Sure make the mobs. Make them exactly like those guys. But also make them agg to Harmony.
2001-06-19 11:58:25
We want Matt the vicious olog-hai!
2001-06-19 15:02:34
hehee Asmandeus
2001-06-19 15:05:36
Who the f... is Harmony??? What he done to deserve this death???
2001-06-20 00:06:45
That is totally hanous!
2001-06-20 01:32:02
Hanous?! What the hell is that?
to darkies
2001-06-20 09:13:21
HarmonyTheBitchWhoNeedsToBeSpamKilled narrate/sings shit like "oooh why do these hardy boys have to be so hot? i think ill go fuck myself with a rake since i cant have them!" ALL THE TIME. it gets so fucking old. no one can pass by sppi/common room without her saying some stupid shit. why this poor excuse for a thing logs into a tolkien based pk mud to talk about an obsession with a wrestling team is BEYOND ME. oh and harmony is pElfy, who has been recreated as Elfie. guess some god banned the original name. would be nice to permaban her isp thats for sure!