DT Massacre
posted by Kill
2001-07-23 03:40:13
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Did any orc loot my sunrocked corpse today? was ws gleaming etc
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Manaja2001-07-23 03:47:33
I did but for posting this log you'l never see em again.
Kill2001-07-23 04:36:36
So what ..like posting as a unnamed isn't worse..i was just curious ..whats your problem?
dispater2001-07-23 05:24:52
manaja is no orc he is just being an ass
Rackhir2001-07-23 05:39:42
Troll = experienced char =p sun = nogo go play puke
hezlim2001-07-23 05:50:18
so rackhir your saying pete is a newbie? i know he has sunripped before, does that mean he must play puke now? you math is a little off, sunrip does not=newbie, a lot of times sunrip=badluck
Tucsa2001-07-23 05:54:19
Rackhir + opening mouth = Don't know what the hell you are talking about!
Kahuna2001-07-23 06:08:21
Dumbfuck pukes broke dt door and lots trolls fighting didnt notice. Where is the honor in that :p
Rackhir2001-07-23 06:36:08
i must say all who play troll are newbis not to know that trolls suck =P

and btw i dont even know how he sunriped all i know is some trolls sunriped :p
Echo2001-07-23 07:56:13
Yeah Rackhir we all suck, just keep tellin yourself that, it makes the pain easier to deal with
Devastator2001-07-23 08:06:48
So Rackhir, the more you point to all other ppl saying they suck the less you can manage your own personality...
I feel bad for ya! And btw I know I suck don't need to tell me, I know myself better then u do=P
Wryak2001-07-23 10:58:03
Eh pukes broke door, we didn't darken - the ones that didn't realize its sun outside sunrocked by fleeing :(
Devastator2001-07-23 12:11:40
Comf on sundying but u should check time even in fight where u dyign like pig 6 times a minute=)
Utumno2001-07-23 14:27:33
Who all sundied?
thorzor2001-07-23 16:03:00
i have yer warsword atleast

nothing more tho=P
Kill2001-07-23 16:03:37
Didn't mean to flee..was autowimpy..forgot to go berserk..I was in it to
the death :>...only problem was I got blinded ..:> oh well, easy come,
easy go
Alcion2001-07-23 16:25:53
Jeah, Kill, go play whitie and read "help newbie". *chuckle* at everyone who
say things about ppl they don't have a clue of who they are. Comfs on death
Pete2001-07-23 17:06:53
the reason why i sunrip more then once is.. I DO SOME STUPID SHIT.. if that makes me a moron.. well.. then so be it.. *moron*
Kreil2001-07-23 17:28:27
Nod Alcion..>>>> I love it when people pop off their mouths to new characters, then someone
tells them.. "hey that's 'player'" etc. and suddenly they are quiet.

That's half the fun of new characters, to see which goofball is gonna smart off
to you.. Comf Kill..(Oh ya for the Braindead Rackhir) AKA.. Wes, Stussy,
Kakarot... Wohoo ya huge newbie. You dork....>>>>The Lobster
Unknown2001-07-23 18:06:56
Hehe, it's a good way to see which players are really cool also, if they are friends with you on your "popular" character and then asshole to a newbie then you know they aren't a good friend.
Fredde to hezli2001-07-23 18:07:33
nod pete is a newbie.
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