posted by Norsu
2001-06-17 20:37:47
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Shine a flashlight in this backpack and be forever blinded!
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Smurf2001-06-17 20:39:29
Hmm, wear all of these and call yourself Smaug?
Jätte2001-06-17 20:39:41
irk, dats some nice backpack!
Caress is a dragon!
Caress2001-06-17 20:42:08
i have to pay for carrying those fuckers also! like 10 gold rent/ 5 db worth of weight!
Unknown2001-06-17 20:43:15
Curios: how come we keep getting all those "mellow-Norsu" logs lately?
He's running for the coolest dorc spot or something?
*a newbie bn*2001-06-17 20:49:21
YEEEEES we will forever torment you in the hunt for ruby's :=).
Norsu2001-06-17 20:52:23
mellow-logs? eh? i've never posted any 4 orcs poison some puke and kill it. It's the pukes who posts those :p i dont find them very funny to read! (the whine logs i mean!) I try to post logs of things i found funny to see or experience. so there!
Common Sense2001-06-17 21:05:20
2 words...EQ hoarder!
Unknown2001-06-17 21:07:24
Why post slaughters anyway Norsu ?
bunghol2001-06-17 21:15:10
i have a coberyl and a blue crystal to add to your collection if you want
Oscarmeyer2001-06-17 21:45:23
How many bns have died, cowering in the darkness, since Caress has sought to remove all light from the world?
Fredde2001-06-17 22:17:49
rofl OM
Giant Frog2001-06-17 22:19:16
Ok, let's make things clear-i rock, you...not. (P.S.- I hope you dt)
Faldo2001-06-17 22:32:29
Hmm, now we know the richest smob on arda :)..
Juston2001-06-17 23:10:04
She doesn't really light up a room anymore with all those rubies, she just bursts into flames.
Juston2001-06-17 23:11:27
Plus, with all dem crystals and stuff, she must have superpowers like those fat people who make themselves levitate just by believing in themselves.
a snot to rogon2001-06-18 01:20:54
so you are saying yourself that your pk is boring then?
Devastator2001-06-18 01:25:28
Yes he does. Btw why do you hoard golden elven bracelets and defiled dwarven shields? Some ppl are just plain stupid.
Oscarmeyer2001-06-18 01:59:01
Some motivated individual give us a gold sale value of all that stuff? :)
Elistan2001-06-18 02:38:41
Hehe, lets think about that for a sec. Something around 750+ gold I would guess. Though you couldnt sell all at one time, considering that the Jewellers of Arda would be broke.
Kokeski2001-06-18 02:55:18
everytime i'm on there is people looking for red rubies, for either lore or bn's need, do you not spare em or do you spare them and just have more than darkies request
Oscarmeyer2001-06-18 03:10:42
I didn't count exactly, but that is some 100 red rubies.
Silwyth2001-06-18 04:50:57
105 red rubies. Btw, if you sell those as whitie for a MINIMUM of 45 gold a piece (the rubies) you make like 4750 gold.Usually rubies sell for some 55-60 gold tho
Pampalini2001-06-18 08:22:38
I am 100% sure nothing of it is from my puke *howl*
Devastator2001-06-18 09:49:50
Not sparing gems is same as not sparing eq. It is for hoarders. I think it is very childish and egoistic, but whatever. What the fuck u do with 105 rubies anyway?
Hyack2001-06-18 10:44:08
rubies alone make some ~4k, all that collection may be worth some 6k.

Soptik2001-06-18 11:13:10
Now i know who i should ask for ruby :)))
Mammoth2001-06-18 13:50:48
Mammoth2001-06-18 13:51:22
rofl soptik 8P do you think he got that many red rubies by giving them away? uughuu!
Naksitrall2001-06-18 15:28:48
Naksitrall sings 'where has all the eq gone..'
Rogon2001-06-18 16:48:32
devastator, i think quite a few of your comments are somewhat childish too. Hoarding blah blah, you trying to do something you think is funny? WELL WE WANT TO WHINE WE DONT CARE IF YOU HAVE FUN WE WHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE ALL WE CAN!
dragóth2001-06-18 18:49:00
seems caress robbed Smaug
Prist2001-06-18 20:26:19
Mmmm... i just died horribly in bree, could use one ruby out of those 105 :P
Grimble2001-06-18 20:43:31
That looked like one of my ex-girlfriend's christmas lists.
Caress2001-06-18 22:00:26
show me what a fucking orc can do with a fucking jewel besides giving one to a bn, and i wont bother giving em to bns who can keep them for less than 2 seconds (<20 or so)
Melinda2001-06-18 22:04:47
ROFL@GRIMBLE :-) Naaassssty X-gf :-)
Aschit2001-06-18 23:05:30
My plan to warlord again: stock up a midlev char with as many jewels as he can carry, at least 100 pounds' worth. Then let Caress kill said midlevel. In five minutes, log on Aschit and use Caress's lack of db/mps to kill him. Then I can by an 8 room addition to my home!
Aschit2001-06-18 23:05:41
Juston to Aschi2001-06-18 23:23:34
Use amethysts!
Miraka2001-06-19 15:22:53
next time some puke needs a jewel they'll kill caress. Much easier then Old Willow!
Caress2001-06-19 19:36:04
easier to kill me than to kill Willow?! oh fuck i must suck :P
Nanakain2002-03-13 16:54:41
gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I need those to buy better equipment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nanakain2002-03-13 16:55:12
maybe she is Smaug's new bride!!
Orden2002-03-17 11:53:59

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