That Mestan lab bores me off....
posted by Devastator
2001-06-18 21:25:15
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Boring log... Cagim blinds darkies during bree raid.
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Dardhel2001-06-18 21:34:52
Your a moron Devastator
Dardhel2001-06-18 21:35:04
Jätte2001-06-18 21:35:17
what have i done? How did i cheat? Think before u say something *pat*
Darhdel2001-06-18 21:35:30
I wish you mobripped in Bree
Cagim2001-06-18 21:39:52
What do my labbies have to do with this? And I'm very proud of doing that I can tell you. You expect me to sit in your fag tunnels like some slave of yours? And
when other trolls arrived and Svin tells me he out of moves on gway with 4 rangerse of him. Ofcourse I run help him instead of guarding your tunnels. Then afterwards you are sitting and whining on me like a bitch, you got what you deserved!
Devastator2001-06-18 21:40:04
You guys miss the point I guess... Saying I am moron without any good reasons does not impress me. And don't get me that How do I cheat bullshit. Playing in a lab is cheat itself already since you can talk to eachother. I don't know how you cheat more and I don't care I was pissed cause of this bullshit.
Devastator2001-06-18 21:40:58
If you promise to sit in tunnels and you want to get out get somebody else to sit in tunnels. You agreed you would sit in tunnels so I left trusting you would sit there. If you didn't want to sit in tunnels then you should have said no sorry, asshole Cagim.
Devastator2001-06-18 21:41:49
Btw I said next nite somebody else would be in tunnels, SOMEBODY HAS TOO. I for myself would have sat next nite if noone wanted, but SAY THAT U DON't want then.
I don't care sitting there for 1 nite.
Julie2001-06-18 21:46:00
I agree kind of stupid to say 'yes im gonna sit in tunnels' when you didn't, sure I understand you had to help Svin, but you should have tried to get someone else to sit there then instead, even narrate 'could some troll pls sit in tunnels?' or simply narrate that you were gonna leave so it will prolly decay. I almost died because of tunnel decay, when Bree popped on us first time I got out awful and fainting, I spammed to OERMG to get in tunnels because sun were coming in 1 tick, but it had decayed. So there I stood with 2 mps 20 hps, surely would have ripped if Astor hadn't bobbed me there so I could run to Golden.
Cagim2001-06-18 21:47:09
Sunlover and 2 other trolls entered tunnels, said we are low, rested, then I left. Now what part of that did I do wrong? You expect me to let my labbie mobdie because you want your tunnels? And talking in lab when all plays on the same side isn't cheating, atleast Nienor said it wasn't.
Devastator2001-06-18 21:52:02
The point was not tunnels. It was boring you did that but it was not too much a biggie. You nearly sundied 3 trolls because of it tho, but ok. Point is after u blind me in bree... What the hell do you think you are? Then you throw me out of group, at least or even disbanded totally - that 3 things following up then calling me a newbie etc. at least I do know now what kind of player your lab is.
And of course if you all play puke or darkie, have fun with it, a lab can be fun. But this kind of moronshit saving labbies and fucking others over then blinding me and blaming me for something you DID AGREE WITH - sitting in tunnels for 1 nite - next nite would be somebody else - I am sorry, but that is just moronic.
Gerd2001-06-18 21:55:46
Whoa. I think Cagim said it all. 'You expect me to let my labbie mobdie because you want your tunnels?' Since apparently his labbie orc's well-being is more
important to Cagim than the fact that his troll group all runs a risk of sundeath because of something he does, just don't group with the guy! I don't think I've ever seen a darkie behave like this; thought only pukes did.
Grimble2001-06-18 21:56:19
Just kill each other a few times and get on with life - you are darkies not pukes for fuck sakes :)
Cagim2001-06-18 21:57:27
Enough, I did not blame you for anything and since other ppl came in tunnels I left them. I could tell you that I would rather save someone I know RL from a mobdeath then to save a troll from sundeath (ofcourse I'd do both if I could!) after I explained why I left you start spamming moron to me etc and telling me what a stupid fuck I am. Ofcourse I get pissed and blinds you, are you suprised?
Or what did you think? that you could first humiliate me and I should give you candy?
Devastator2001-06-18 22:06:03
I didn't say moron i did say FUCKIG DON"T LEAVE TUNNELS IF YOU PROMISED TO STAY and I said FUCKING USELESS BNS. Don't try to change the roles, Cagim.
Cagim2001-06-18 22:08:59
Well, sure, we can say that I was the badguy and you didn't tell me a shit and didn't spamsaid alot of shit in the room all were resting in. But if someone (I honestly don't think anyone cares except Mr.Caverat and his asslickers) like to know the thruth, Devastator told me I was useless, I was a newbie , a moron etc.
Natash2001-06-18 22:10:43
Might not be cheating, but is practically bug abuse... is exploiting an advantage over others... ok, if speach over mume + broadband internet is standard, who cares about labs anyway right?
Jeleidar2001-06-18 22:17:01 big surprise devastator always plays like a keen preteen and spam like a fucking moron, moronic shit, and doesn't understand other than his own thoughts,i'd have done the same thing, unless weat was lightning, and i had 2 stored calls ready(!)
faint2001-06-18 22:26:47
i agree with deva here. kinda stupid ass to blind there, i bet some of yer friend was defencing side and wanted his arse
Basha/Shuu2001-06-18 22:28:53
Devastator... as basha while I was digging tunnels for a week straight at oermg
I had them collapse about 10 times due to the same thing.. nobody in them.. when your out west your pkhungry and well, some people just hate to sit there. I took responsibility 90%+ of the time and sat in my own tunnels.. unless there was a lvl 7 troll I could boss around so I could wander some.. otherwise I was in my tunnels that I dug. never leave them to some1 else to watch.. they don't know how it is to dig them *boring*
Khawin2001-06-18 22:45:25
well cagim is a fucking moron thats a know fact!
Cagim2001-06-18 22:48:30
Oh, Khawin crying because he died to me? Poor fella, learn how to play some then come back and fight me!
Unknown2001-06-18 22:54:03
Cagim, if youre going to try to lie yourself out of this, at least read the log first? No insults were made before AFTER blind. Your narrate shows that you either didnt know that you blinded devastator, or that it was planned all along, and you didnt wanna tell others about it. And there is NO excuse for risking trolls sundeath .. none what so ever
Cagim2001-06-18 22:55:04
Unknown being a smartass as usual, You think this was the beginning of the log?
You didn't notice how the tunnelcollapsing everyone is talking about is missing?
doh!, Learn how to read Mr.Unknown!
Someone2001-06-18 23:00:00
I think it is one thing to say shit about someone but much worse to attack a group member, even on darkie side, and especially when a troll is inside bree, blinding it is totally lame. This is like when mestan slept missy outside warrens, just because she didnt want to enter, very lame!!
Unknown2001-06-18 23:33:09
Who the fuck let Cagim and co away from the babysitter so early?
Almariel2001-06-18 23:42:20
Thought it was established that Cagim is a moronic 13-year old with no notion
of responsibility from before this event. *comf Devastator* Now just stop
grouping this guy - I am sure his labbies would be delighted to help a guy
who values their lives more then other people's whole characters.
Prist2001-06-18 23:49:47
Yadayadayadablablabla... what Cagim did (I mean that blinding part) was so awfully moronic I couldn't believe my wyes... ohwell, that's about it, just felt I had to comment something... btw, it was awfully funny to see some *elf* and *dwarf* and *hobbit* in bree when it popped and suddenly there were named *elves* and *dwarves* and *wabbits* everywhere :P and ike is lucky as usually hehe, raising to no2 spot thanks to some moronic feature that makes bree pop every 5th minute....argh :/
Lochdale2001-06-19 00:01:11
Indeed, Almariel, it had been established that Cagim is a child and but for his link he would be a complete irrelevancy.
Cagim2001-06-19 00:13:41
Im not 13, im 11 and a half
Jaron2001-06-19 00:16:39
Eh well there's more than 1 preteen in this log, ppl like deva should be thought to shut it,as they rarely know wtf they argue about,or who they talk to etc.
Fëagil2001-06-19 00:17:51
Ok... blahblah i read the first 10 comments that was enough. DEVA you are either a moron or a total pussy. WTF you write here and WHIIINE some bn pulled some crap on ya. Instead of that just fucking kill the BN. You're a troll, then act like one not like some sissy ass puke. If someone blinded me inside bree for whatever reason i'd surely do my best to kill his sorry ass. Cagim should next time really narrate about leaving tunnels when he does because when trolls count on em for protection from sun, leaving can cause MUCH worse things than mobdying of one of your labbies.
Khargaz2001-06-19 00:29:11
What Cagim did was totally uncalled for and should forever banish him as outlaw to all sane darkies. OK that he was pissed because he was being called names but from there to actually cross over to the puke side in an ongoin Bree raid. Definetly over the line. Cagim should be killed on sight til he permastays either out of MUME or puke.
Cagim2001-06-19 01:59:51

Blow me, If you wanna kill me, feel free to do so, But I can't take it when 5000 ppl whine on me, tells me what a great moron I am and then back on mume they start licking my arse for my hoards of eq!
Uldrak2001-06-19 02:16:46
How can the trolls risk sundeath Gerd? when they have to walk 5 extra rooms
to go into dark place?
Shriek2001-06-19 02:29:58
I don't think I've licked your ass at all Cagim. Blinding Devastator was lame. Even if you thought he deserved it. I still plan to group with Cagim though. Because he doesn't fuck with me, I won't fuck with him. That's the way things are. =)
Rogon2001-06-19 04:50:31
Bah, why post a log? just kill his darkies. Vargas gurgel cagim whatever, or maybe i'm saying mummas chars now? who knows.
Zerg2001-06-19 06:45:04
ahh, cagim, the same moron who once put a bounty on my head for saying "draaz rocks" when he disagreed
Bulldozer2001-06-19 07:32:09
rogon! get incanus to show you an account readout quick!
Wryak2001-06-19 09:39:06
Um whenever I'm on as a troll Cagim needs to stay clear of me, otherwise he dies since I can't know whether he's going to blind me for my comments while sun's coming up or we're in a town... all this just to avoid dying to this moron. First he sleeps pukes hatch for not obeying him, then he blinds trolls IN BREE during a raid for calling him names (*boohoo*). Oh btw. if any of this cheatlab want to know how they cheat, they can come ask me instead of posting lies on :)

Nooka2001-06-19 09:54:54
okay, next time i'll sit in em x_X (not all the time no :p)
Baazunga2001-06-19 10:14:06
I dont see the problem here, next time Cagim runs to warrens... just kill him?
Devastator2001-06-19 14:28:37
All people who say I don't know what I talk about, obviously do not like me. I asked Cagim to sit in tunnels, next nite I would ask somebody else. I do not mind digging any tunnels myself nor sitting in it but Cagim agreed with sitting in it for first night. If he didn't want to why does he just not say NO I want to go out? I would have waited in then. After he blinded me he first tells me he did not blind me and insta spammed to Neni. Now call that a wimp or what? I do not have any troll asslickers, people who follow me are nice guys, I do not know any people on MUME RL. This is just too retarded. It is also no problem if tunnels gonna collapse as long as I KNOW IN ADVANCE it was sunrise and Julie and some other trolls awful/fainting and THEY COULD NOT RUN SAFE IN TIME it is luck I was out in time at oermg to dig for them else Cagim had sundied 5 trolls.
And I do not mobdie so easily to a lousy blind, I may be called newbie by Cagim and his friends - Abnormal, Jatte etc. - I know how to survive. Expect me to be nasty to ya Cagim. It does not pay off to handle like this.
Devastator2001-06-19 14:29:27
And Jeleidar: sure come fight me. I do love to kill people who call me suckers and newbies with whom i NEVER fought against or NEVER did pk with in group.
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