posted by Urchin
2001-06-23 12:28:45
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You dont care about desc, you'll read it anyway.
* Mana:Frozen>

* Mana:Frozen>wa
You wake, and sit up.
Your vision is troubled and you feel disoriented.

* Mana:Frozen>look

You slowly regain your bearings as your head clears.

* Mana:Frozen>
It is pitch black...
You are inside.
Something is here.
Something is here.

* Mana:Frozen>re
You sit down and rest your tired bones.

* Mana:Frozen>score
129/129 hit, -23/94 mana, and 60/122 moves.

* Mana:Frozen>pond
You ponder life, the universe, and everything.

* Mana:Frozen>emo emits 'wtf was that?'

* Mana:Frozen>stat
OB: 45%, DB: 2%, PB: 45%, Armour: 0%. Wimpy 0. Mood: Wimpy.
Needed: 760.451 xp, 0 tp. Gold 0. Alert: No.
Affected by:
- depression
- hangover
- curse

* Mana:Frozen>look
It is pitch black...
You are inside.
Something is here.
Something is here.

* Mana:Frozen>uncov ruby
You are blinded by the light and instantly covers it again.

* Mana:Frozen>pond
You ponder life, the universe, and everything.

* Mana:Frozen>time
According to the Swedish calendar, it is:
11pm on Saturday, the 23rd or June, Year 2001 of our Lord.
Real time is irrelevant.
Last reboot due to mental shutdown at Sat Jun 23 05:01:33 CET

* Mana:Frozen>emo emits 'gah, midsummers eve yesterday'
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Fredde2001-06-23 13:11:48
hahahaha.. Glad midsommar! hehe
faint2001-06-23 13:26:59

mishrak jag måste snacka med dej btw
Jobuke2001-06-23 13:58:06
what can i say...reading this got me like...hmm...ok, jag blev kåtare 8)
Unknown2001-06-23 15:58:26
If we shadowes haue offended,
Thinke but this (and all is mended)
That you haue but slumbred heere,
While these Visions did appeare.
And this weake and idle theame,
No more yeelding but a dreame,
Gentles, doe not reprehend.
If you pardon, we will mend.
And as I am an honest Pucke,
If we haue vnearned lucke,
Now to scape the Serpents tongue,
We will make amends ere long:
Else the Pucke a lyar call.
So good night vnto you all.
Giue me your hands, if we be friends,
And Robin shall restore amends.
Thompson Twins2001-06-23 17:12:43
Sowing the seeds of love....Sowing the seeds of love.....Sowing the seeds....
Tears for Fears2001-06-24 19:06:52
Thompson Twins trying to steal our song ?
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