To Manwe
posted by Mordak
2001-07-10 23:00:40
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sucky log, manwe wanted to see something is all...
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Elistan2001-07-10 23:10:37
I really think the time inbetween flees should be way faster. When you fail the first flee it takes so long for the next one to go through and you cant spam flee or else that just messes you up more. I almost mobed in BW because I wouldnt flee while luring.
Drelg2001-07-10 23:44:46
What exactly could it be about this log that Manwe wanted to see?
Rogon2001-07-10 23:57:04
I didnt get it
Unknown2001-07-11 00:16:44
I have to pee.
Unknown2001-07-11 01:10:36
Looks like the new flee system works well if this is any evidence.
what about clos2001-07-11 01:20:44
Lets see a log where u try to open smammed closable while fleeing.
id rather see someone else pk or mobrip trying that afore i even go out there.
and btw, i dont ever recall seeing anything about a testmume port to give this
a shot until hearing that it was being implemented like yesterday.
Aschit2001-07-11 04:52:05
Re: closable dude. *nod* That is probably my biggest gripe about this change: it was never announced at any time while I was on, so I had no safe chance to test it (like select others did).
Aschit2001-07-11 04:52:34
Anyway, can testmume be kept up for a while so the people who never had a chance to test it can do so?
Unknown2001-07-11 13:23:24
If people didn't use testmume to map and actually tried to test the new feature instead of whacking the Blue Mountains it might still be up.
shut up dillhol2001-07-11 16:04:09
Devastator2001-07-11 16:57:26
Yes why did Manwe implement it so fast? I wanted to test it too but I didn't even know WHAT was to be tested. I like the changes but 2 things need modification: 1. fleeround must be halved or even shorter; 2. if you fail first autoflee the next flee should be able to work (see log of Dragoth for example)
Unknown2001-07-11 18:33:22
go to hell mordak. noone wants to see your shitty logs unless you die in them
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