NOC, for bored players
posted by Naksitrall
2001-06-13 01:45:53
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Heldo2001-06-13 01:50:47
har har, that was fun!
Ethar2001-06-13 02:00:53
are you some sort of super bn or what? thats alot of damage to take and still be on fine...
Fredde2001-06-13 02:34:20
nod that was a super bn!
Zoone2001-06-13 02:43:38
*snore* you gay czech
Dangelo2001-06-13 02:56:13
wasn't so much damage, all mobs were on Durcano there.
Pete2001-06-13 03:56:17
i bet that wa a rush! =)
Unknown2001-06-13 10:25:30
Wouldn't it have been easier to go out via slag?
Prist2001-06-13 12:12:22
Slag area is a deathtrap for a bn since there is aggro mob in _every_ room...
Jocke2001-06-13 12:49:45
I belive it's noflee east from wolf gate.
Alcion2001-06-13 13:19:06
No no_flee, but chieftain to block the exit, kill him and it's safe! Exit out
when he's alive is only via exit south or up. And Naksitrall, get your ass to
Eregeion/Tharbar/Greenway, where real bns belong. Instead of that portal-junk
you're doing now. Perse Naksitrall, söö sitta emanikkuja!
Alcion2001-06-13 13:19:40
Not no_flee and do block even.
Naksitrall2001-06-13 15:29:10
IRW :P.. that was a nasty thing to say Alction :P
nushenak2001-06-13 17:47:04
well that was lucky but stupid
durcano, ofcourse mobs wont open door for you when you are fighting them and why not run slag?
Zhuk2001-06-13 18:45:12
Hehe :P Soon bns will be living in NOC !
Mochomurka2001-06-13 20:24:46
just dont get it why u didnt exp on loremaster
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