Account scambled, see you later.
posted by Rain
2001-07-01 21:10:10
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Tharain2001-07-01 21:15:52
Siamir2001-07-01 21:16:13
1st Comment!!!!!!
Mumma2001-07-01 21:20:25
Mumma2001-07-01 21:20:40
ow, and see u in a month tops :P
Tharain2001-07-01 21:21:25
i explain tho:1st havran (freak who tries spamdie 15 levels) attacks daevia afk, who loses align/cit, gets jail 1 mnth;2nd filuk fights solo troll and gets overkilles by 8;3rd fuckers who left Rain to die keep his full shining AND...herbs:( I gave to Rain as Grok and many others re-eq, he later gave it away when quited, BUT point isn't eq BUT persons ;P Figures...
Rogon2001-07-01 21:21:51
I only heard of 2 of those chars :) So why bother posting this? if you quit, you're not coming here to read these comments, since you will read these comments, you're not quitting anyway! see ya soon.
Rain2001-07-01 21:24:32
What log would be complete without a Rogon-retort. Thank you.
Rain2001-07-01 21:27:29
Probably before Rogon's time, he's a newbie anyway. :P
*Some fuckers*2001-07-01 21:28:19
Okay, here's the deal: Save Rain or save full shining. Sorry Rain, not a touch choice. Save Rain or save bag of biscuits. Sorry Rain, still not a touch choice---R.I.P. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
tough2001-07-01 21:40:38
Elmir2001-07-01 21:56:56
who the fuck spells tough touch? Not the intelligent fuckers anyways.
Rza2001-07-01 22:33:08
Sharmak2001-07-01 22:45:02
Yey another puke fuck less ;=
Uldrak2001-07-01 22:55:21
One thing is sure, Galadon will love to read this log when he gets back from the
Fredde2001-07-01 23:31:54
i totaly agree with RZA
Steele2001-07-02 01:46:04
I tried to muster as much eq as possible when Rain died from those orcs. Because, 30 minutes later, they all died. I managed to get one piece of shining, tower shield, his jeweled ring, engraved warhammer, and engraved broadsword. Then, I even gave him my iron ring and grey cloak that I had extra lyin' around. He wasn't satisfied with that and resroted to handing all the eq he got from me to Lowyn who donated it all away. And, you wonder why I even try sometimes. I think Rain was lucky to get that much eq back these days.
Deor2001-07-02 03:44:42
You are leaving because you got caught cheating again?
Lochdale2001-07-02 05:54:29
Daevia was an awful prick. If this game bothers you so much then its probably for the best that you cease or limit your playing.
Wryak2001-07-02 06:58:57
I do remember Faridoc from some time back. He killed a lvl5 orc crack and burned corpse w newbie kit in it. Real tough guy :)
*A burning newb2001-07-02 07:33:41
Tharain2001-07-02 09:04:29
Hmm, Steele and Grok has point in their story:Rain got like even two fullsets, even shining some, but stil he said 'people are nowadays too greedy, at old times you used to get re-equiped really fast and ppl's main thing was do re-equip others'. Well, and then he quited. Lowyn gave (most) eq away, atleast mostly to non-wimp/lame ppl i assume...But I'm a bit disappointed in pRain...not many non-lab players get any eq after dying so fast...Hmm...
Mammoth2001-07-02 11:20:52
Arrgh 8( no more free exp
merilon2001-07-02 13:26:02
well in the 2 sessions i knew him, pRain was pretty cool :)
Alcion2001-07-02 14:12:37
*chuckle* You leaving because you died to orcs which later on died and you
didn't get every single piece back? How did you/the orcs die? Entered a trap,
Rain dies then the orcs? If so, I can understand you. If not, you should be more
than happy of the equipment Erika and Steele offered you. Who's greedy, you
Alcion2001-07-02 14:48:28
Malak/Delita2001-07-02 18:27:16
Ahhhhhhh, me remember's Surgil and Elis... Were you the original? Surgil was one of the biggest prick orcs back in the day, but I never really had a problem with you recently so congratulations if you really can kick this habit. I won't comment on the purpose of this log since I really don't know what happened.
*An old geezer*2001-07-02 20:20:41
Tharain musta been borned yesterday. Weren't ever a time when eq wasn't hoarded or when people "main thing" was re-eq others. Games always been dominated by the most selfish players. Some assholes run around with 3 or 4 or more pouches just stuffed with receipts. That crap ought to just disappear if not redeemed within a few days. Goddam shops are not warehouses. This game would be 1000% better if eq advantages were seriously toned down to take the incentive out of being such greedy pigs. Rain and prodigy are amoung the greediest of the swine, so good riddance and have a nice life. *bye*
Almariel2001-07-02 23:22:00
I know I am going to regret it, but here it goes.
Rain, I met you only twice, though thankfully you probably don't remember:
you gotta be the absolutely rudest unfriendliest eqhoarding person I met on
this game, ever (and, as hard as it is to believe, that means a very long
stretch of time). And, yes, I do know you couldn't care less what anyone
thinks of you. *comf Steele* and good riddance.

Anyhow, I got only one request to whoever kills me: please, don't loot my
staff - I hate those boring Valinor trips.
Unknown2001-07-03 09:14:42
Bye eqhoarding/bashtrapping/suntrapping/hugegrouping faggot. We would plan a party if there werent 100 more completely unknown people like you. Seems like you wasted a bit of time trying to manipulate a game made for fun by grubbing equipment?
PS2001-07-03 09:16:09
After Daevia died using autoflee trigger before, he also quit. Boo hooooooo!
Prist2001-07-03 18:49:57
I remember Daevia killing linkless ppl not so long ago... ohwell, out of all this I only remember how I misported from neni to bree druid, 1 room away from exhausted daevia and how he died horribly... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! oh... and I also will always remember how Rain and Khayman (?) killed me near tbad with linkless flag...
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