Swedes/Estonians have no right to compla
posted by Niir
2001-06-23 01:09:39
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You want lag/freezes, try this ya bloody Estonian/Swede 1ms link pricks. :)
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Dapple2001-06-23 01:14:39
Holy shit, that's all I have to say... I have gotten some bad lag, so I can honestly say that I feel for you man. Some days are good days, and some aren't, it gets to be like clockwork almost... On a day I have lots of time to play mume = shitty lag. *comfort*
Relim2001-06-23 01:21:27
This looks like my normal 56k link!
Líng2001-06-23 02:15:07
Ya gonna get flamed for posting this :-( *Comf*
Nugelo2001-06-23 02:47:36
wow i thought just my country that got bad connection...*comf*...what is you best link there? is it same here at 900ms?
Unknown2001-06-23 03:41:16
Actually NOONE CARES what link YOU have!
Aschit2001-06-23 03:48:47
I have found that if you only solo play or group with just 1-2 Americans, you can pretend your link is normal. That only lasts, however, until you meet a group of swedes/estonians/europeans of any other country of the opposing races. Then you can just pretend they cast a slow spell on you as you run for your life.
Juston2001-06-23 03:59:07
Wow, uh, fascinating......zzz
Deathwreaker2001-06-23 04:08:28
Now slowly... very slowly... move you mouse to the napster icon and shut it down...
Belámir2001-06-23 05:04:16
I'll bet all the flames about this log come from people with super links.. *snore*
Juston2001-06-23 05:34:56
If you define 200-250 ms as superlink, sure. I guess I'm not too sure, what was the best possible thing that could've come from posting this log?
zoone2001-06-23 05:55:33
motherfucking ow
Shriek2001-06-23 07:46:34
*ponder* 220ms link! Rocka! (on a good day) And on those bad days, my ADSL decides to not just connect even if I'm already playing MUME!
*A Lag*2001-06-23 07:51:50
Im proud to meet you, and most pleased. My name is Lag. Yes you Europeans dont really know me, you know my sister Linkfreeze. Thats because your mother never taught you the difference between the evil Swedish sisters Variance and Hops. To the Chech's old Hops is in their beer. To the Sweedes, they gotta import Hops because there arent enough of them in their country. To the Estonian Hops they put in a sock, along with a tubful of mashed poratoes and hope for the best (thing to drink on a Saturday night). The Finns, they dont even need hops, they live on a stream of pure vodka and can't feel a thing. Americans need a lot of Hops, even in their budwiser, because its a part of it all. Australians have the most Hops of anyone, so when you meet an Aussie pat him on the head and tell him 'Roger me with a 10 foot bargepole please'
Lochdale2001-06-23 09:50:29
This log really doesn't offer much of anything. I am a vocal commentator on the link issue in mume and the diparities that it creates. However, my issue is with the cretins who equate link with skill, those that think a-ha! I am 10x faster thus I must be better. These people are sad and mostly deluded but in their heart of hearts they know its a cheap kill. This log tarnishes all Swedes and Estonians just because they happen to live close to Norway! That in and of itself is not a sin! Not all Europeans are that silly! I know, because I am one...just one who lives in the US.
Mammoth2001-06-23 09:57:56
Are you trying to say Estonians/Swedes never have lag/freeze? !
Swedes don't we do 8)
*.ee2001-06-23 10:37:51
huh, when modem/EEservers freak out/local phonelines we lag too... worst is local/mume/adsl-lag/freez all together...so take it easy...
Fredde2001-06-23 12:27:30
tihi tihi
Relim2001-06-23 13:22:38
Irish is European? Hrm. I suppose you are. My mindset prevents me from wanting anything to do with them.
Kroom2001-06-23 14:22:43
Well, Estonians can't be compared to Swedes...
I don't know about dialup/adsl, but ut.ee does things like this, too.
Mammoth2001-06-23 15:00:32
ADSL does this a lot.. and at daytime adsl = total pee (ET's Adsl at least)
Prist2001-06-23 17:58:12
Well, since 9pm my ET ADSL can get me nice 90ms link w/o any freezes... it blows bigtime earlier tho... :/
grunge2001-06-23 23:03:19
why not stop and check out that orccorpse with shadow? prolly some sucka that died in the lag and he has more right to posting a whine log than you.
Lochdale2001-06-23 23:06:22
Ireland is an intergral member of the Union...er...well until last week and Nice being rejected, however, I digress. Estonian & Swedish links are always better then US links. End of story. That was not, however, the tone of my post, please re-read.
Ragaz2001-06-24 07:59:40
oh btw i mobdied on this same lag..worse than niir i believe..In lord, after just getting out of retirement to get age back..cause last time i played this char..also mobbed in Kraken cause of freezes..oh well, not whining, just sucks ass..hehe all the that time and effort for nothing..i guess i need to be a true mumer and get dsl, move to sweden and marry an estonian woman mummer..*ponder*
Steele2001-06-24 08:38:56
I think my stable 150 ms link rocks for a US link. I have to say when I logged on a 2400 baud modem when I first started playing mume, I thought I was stuck in a perpetual loop, forever cursed with a slow spell.
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