Eale and Scipio reeqips me
posted by nushenak
2001-07-17 20:05:42
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Fredde2001-07-17 20:11:07
think! Eále prays 'i died to a bug, i paniced so i lost my 2 store teleports' TWO STORED TELEPORTS!!!!! WTF! even if you know its a trap you dont ever store 2 teleports. you just dont ever store teleports!
baphomet2001-07-17 20:39:52
what's with the magic missles good lord
Eàle2001-07-17 20:47:50
first i would like to say.. thanks for leaving my staff that was a noble thing. and yeah i think i died to a bug BOTH of my storeports failed.. i had two cause i thought my one was gone and i stored and typed stat and hey there were two.. i had storedport cause i know nushenak, stormblast and morhol was around and eager to trap me. i bugreported the incident cause when i hit my F12 button (teleport) i started to cast and nothing happened.. and btw i dont care about flame or whines so bring it on..
Melinda2001-07-17 20:52:23
HHAHAHAHAHAH Eale you are the cutest ever! :-) F12 button = Teleport! :-) hihihihihhiiihi *ROFL* (My F12-button is cast 'fireball' $target :-( )
Eàle2001-07-17 20:54:34
my F5 button is cast 'fireball' @target and im cute, yes i am im dead sexy.
Rogon2001-07-17 21:11:31
as dain posted in a news message in answer to that, a wimpy triggering can cancel stored spells. which is very good imho.
Blackfox2001-07-17 21:19:37
Well, if its really was planned that way, the news comes a bit late...
I think, many people didn't know that this is possible, and it has some
impact on casters.
Tsejov2001-07-17 21:21:07
my f12 button is kill tarden
Tsejov2001-07-17 21:21:08
my f12 button is kill tarden
Hoeth2001-07-17 21:22:46
I died to that shit before too. And Eale, your F5 is cast 'burning hands' @Target I presume.... Oh well, that shit about wimpy trigger canceling teleports just gives another reason to never ever enter a trap, or travel with less then 3.
Britney2001-07-17 21:28:29
Im sexiest! cum on me ppl!
Alcion2001-07-17 21:33:59
f12 = rec recall.
Fredde2001-07-17 21:36:21
you use all the F buttons! i only found 10 of them useful
Eàle2001-07-17 21:37:58
got reimbursment tho.!
David2001-07-17 21:50:17
yeah.. was a mistake to store 2 teleports.. yeah.. umm.. i believe you.. WUSS.. you are the überlord of wussynes..
Kosmo2001-07-17 21:51:21
Now you will die horribly again!!!
Backfire ©2001-07-17 21:54:35
Stored spells fixed in 10 mins.. flee canceled them, that's prolly why
Eàle2001-07-17 21:54:44
i would rather have a stored colour spray instead of that teleport david, belive me..
Quincy2001-07-17 21:54:57
That sort of thing happened with stored quakes one time in morthan and i mob ripped... You got reimbursment?! That is bullshit.
Vanir2001-07-17 21:58:58
Chuckle, Scipio never narrated anything so i happily sat in n gate thinking of some cunning plan to kill all those bns... ohwell, at least stormie died later... *comf* :(
Lochdale2001-07-17 22:07:05
Question: If your wimpy triggers and thus causes your stored spells to fail, why not have wimpy on zero? This makes more sense as under the new flee system you will continue to attempt to flee until successful regardless of the status of your wimpy. Any thoughts, comments?
morhol2001-07-17 22:14:03
well eale it knwo fact that panic cut your stored spells, that why i died before to u at trap, casue damm panic trigger ruined all my stotred quakes. i hate new flee
Eàle2001-07-17 22:29:57
i have never encountered that panic cut any of my stored spells with any of my chars..
Ramangth2001-07-17 22:46:28
I never ever noticed a failed flee to cancel storeds. only successful wimpy flees. When was this changed?
Rogon2001-07-17 23:00:31
it was changed with new flee, which obviously was not intended, so now its fixed so failed flee dont cancel stored spells anymore. happy storeporting.
morhol2001-07-17 23:28:31
damm so i shoudl get reimb for my detah on eale? lost 1 fb and 2 quakes there damm
Unknown2001-07-18 00:02:24
F1 is fireball idiots
Ilmarin2001-07-18 00:06:26
F1 is backstab @target!
F2 and F3 I always mix up, one is shoot, one is hit.....
Prist2001-07-18 00:26:38
B2h, why F1 or F12 when you can just type fb *elf and thats all u need to do! lazyasses :/
Chauncey2001-07-18 01:19:37
F12 = #zap!
Stormblast2001-07-18 02:04:15
I have F1 bound as 'nar HELP HELP HELP!'
Devastator2001-07-18 08:10:03
Lol Stormblast
Ciryo2001-07-18 08:53:00
F1???F2???F12??? Why ya guys dont use numpad, its handier:)
Core to Ciryo2001-07-18 09:45:20
Because you are faster to follow your target when he flees if you spam hit with 1 hand and directions with da other!
Kaldae2001-07-18 14:57:26
I get Eale has F1 as narr ********** EMERG TRANS ***************
Granvil2001-07-18 16:05:04
I'm behind the times.. which button do you use for flee? *blush*
Edvard2001-07-18 16:27:21
You could have killed nushenak you wimp!!!! (EALE)
nushenak2001-07-18 16:32:52
f1 = camprent

Core2001-07-18 16:36:36
I won't say who but a few years ago a guy I knowed had F12 for flee;flee;flee;flee;flee;word of recall, that was a nice feature when he accidently hit it by misstake. But on the other hand, when I started out I had F1 for info and F2 for stat;score cause I was to lazy to type, muahhahha
Ilmarin2001-07-18 17:52:16
Flee is on numpad 7. Open exit;flee on numpad 9.
And swim on numpad 1.
Ethar2001-07-18 18:24:29
why not store quakes instead of teleport? *boggle* cha wimpy 0!
Lochdale2001-07-18 19:53:52
No one answered my question. Pay attention people.
Francis2001-07-18 22:32:37
Hint: New flee, turn flee off? Ruduces spam you get. Since you can't flee out of closeable (if you wanted, which i doubt)

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