Little fight lb fort
posted by Sloshed
2001-06-12 10:47:48
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Approach sucks :P
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Moonshade2001-06-12 11:01:44
Well, just wait while your *opponent* hits you, wait a sec while you hitback
(much harder because of opponents posthit delay lowered defence) and flee! Thats
the trick, eh?
Uldrak2001-06-12 11:09:02
Bleh, was hoping fragir would mobdie there *wetdream*
Sloshed2001-06-12 11:16:04
I duno i just find it stupid and always have that the guy fleeing gets more hits in then the attacker. and not only that i think he gets a bonus and hits harder :P
Sloshed2001-06-12 11:48:10
LOVELY 30 mins late we fight relim rain platan some other fucks near fornost dwarf lose link we spare his life, 2 mins later i lose link group tells em i linkless and they kil me anwyays and loot my eq, NICE JOB platan you fucking rock you piece of shit
cha moo agg2001-06-12 12:00:46
umm, whats the point of spamming cha moo agg in every 2 seconds? You become even more aggressive???
Sloshed2001-06-12 12:05:15
i have no idea why i always do that so much bad habbit that i can't stop doing i guess.
Tharain2001-06-12 12:10:48
nice ye spared but didnt fucking know you linkless (no1 told me), platan died with shit link too, so *apol*, was spammy and all...didn't get eq anyways much since platan got looted (pada s3imab katelt). And btw, i ordered to nuke sharmak, so...shrug, didn't cast...
Tharain2001-06-12 12:13:23
talked temlas (he fought too there), heh-orcs yelled AFTER sloashed's death and i may check my log too, so...*cough*, be a man
Sloshed2001-06-12 12:14:09
well who the hell did get my eq then? and why when your in room you can't notice malak saying 9'm linkless? then loot me anyways while they tell you again? give it up :P
Alcion2001-06-12 12:14:21
Platan died because he hit "cast 'earthquake'" 5 times.
Sloshed2001-06-12 12:17:15
who did he die to
Tharain2001-06-12 12:52:57
hehe, who else were there then those two dorks? sharmak and noname...platan got traped in closable anyways and lost link, reconnected awful, riped... i looted cuz was spammy fight and laters orc yelled 'he had no link'/'fuckkers' looted platan too, and you lost link when bad...died in cpl sprays, comf...:P
Ibrahim2001-06-12 14:15:03
Bend over free people, i drive
Wryak2001-06-12 14:34:42
Tharain is a moron, he hasn't gotten any real kills so he has to get what he can. Btw. Tharain didn't you just comment that he had no flag, and now you're saying he got flag at bad? pathetic piece of shit, I hope you lose link around Heldo someday! (wouldn't bother to kill linkless myself, but a piece of shit like that will surely do it)
Platan2001-06-12 14:36:12
Heh, i didnt loot anythink from any1 - for u fucking trapper Sloshed, all i have from loot i got from Tharain. I had laag, after that i reconected in mandos hehe, I had prespamed quakes but no screen update so thats why i rip. And *a Man* in lb fort, that was my other char Charlie. Yes, this char hit hard, cos he has 150 ob there and if better age, he can have more. Nice to see u worry about your life in huge group on 1 man bad *stare*. U really rock.
Zhuk to Moonsha2001-06-12 15:05:12
Davaj bolshe commentov ja tebe mail kinul :P
Tharain2001-06-12 15:46:30
You may shut the fuck up wryak, you suck with Thwag too much. Why you comment here anyways? I DIDN'T say he had flag at bad, just thought for moment why he doesn't spamflee (just cpl atempts)-but was too spammy anyways. And about kills- HOW THE FUCK YOU KNOW WHAT KILLS I HAVE???? Seen my trophy ever? NO? Then STFU! You are moron here. And i have never ever killed any1 afk/linkless with flag. You some buddy of sloshed/hark? should comment at all, why to apolgoize to freaks like you? I'm off from here, fuck you
Fuckcounter2001-06-12 15:49:37
hmm, so far only 9 times the word "fuck" was repeated on this page... Oh, fuck! 10 now:) Keep em fucks going....
Fisben2001-06-12 16:19:14
btw, i got another nice idea here :) I got it afta reading Stormie's log (comf Stormie) but decided to put comment here, so more ppl read it. So, why not implement such feature on : EVERY PLAYER MUST SUPLLY HIS ACCOUNT PASSWORD WHEN COMMENTING, then we would get no fuckhead Unknown's and shit that they usually bitch about. And suuure, there would more features that for example, u could comment obly from the account that had several chars (this is meant to protect against new account creation be4 every comment). P.S. I would seriously work on this, or mail some PHP code to the web-master if i get some sort of payback (meaning I dont want to work entirely for free :P)
Fisben2001-06-12 16:24:11
Of course that would be some way insecure, transfering your account pass via http protocol, management (if it wanted and has free time) could implement a special password, of for example administration could one time register all mume players, and give them "Comment accounts" or something. This all may seem very strange, difficult or invaluable and completely meaningless, but just in the beginning. I am absolutely sure, every1 would benefit from this in the future. (just another idea, post some more on Otherwise we would have this forever: " Under what name i want to post today?"
Malak2001-06-12 17:45:13
I was unnamed orc that was grouping with them all night. We weren't pussies for only fighting them in lb fort since we had to retreat there from playing around with 7 pukes near stonedoor at daytime. Gratz on the charge but everyone was low except me ( i barely got targetted either place ). Charlie died under flagstone to our spam kills and then about 15 minutes later running from rd to bree ( he is a good sport ). continued...
Malak2001-06-12 17:49:52
Then Sharmak, Sloshed and I decided to do an arda loop that took us to fornost before we found anyone to fight. The majority of the fights there took place in an outnumbered situation ( in pukes favour ) at daytime. That is why we were near closeables... because they were dark rooms and lots of you weren't riding. Anyhow, we spared a dwarf linkless ( not looking for praise, as I would always spare linkless ), then end up fighting 3 on 3 at forest of fornost. We get smoked because we are all about 50%, Sharmak and I flee, notice Sloshed is still in there, I run back, tell him "flee!!" a couple times, then assist him, see him go bad, say "linkless" two times, he goes awful and eats bash so i stop saying to try loot him since he will obviously be killed though the whole thing took place over 10 seconds and anyone is a moron if they couldn't tell... cont...
Malak2001-06-12 17:58:01
He died, i get half loot since my inventory was half full already, but they get the good stuff. Then i yell he was linkless ( i bet it was the first time they thought of it, the kill horny freaks =p ) and they start to chase me. Sharmak comes to corpse, and Platan comes to try cast on us ( seems to have good link ), we flee him into closeable where I get one bash on him and his panic trigger floods my screen with over 40 flees in like 5 seconds ( prob why he "lost link" though we still never saw message ), then his trigger stops and door starts getting opened from other side, so i start to spam close again ( not bashing =( ). This is when Platan ( with very much a link ) begins to spam quake us. He finally dies when I am wounded and Sharmak is probably the same. We did shadow and looted. Sorry, i would post log, but my scrollback was only 5000 lines and by the time everything was said and done and I was back in noc, it wasn't there anymore =( That is my first hand view of how the whole situation went in regards to lb fight and Sloshed dying linkless. He got everything he could have used, eq-wise, when we got back noc.
Celorfilas2001-06-12 18:16:02
Frodos did a good job here. *clap Frodos*
Rogon2001-06-12 18:46:14
Exactly how does "posthit delay" lower one's defences?
Everhate2001-06-12 21:12:06
I have several theories on why this happens! The first is: magic! The second is: because it's Tolkienish. Both theories need no explanation of course.
Finwë to Fisben2001-06-12 23:06:19
Read MUME.NET site news perhaps?
Platan2001-06-12 23:10:06
Malak, i get laag exactly when i prespammed quakes, i dont whine that your group killed me (i would do the same if no flag), but think, if some1 open and me with good link, why me did not flee? Answer: cos laged and no screen update. I for sure had no flag, and all was very fast, but i died in laaag.
Ok, i have most eq from previous loot from Tharain. U got my fullset - all fair.
Malak2001-06-13 01:09:20
Well, we just figured you may not have known the exitname and that is why you weren't opening to flee out.
Sloshed2001-06-13 02:12:03
thrain he prob knows cause you had in your whois that you had 30 pk's which is pretty pathetic for your level you prob got those from seeing orcs running and hiding in bree and someone else killing one here and there
stolb2001-06-13 10:51:15
Glebka, ti TAKOJ UMNIJ! :) ne parsa, tuta 90% narodu pidarasi :)
Platan2001-06-13 12:07:03
I forgot mention u got second fullset from Charlie btw :)))
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