I die
posted by Khazdul
2001-07-11 22:13:03
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I will send a whine log like this every time i die until they change the new fle
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Unknown2001-07-11 22:14:55
any1 post log of soloplayers success with new system in PK or smobbing?
Gonfor2001-07-11 22:18:31
How is this a result of the new system? You were successful with every flee here. This just looks like you get hit by a large group of orcs and died in the spam.
Mestan2001-07-11 22:19:17
Well these logs doesn't show much, but everyone who have been hunted by such a big group and noticed, "hey! I can't get out from here" should know what those ppl are talking about, sucks =(
Tsejov2001-07-11 22:20:56
i cant see where the new flee system gives your problem in this log tho...
balzak2001-07-11 22:40:55
I don't see it either, they just spam in hit you insta flee the spam in and hit again over and over. why don't you like it>? auto flee seems to work? i've been too busy to play much can any1 tell me what is so bad?
Khazdul2001-07-11 22:42:27
I hope you understand that i have to play with store-port perma now!
(wich i always had but anyways)
Drenical the Wi2001-07-11 22:43:38
Drenical has arrived from the south.
You flee head over heels.
Rogon2001-07-11 22:53:44
You sure proved how much the new system sucked there. You died, and you didnt fail a single flee. Wow, flee sure killed you!!!!!1
Zoone2001-07-11 22:54:25
the new system gives flee a delay, for all you that are wondering.
Drenical2001-07-11 22:58:21
It's now possible to kill anything in open areas... no more traps.. isn't that positive? Heh.. if it was the other way around and fleeing got easier/quicker you would whine about trapping would be the only way to kill someone... I like the new system.
Deor2001-07-11 23:42:21
Retard, don't waste our time posting a whinelog that shows a great flee system :0
Shake2001-07-11 23:45:44
Like the same happened to me not long ago .. was bad there too .. turning climb on in the middle of the fight saved my ass.
Unknown2001-07-11 23:59:57
Ozon2001-07-12 00:15:35
The new flee system made game more realistic. No more solo mages running in the middle of noc(it is hard to imagine enemy in the center of darkie town). With old system i could run through all parts of moria, including battlepits and down mustering. This is now impossible. Tharbad is now much more dangerous for bns. Big groups gets more kills. Most soloplayers will die, until only the few best ones left. I am going to rule with sanctuary, darkness, leadership, bob and 5+ ologs. Well, i am not sure, if we all wanted such changes, but still it is better than increasing number of rangers...
Steele to Ozon2001-07-12 01:10:27
You're going to RULE? You have no idea what game balance is all about and what fair play means. You simply want the advantage and will do it even if it effects others to an extreme. It's not the flee system, it's not the spell casting, or the store porting, it's the majority of the player base that effects the MUME environment. Back in the days, players were legit and not in lab groups yelling across the screen, or leading 4 + orcs west of bree to slay small breelanders for 30 exp points. I like the change because it allows the weaker linked player to perhaps stand a chance. It also helps out those who do not use a client to rely on survival.
Celorfilas2001-07-12 01:13:58
I think Ozon was being sarcastic.
Manatark2001-07-12 02:25:14
I bet Ozon was sarcastic, but I raise two hands in agreement with Steele, as far as players is concerned. Maybe I was too busy learning the game before, but the more I think of it, right now the playerbase is just a big pile of shit.
Rogon to Deor2001-07-12 02:54:16
WOW, your head is pretty far up the V+ asses w/that comment huh?
hi im jaws2001-07-12 03:18:30
Hi, im jaws. i have dex8. i rock in the new flee system!
Mulefoot2001-07-12 03:36:20
To me that looked like one of my logs! All 5 hit ya then you link catches up and tells you there in the room run one room they beat ya to it and hit ya again! All i dont understand is why no hit flee sure seems hard to solo bigger mobs if ya going to get hit!
Howard2001-07-12 04:40:45
I play solo and have had no problems with the new flee yet.....
Kaldae2001-07-12 05:32:56
Of course, we ALL WANT sancted leaders with 120%+ leadership, leading 2+6 hard badass hitting orcs/dwarves. A group of NINE people moving without movedelay lead by a 18ms linked norwegian, sure would be FAIR?
NĂ¡mo2001-07-12 07:59:00
(without reading comments) - I couldn't see how this death was caused by the new flee system. Khazdul basically flees after being hit once every time orcs enter his room.
Devastator2001-07-12 08:12:59
Duriel2001-07-12 08:43:52
*nod* gonfor, i didnt see him fail one flee
Duriel2001-07-12 08:44:47
would also help if you pracced climb, or turned it on, thats really what killed you =/
Filibert2001-07-12 08:46:16
Khazdul o Mestan, you have to excuse me for this one, but this death is a pure whine, and has nothing to do with new flee system, Khazdul keeps runnin in to those orcs. This is bad bad bad playin, and how many flees does he actually fail? please count, and how many times is it the orcs that run into him, he's constantly runnin into those orcs. And I may not have tested this new flee much but atleast now I have and it doesn't suck at all, and I am a 27ms linked guy and I have prolly played longer than the average mume player. So please stop whinin about this change and live with it.
*a Troll*2001-07-12 10:00:08
I have dex 2. My bash and flee are rocking hard. Maybe I should reroll..
Anthrax2001-07-12 10:00:54
I encauntered 5 orcs lane yesterday with my thief. Was succesfull with all my
flees (ended up killing one of'em). I also tested my warrior/cleric and killed some rooms with lot's of mobs. Worked fine.
Rogon2001-07-12 10:16:42
Hmmm why does anyone bother to use MY name to flame deor? that one was beyond me! i think deor is smart enough to figure out it wasnt me anyway :p
Lammoth2001-07-12 10:32:45
Sharmak -> wannabe Pandion
faint2001-07-12 10:52:01
i am getting quite sick of all the whineing about this damn flee change, sure it is a strange change and so on but what we should do to make them change it is to make a pact about every1(atleast 75% of the players) to stop playing untill the change it....just a thought tho, since i know more then 75% of mume players cant stay waway for like more then 1 day
Prist2001-07-12 11:49:08
As soon as I get out of retirement with my 10 dex and die somewhere, i'm going to wwwwhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiinnnnneeeee about the new system until I get reimb...
Fragir2001-07-12 14:07:10
This new flee can help only in ONE thing, to better kill experienced ultra linked ppl in not trap places. And it TOTALY fucks soloplaying. Cause i got kiled in fucking 8 sec freeze now,, i will quit for some time probably. I REALY don't enjoy playing in groups of 5+ hoping that other side has smaller/clueless group and we can win.
Rogon2001-07-12 14:53:08
Why is people blaming various deaths on flee system? I mean, if you died in a 8 sec freeze, how does that mean this flee fucks solo playing? that made *NO* sense at all. you mean you woulda lived easier with a 8(you timed it btw?) sec freeze with old system? hmmmmm..........?
Core2001-07-12 15:29:02
And please stop blamin this change on da mume management, this change has been made because some guys (won't say who or when, but you can take your own guesses) keep using the flee trigger although it is illegal. Blame this shit on them instead, and btw this new flee rocks bigtime.
Elistan2001-07-12 17:01:18
Actually you guys have no choice but to accept the changes. One it was brought about partially because of illegal use of flee triggers, and another was because Immortals where talking about it on the Ainur board. So the gods give you their idea of a auto flee. They asked me many, MANY times to test it out on the test mume, and none of you did or you just abused it to do stupid things. Now you have to whine about it because it wont be changed and your chance has already passed.
THWOK2001-07-12 17:58:44
the sound of elistans head coming out of namo's ass!
Fragir2001-07-12 18:31:16
New flee pure itself doesn't sucks at all, what sucks hard is, that it just gave MORE POWER to HUGEGROUPS. So if you wanna have some balance you have to downgrade groups some. Best way is prehit delay for folowers so groups of 3+ can't just spam down poor solo players.
Ozon2001-07-12 19:23:39
Testmume was on only for 2 days and crashing a lot. I managed to log on only once for 5 minuts, before it crashed.
Devastator2001-07-12 20:16:29
Nod Ozon I had no chance to test it.
Kill2001-07-12 22:33:52
I concur with Fragir....make is so that you can't lead more than 3 without super DELAY. IT would be possible to lead more than 3, but would increase the delay like for each additional member tremendously..currently you can get away with leading 4 and not have that bad of delay..and with leadership, its a piece of cake..just get rid of leadership all together and that would solve all the problems with huge groups and make mume hopefully alot more fun again. Was a nice change on not allowing poison on hammers...only makes sense..imho, should only be allowed on swords and daggers.

thats my 2 cents

Kill Thrill Kill Thrill
Silwyth2001-07-12 23:13:12
I agree with only being able to lead 3, only thing is that it sucks for smobbing, would be hard to code but maybe make smob zones able to lead up to 7 (rogge zone ect)
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