Storeport power!
posted by Cagim
2001-07-18 03:34:37
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Talk about storeporting at the right moment!
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Eàle2001-07-18 03:47:16
oh whine.. maybe know you know how i felt when i got spam hitted by 4 orcs and you in tbad thirsty ranger trap..
dax2001-07-18 04:21:29
Better to die with honour, then live as a fucknut..

For those of you who dont understand shit: Fucnuts are storeports.
Aglunk2001-07-18 04:43:14
There's honor in storeporting. Really. *rolls eyes*
Steele2001-07-18 04:49:29
Well, he's still sitting with his max eq and Cagim is rip at hidden island. You tell me what's honorable or not. In war, all is fair. Who won?
Wryak2001-07-18 06:15:38
So, why not sleep that mana? :P
Devastator2001-07-18 07:23:35
Nod Dax =P storeporters suck=P
Jahara2001-07-18 09:03:24
now why did the *elf* kill the baker first?
Hoeth2001-07-18 09:59:45
He spammed c 'fireball' man?????
Uinen2001-07-18 09:59:52
Eale might well have storeported, but it is in no way evident in this log. He started casting, you unlocked and opened, he fades out of existance - no damage taken during casting.
Tsejov2001-07-18 10:45:13
eale is a greedy storeporting eq whore!!!!!!
Rogon2001-07-18 11:33:53
Maybe the fact that eale never goes anywhere there's a risk for pk without stored ports is enough proof that this was a storeport...
Eàle2001-07-18 11:56:22
giggle rogon. and thejov im not greedy im not hoarding.. and rogon again, i died with full fine chain, staff, brd and so on to sharmak and co trapped at khuzur.. i dont know how many times i need to say this.. I DONT ALWAYS STOREPORT...
Axel2001-07-18 12:36:26
"I DONT ALWAYS STOREPORT", well - then either you had not enough mana, or forgot to store one :)
Irony2001-07-18 14:34:23
Look at all the people flaming Eale from storeporting from the player of SEVERAL storeporters. Doesn't his WHOLE LAB even storeport?
jerek2001-07-18 15:04:23
What is this crap? ... to storeport or not... to overkill or not... to trap or not... who gives a shit how you die.... it will happen to you and you will do it to others.Why would a puke or bn die to someone in closable jus to prove a point? ok so next time i am alone and get trapped or jumped or anything i ll jus go berserk or waste all my mana in some way so i can't port in anyway and die *honourably* maybe even post a log about it.... a lot that would gain me.... maybe they 'll spare my belt *ponder*.
Aram2001-07-18 15:07:01
i whacked baker so others couldn't loc. and port in
Dax2001-07-18 15:44:13
Jerek take your crap, and stick it up your ass.
faint2001-07-18 16:37:43
atlast! dax said something nice=) *blink dax*
balzak2001-07-18 19:52:30
couldn't they locate that first elf and port in that way?
Grimble2001-07-19 19:50:38
Yea like its sooooo much more honorable to hugegroup, poison, and trap all day than to storeport. Look at the pots calling the kettle black!
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