolls. Of course they need eq now, but the TROLLS did not CHOOSE that. My 2 cents=) btw reef log on some I wanna talk and whine to ya mate!
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