Mato the moron and his fag partner Prosi
posted by Galowyn
2001-07-11 11:52:44
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Stupid fucks
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shadrach2001-07-11 11:57:19
Attacking a puke is NEVER wrong *nod self*
Smrtihlav2001-07-11 12:12:58
hit each others or not stupid pukes soon u will be all dead
Hemlig2001-07-11 12:16:35
Mato you lame arse, first you run around with a gang of buttboys as orc, you get killed and now doing the same as puke, with the same buttboys. How lame is this. Play like a man and don't narrate how everybody are assholes and that you rule. Rogon and your buttboys go somewhere else you are not wanted here.
prosit2001-07-11 12:21:06
I dont wanna defend myself or anything, but as i played im watching tv.
and spam assisting. :)
I hit him ONCE and he being kinda hmm...whats thw word?
Mato2001-07-11 12:22:27
Hey, when we came out was no orcs there, so we thought he spammed open to try come in and saved draaz life that way :P
mato2001-07-11 12:25:57
and make sure you catch the OTHER log from galowyn, the one in which he tries to get even and gets killed instead :( comf
Draaz2001-07-11 12:26:12
BQAHHWHAAHHAHAHAHHA IM CREATING A RIOT!.. i was on 24 hps =)got lucky with flees.. i havent learned the fact that i dont need to spam fleebutton.. and i met my friend Moby at hole =) so i got cures and bob cus i was also slow moves =P bwahah.. you missed an easy kill gentlemen.. =P and sometimes im glad you dont enter stuff mato.. first time we were in stonedoor we were 4 you were 4 and bn was outta mana.. and i was wounded =P
Unknown2001-07-11 12:27:23
stupid fucks always act before thinking
prosit2001-07-11 12:31:40
If i wanted to kill you, i would go with mato with the end.
Mato2001-07-11 12:31:44
Well draaz, sure you were 4, you might as well have been 12, since darkies *always* trap in stonedoor. why bother to spam in there and hope that this time, for once out of 10, it didnt happen to be a trap? Would have to do alot of re-eq if you always ran in hoping that :p
Draaz2001-07-11 12:36:38
HEY?!?! just reread the log, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING .EE ?!?! sure.. i might look like a turdface.. but i still live in sweden.. hmpf.
Galowyn2001-07-11 12:39:07
who the fuck cares what your lame excuse was, you attack me twice for no fucking reason, your pathetic, can't handle your own fights you pick you shouldnt pick em
Notice the iron2001-07-11 12:41:45
Mato is overkilling ulfhild with 4, another enters and he starts attacking it,'cause he was first' Go samesider(!)
Draaz2001-07-11 12:45:18
sorry.. rereread logg.. =P you called sharmak .ee.. *phiew* you got me all mad there dude.. =P
Unknown2001-07-11 13:10:31
So now we can kill people for opening doors too? Cool!
mato2001-07-11 13:38:11
hey, we didnt kill him there nor did we try to, just tickle him alittle to tell him to not help darkies out (which he didnt so was our mistake). If the log hadnt ended there you woulda seen us standing in the same room talking after, which woulda taken a bit of the fun out of it, which is why its not in the log :)
a snot2001-07-11 14:35:34
maybe try a "sorry i was wrong" instead?
Devastator2001-07-11 15:26:41
Sorry Mato I always disliked your arrogant attitude. You think you rock but actually u always die like a pig. If u 8 vs 8 at stonedoor u don't dare fight but u blame pukes they don't fight u 3 vs 3 as orc. This log shows how U suck.
Mato2001-07-11 15:37:24
Wow more people that whine when you dont enter stonedoor traps... odd, why are you all always in stonedoor? if you want to fight, why dont you come out of the fucking trapspot and try then?
Aschit2001-07-11 15:54:53
Rogon in flame mode once again. I wonder if he would have been listed if Galowyn had been awful when he came out and Mato killed him when he attacked?
Mestan2001-07-11 15:58:30
Well Mume is so fucked up so it's hard to get kills without beeing in a closeable or hugegrouping/poisoning.
rogon2001-07-11 16:22:41
I dont think anyone has ever been saurons listed for a single whitie-whitie pk as a matter of fact, the rules/helps says it's for people who make a career out of sameside pk etc...
Litovel2001-07-11 16:26:16
Litovel2001-07-11 16:26:36
yes but u will pay for it with your poor life
Devastator2001-07-11 16:36:47
We were not trapping stonedoor maybe? U were 8 we wre 8 we were outside. U didn't dare fuckig fight and it WAS DAY SO WE COULD NOT FIGHT. U just suck.
Devastator2001-07-11 16:37:22
Idon't agree with Mestan it takes skill to pk without hugegroup.
Haazheel2001-07-11 19:03:00
After dying as Norsu is Mato afraid to lead small groups...
Snor2001-07-11 21:10:05
# $door is now set to {stonedoor} [local]
The stonedoor seems to be closed.

Hmm... Illegal?
Celorfilas2001-07-11 21:32:53
nod. you are using illegal door actions.
Unknown2001-07-12 00:05:19
* Y A W N* can you get it * Y A W N * ?
Sauron2001-07-12 01:08:49
Mato is one of my true followers.
Torkild2001-07-12 01:16:06
As much as i argue with Galowyn, I agree, total bullshit to do shit because u suspect something, find out if it is a clear case then do your shit work. not the first time rogon does things/comments without putting facts together.
Galowyn2001-07-12 02:15:01
to attack and bash me with orcs in zone on wounded for no reaspon is bullshit then attack again cause he's scarred i might get a kill on a trol is bullshit to and to attack me twice withotu a reason 2 days after i whack his orc ummm, think a bit of char separation perhaps :P
Galowyn2001-07-12 02:36:28
to draaz, i tried to get him to come with his group and storm but he wouldn't to big of a fucking pussy, i mean it woulda been even odds and got forbid he accept a fight like that.
Galowyn2001-07-12 02:37:21
Dind't try to kill me? bashing me when i'm already wounded with 4 orcs in zone is a seroius threat to my life imho
Wryak2001-07-12 08:18:29
Erm killing an arrogant fuck is wrong? since when? though I agree, Mato did exactly the same thing which he flames Mestan for.
mato2001-07-12 10:08:59
eh, there was no orcs in zone, they had ran already, and since we were talking above hole like 2 sec after this log ends, how can you say i was trying to kill you? How come you cut that out of the log eh? :) and if i was gonna attack anyone who killed one of my chars, i'd be quite busy spamhitting everyone :p as it is, i'm satisfied with spanking people who do stupid shit now and then...
mato2001-07-12 10:09:47
which you obviously didnt do so the mistake was mine... but dont say i tried to KILL you. When i did try (after you tried to kill me!) you know how it ends.
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