posted by Lilljempa
2001-07-04 23:32:00
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Slutish death, nice to see orcs are just as wimpy as usual
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Lilljempa2001-07-04 23:33:38
Forgot to mention! I died in there to them, they looted every piece of my eq.
Zoone2001-07-04 23:36:23
you closed and blocked, can't blame him for thinking you were
trapping, since people trap 24-7 these days...
Lilljempa2001-07-04 23:38:22
yeah, but to fight 1on1 and have your enemy killed with 2 doors to open/flee out via is impossible, had to block atleast one of them.
Dwimmer2001-07-04 23:44:15
Laugh! Jeah, we got freeze after you *chuckle*. Nice edited, you piece of shit.
Can't you take a death? All of us froze at the same time. And hey, look who was
5 rooms away, wasn't it storeport-Valamir? I wonder who was trapping who.
Lilljempa2001-07-04 23:46:40
Blow me you piece of shit, I asked valamir to check my corpse, he was bree when you entered for me. And how the fuck can you know when I froze and not?
And It's nice to see you dare to fight a nonlegendhobbitcaster solo, oh right, you didn't . Why do you fucking run solo if you don't dare to fight without calling a big fucking slutgroup?
Dwimmer2001-07-04 23:52:21
I knew you were trapping and asked if anyone was near fordable - guess who was near? And am I to whois every person to check if he's legend or not before I fight? Would you have fought me if I did that move as puke? No. I entered archway, that could've been a trap enough. Well, if you froze before all the
other players on MUME I feel sorry for you. And, hm, Valamir didn't freeze at
the same time? I think he was at Fordable rather quick, I reconnected and saw
him linkless 2 rooms away. Jeah, perhaps he teleported to fordable with his
mountain troll, or, or or... Embarassing Lilljempa.
Lilljempa2001-07-04 23:58:23
I asked him on icq to go check my corpse. How he got there I have no idea about, why not ask him instead?
Unknown2001-07-05 00:07:03
The freeze wasn't global, just southern sweden it seemed.
dwimmer=melinda2001-07-05 00:14:40
seems like it
Lilljempa2001-07-05 00:18:59
Don't you love the fact that I can ask for help even when I'm not able to on the game by using ICQ? I enjoy cheating when I can't be caught. It is fun.
Ethar2001-07-05 00:40:56
depsite the fact that this log was gay, horses are pretty
Bullshit2001-07-05 00:42:36
If Lilljempa gets in any trouble at all for ICQing for help,
then its a wakeup call to BAN ALL LABS PERIOD. Glad this finally
came up because labs get away with murder on this game while the
average player has to cope. In a word, bullshit.
Dwimmer=Melinda2001-07-05 01:12:54
Kreil2001-07-05 02:47:04
Nod Dwimmer.. not to pick on you Lill.. but c'mon a global mume freeze that 'converges' across the game plain. *chuckle* You got it, we got it.. everyone got it.. at the same time. This lag was a tick or two 'after' we left.

Still.. comf on the big whacka. Happens.
To Dwimmer2001-07-05 03:23:05
No offence but killing some1 right after gamefreeze when not reaction is puerly lame, and takes no fucking clue to understand.
Sharmak2001-07-05 08:17:12
And btw Lilljempa tell me one thing, how can shaman kill a puke caster who has staff and some clue? 1 vs 1 that is!
Garkan2001-07-05 11:20:41
How? both u and i know it's pretty damn upto who's playing the chars and how it's played. i rocked lore solo on lvl 22 with 0 eq. and she had staff.
quick harm(!)
Idun2001-07-05 11:32:19
Hearing people claim Dwimmer is Melinda makes me laugh :)
Devastator2001-07-05 12:42:29
So u fight 1 vs 1 in archway and flee into cavanserai and u blame darkies they get backup? *LAUGH LAUGH* who is the fucking wimp here
Lilljempa2001-07-05 12:51:02
You are fucking smartass as usual devast? Ofcourse I run in and regen after he left
Sharmak2001-07-05 13:30:02
Wanna see me kicking 2 shamans ass as puke mage? ANYTIME!!!!!!!! QUICKBOLT!! or QUICKSPRAY!
Devastator2001-07-05 14:41:30
Yes I am smartass maybe a puke wins vs shaman =P odl news? Nod Sharmak
Dwimmer2001-07-05 15:06:58
"To Dwimmer"-commentor, Lilljempa died before the freeze, there was a freeze
some tick after his death - he edited the log to show everyone he got the freeze
before hand everyone else. But I've already said this, wonder why I have to
repeat myself all the time. And yes, I am pLing, so sod off.
Unknown2001-07-05 15:09:07
Sucks when newbies like Ling play both orc and bn.
Uldrak2001-07-05 15:32:11
Oj oj dog du, stackars dig.
bunghol2001-07-05 16:27:47
I hit way to hard, and had the honor of killing you twice before you retired
Rogon2001-07-05 16:52:19
Heh! a wounded hobbit with 4 darkies. Did you die in half a second or did it take a whole one to rip you. Oh yes, stupid of them to not notice you're linkless. it was so O B V I O U S. Is this cagim? The guy who nukes a 21+ dwarf with 6 spells while he doesnt even try to flee, and cant figure he's linkless? Or is it his sister?
NOD ELMIR2001-07-05 18:37:45
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