A nice fight from both sides.
posted by Eàle
2001-06-21 20:54:41
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A nice fight from both sides.
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Unknown2001-06-21 20:56:50
Unknown2001-06-21 21:20:05
Poor lil Shadrach!
Mumma2001-06-21 21:21:52
2 vs 1, unequipped orc, how exciting
Dagil2001-06-21 21:51:46
great from - uhm boots sides? shadrach played great, you guys SUCKED
Uldrak2001-06-21 21:52:00
Since when did you care about numbers mongomumma?
Rogon2001-06-21 21:53:49
A storeporter. yey!
Devastator2001-06-21 22:02:27
Sucky log presenting 2 very sucky pukes killing a rocking berserking orc without eq. Too bad he had suckeq else you was dead meat.
Alcion2001-06-21 22:02:48
You don't have so many max hps, con 1 or level 10?
Relim2001-06-21 22:07:03
Heh. Devastator, get that ridiculous chip off your shoulder.
Lugburz2001-06-21 22:30:02
If Shadrach is so great and the odds so shitty, why was he trying to fight them? What happened here was that Shadrach got all horny while trying to kill a solo nonlegend elf and instead met his match and maker in the Relim/Eale combo.
Eàle2001-06-21 22:37:06
if your gonna whine why read it? you like whining in a sado masturbating way people? you always wine, the fact is you cant post a log without whining.
- stored spell2001-06-21 23:16:48
If you knew we were gonna whine, then DON'T POST SHITTY LOGS. MORON.
Gonfor2001-06-21 23:38:08
Nobody can still tell me what's wrong with stored ports. Other than the standard whiner who says "it's lame," nobody can give me one good reason why ports shouldn't be stored and why they shouldn't be used. Mages have the least amount of moves of any class and have the shittiest move regen. So without a stored port or a bunch of difficult to obtain eq, mages are sitting ducks, especially when playing from a crappy link. So I say store port as often as you can as a mage.
Kroms2001-06-21 23:45:12
how come its only a good fight from both sides when you win?
faint2001-06-22 00:41:11
you played nice but i cant see 1 reason to cure after armour spell is up

orc was awful eale=)
nice kill by you and nice play by shadrach
Fredde2001-06-22 00:41:19
ok here is one darn good reason why you shouldent store ports, if you store port! you cant store 3 colour sprays, 5 quakes or 2 fireballs. Attack is the best defense!! and btw why is port storeable even? so what if its mage spell, they should make port non store, but then more would prolly go with call lightning.
Rogon2001-06-22 00:52:10
Stored ports is for people with no killing instincts. If you're pking to kill, you'd never consider wasting one of your best offensive weapons and chose something to help you run instead, especially not when running on your own two feet is so damn easy in mume. Trusting stored ports to get you safe makes you dumb!
Axel2001-06-22 01:03:12
nods, you dont pk if you have a port stored
Stormblast2001-06-22 01:45:57
Prist2001-06-22 02:45:35
Just an interesting fact - since Diam started to play bn, many bns (especially myself and stormblast) have started to spamnarrate in caps, yell in caps, emote in caps and say in caps... wonder why tho... we bns were nice and quiet race before evil diam came... :/ damn, i'm sleepy :(
Prist2001-06-22 02:50:22
Jeleidar2001-06-22 03:20:29
Rogon wtf do u whine about storeporting mages? you're the fucking reason i agree solo pukemages should storeport. wtf r u supposed to if u encounter 5 orcs in closable or whatever? just hope that u get a lucky open flee in?
Prist2001-06-22 03:42:01
If pukemage meets 5 orcs in closable then he should die like every good puke should. Damn pukes, haven't you still figured out that you merely exist to warlord darkies? sheesh... as Ibrahim once put it: DIE DIE FUCKING PUKES FUCK DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE FUCKIND DIE FUCK!
Rogon2001-06-22 04:53:08
I'd say you block the closeable from outside, narrate COME TO MAMA or whatever, all the bree legends rush there, you portal 20 pukes in and slay those nasty trapping orcs. And make sure you spamloot like there's no tomorrow or you'll never see a piece of all that nice eq!
Evan2001-06-22 08:04:27
Though i dont have any pukes with port atm. I do understand why some pukes storeport,
part of the reason is the huge overtraps which always been part of mume.
Gonfor2001-06-22 08:43:04
So you're saying I shouldn't store port because I should opt for more offense and die stupidly instead? The logic behind not using storeports just keeps getting better and better. The fact is that a handful of people don't want stored ports because they're tired of losing kills. Stored ports allows newer players, those with slower links, and those who opt to travel solo the ability to escape the typical 20 vs. 1 traps or a bunch of poisoning orcs. If that someone makes me less brave, so be it. But it also makes the appearance of my corpse a far less likely occurrence.
Ostu2001-06-22 09:48:46
Sorry Gonfor, but this is petty bullshit. Puke mages has best mobility in game, they can do insane damage in no time, they can get quite high defence. Should I mention more "features"? Believe me, I pk solo almost exclusively, 80% of pk trophy is solo, and yet I don't feel I need a storeport. P.S. mixed antidote bottle in inventory never hurts...
Balduran2001-06-22 10:44:56
Ppl say antidote lore is easy to get, easy to mix, easy to maintain.. Well SURE IT IS, if you know where all the ingredients load, and are willing to spend some 50 times killing hillman chief for the lore itself.. Hell, Balrog is easy once you know how ;)
Rogon2001-06-22 11:10:12
ok gonfor, i agree with you that for someone who's completely clueless and not pking, just trying to walk to rd or whatever, its not such a bad thing. But when people have played mume awhile, and are active in pk, and still goes for the stored port instead of something offensive, it says alot about their thinking. Like i said, no killing instincts! and balduran, all my chars have antidote lore (all that wanted it atleast) and i think all got it within 5 tries on hillman chief.
Ostu2001-06-22 11:48:56
I autotrack, btw
Shadrach2001-06-22 11:58:36
I hate u all.
Shadrach2001-06-22 12:01:28
never stay around to fight on 26 hps but i guess
that i just never learn (really annoying how stupid i am)
Jeleidar2001-06-22 13:03:39
What i find pathetic, and meaning 'no killing instinct unless it's 100% too easy' would be trapping 1 not even hero puke that fights 1 orc abit,and eventually norsu+3 more enters room etc(ofcos closable if not the puke actually may get away)
Porien2001-06-22 14:12:43
yeah, good playing by Shadrach andawful by pukescums as usualy. One pukemage ia enuff for even troll in open! And i mean mage with not much hps and bad defence.
I hopw you'll die as aoon as possible, Eale.
stolb2001-06-22 15:55:54
eale dies btw :)
Gonfor2001-06-22 15:58:12
Please explain to me how puke mages have the best mobility in the game, Ostu…this should be a good one. You can whine all you want but storedports level the playing field by allowing those of us who don't have 60+ hours to commit to MUME each week a chance to survive against a max equipped character. And as for Rogon's comment, you can play safely and know the game at the same time; they’re not mutually exclusive. Not all of us are after a seat on the warlords list. Some of us actually play MUME for fun and enjoyment! *gasp* For those of you who feel you need to make up for inadequacies in your RL by trying to warlord in MUME, I can see why you'd have a problem with storedports. But instead of whining here, find yourself a good psychiatrist instead.
Grimble2001-06-22 16:01:23
If you got antidote lore within 5 kills of hillmen chief on all your characters Rogon, you are a miracle of mume. I did it around 25 times with orc scout and he still never got it, just did it 10x with bn thief - no loads. The load on that lore has to be one of the lowest load % in the game. Besides, its quite dangerous going in there solo, as most pkers around that area will definitely check to see if anyone is in. With 2 lockable gates its a total trap spot, not to mention the instant portal and trolls that come from cave as soon as someone narrates pukes are in. The last time I tried it with bn thief, dwarf and elf locked me in with them and killed me, but I was able to narrate before dying and they got slaughtered by the portaltrolls (with my luck it probably loaded that time too). Anyhow, my point is that the lore isnt as easy to get as people seem to think, especially for its importance these days. Arachnia and venom lores are MUCH easier to get and load MUCH more often.
Fisben2001-06-22 16:12:00
Now that last comment supposedly from "Ostu the autotracker" IS FUCKING GAY ! I bet that its just some jealous darkie, that was killed by Ostu sometime! You fucking SUCK DICK, because i can bet everything i've got, give all guarantees i can that : OSTU IS THE FUCKING MOST HONEST PERSON PLAYING THIS FUCKING GAME I HAVE EVER SEEN !!! You may whine and bitch all you want, but seriously, he does not autotrack, NOR does he spamtrack (binding the next dir to a button) he just has 130+% track, that is it. So, for fuck's sake stop posting/narrating that crap.
Axel2001-06-22 16:23:48
Nothing is wrong with stored port, but if someone posts a log about "hey, I'm the hero, I kicked shadrach ass!!1" and then we see a stored port - it is like "yeah what a cool fight - he was perma safe." PK isnt real PK, if you have the option to always get.
Eàle2001-06-22 16:32:27
oh yes i ripped to norsu, fry, torment and noname.. and you think storeport is lame try let norsu kick your ass.
Axel2001-06-22 16:47:24
"Not all of us are after a seat on the warlords list. Some of us actually play MUME for fun and enjoyment!" Scenario: You, with staff, meet a BN in Eregion and signal you want to fight. Both release stored ball(s), some bolting, some curing - Both maybe low hurt, BN icy-cold, you prolly hot mana - and dang - on next hit, you storeport out. *doh* :) Instead of wasting mana on port, you could use it to bolt the BNs ass back to the hidden island, where it belongs. So define fun again? It is fun as long as you win? seems so! Now tell me - where is the difference between that and going after Warlords? --- "For those of you who feel you need to make up for inadequacies in your RL by trying to warlord in MUME, I can see why you'd have a problem with storedports. But instead of whining here, find yourself a good psychiatrist instead." Dude, I got the opinion you would actually stay reasonable and do nice discussions. Well, we all do mistakes :(
Ostu2001-06-22 17:18:31
Gonfor, lets make a race from NOC to BM, warrior versus mage. Mage will arrive to BM in 5 ticks with a hot mana and full moves, and warrior will be stuck moveless somewhere near brush. As I understood, your point is: "Poor hpless and moveless mages are just a cannonfodder for orcs, thus they have to storeport". But my point is: "In MUME there is no class more powerfull than mages, and using storeport just makes them immortal". At the same time I don't care about storeport when it is used by newbies and those who don't pk, since playing mage requires some skill and link. But when warlord mage on 20ms link charges DT with a 4 stored quakes, kills some poor prick and storeports out with 0% risk for his health, being very proud of it...*puke*
Grimble2001-06-22 17:20:21
I'd have to agree with Ostu here to some extent. Puke mages have good mobility, but not as good as bobbing warriors. With the same mp regen eq, bobbing warriors can outrun mages any day of the week, however warriors without bob will not. With the proper stats, puke mages can get considerable defense (140%ish) and hps (180ish base + 110ish from arm spell) while not going under 100% on agg spells, and definitely do not lack in the mobility region. Even if they have shitty max mps and mp regen, they have kickass mana regen and maxmana - and the ability to bob repeatedly kicks the shit out of good mp regen any day of the week. After all that garble, the real reason to store a port is that you are afraid you will be unable to escape a fight by running away. For an experienced player that knows the area he is fighting in, this should really only occur when entering a closeable/blockable area that he suspects could be a trap. Another prime situation that a storeport could be useful in is if you are planning to be in the same area as one of the many hugespammerorcpoisongroups that roam around and you dont have antidotes.
Jaron2001-06-22 18:14:29
Hey i'd race u ostu, gimme 20 draughts and we'll see! ofcos i might be awful,tired when i arrive but doesn't matter i'll win!
Jaron2001-06-22 18:17:18
Unless u use stored ports....
Gonfor2001-06-22 19:05:23
Axel: I'd love to discuss the issue with you sometime. You've always struck me as level-headed and someone who plays the game for fun. As far as your scenario, it sounds fun. But lets face it: it's a rare occurrence. I use storeports when they are necessary (i.e. Norsu et al hit me once, my mana is now warm, I'm poisoned and have 20 seconds before I'm dead, i.e. I enter a closeable to find Nazgum and 20 trolls waiting for me). I play for fun; I don't play so some superlinked or overkilling player can whack me in a few seconds. And storeports give me that guarantee they will not (unless I'm stupid enough to enter a noport area and then that's my fault and I probably deserve to die). Otsu: I agree...to an extent. A footrace between a mage and a warrior would probably be won by the mage. But MUME isn't a footrace. There are hundreds of other possibilities that must be considered in your equation (i.e. enemies, mobs, equipment, link speed). Because of the complexity of the game, the standard "storedports are lame" and "storedports aren't real pkill" are themselves lame at best. Anything that cuts down on the effectiveness of poison-users or huge-trappers are a welcome addition to MUME, IMHO.
Lochdale2001-06-22 20:21:59
About damn time you came out of your shell Gonfor. Rogon: I play mostly solo, you approach with Jeff and 2 other buddies, with your link I am dead! I used to be able to sneak away but thats gone so now I can port. Its a legitmate tool.
Axel2001-06-22 22:33:23
Well .. I agree that if you go solo, maybe play from America with unstable link and are chased by poisoning, smiting orc pack - storeport offers a welcome way out. And right now that I think of it - storeporting out is just the right slap in the face to those who huge group, trap and poison :) Assss long as I am not with them :)) And that is about the point, it is always a matter on which side you are. I just found it irritating, when I run around solo as BN and ppl keep porting away - even legend ones - its like "fuck, why doesnt anyone wanna fight :_)" blablalba
Prist2001-06-22 23:06:55
I hate storeporters. I rally do. If someone wants to know why I hate them, go back and check the log where legend pukemage storeports from me on fine. Stored ports just make ppl wimps, dunno why, just as does having uber eq...
Relim2001-06-22 23:48:37
Gonfor, mume's more fun now I'm on warlords. It upsets all those lameducks that think I dont deserve to be there, for a start. Knowing that they in the least care about one of the 'worse players to grace mume' being on warlords is priceless :>
Celorfilas2001-06-23 05:06:54
I could care less what anyone does in this stupid game. Just my two cents.
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