How not to do Unqalome :-)
posted by Melinda
2001-07-23 19:46:58
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NOOOOOOOOO PK so don't whine and say I didn't warn ya :-)
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Edvard2001-07-23 19:53:59
AHA haha hahahhaha hahahahahhahaha HA! ha! hahAAha.. ha...hahaahuuhhua..ha.hihihi.h.hahaha heh?
Wryak2001-07-23 19:56:41
Erm fball door more? it wasn't entirely cleared of ice u know?
Melinda2001-07-23 20:00:57
Yes Wryak it was entirely cleared from ice, already from the beginning when door closed (it was pop) if it says 'the door slams shut and thick ice covers..' blabla, then u need to Fball, but I just saw door close so I thought FB first :-( I only had to pick there but couldn't pick with my shitpicks.
Duh2001-07-23 20:03:26
Moonshade2001-07-23 20:12:56
1 fireball is always enough for unqa doors, except main entrance. Anyway, I think all supermob zones should be nopop when someone inside. Like Moria, Wightlord and some others are. Otherwise it is very unroleplayish and stupid. Comforts to Melinda and Shake.
Unknown2001-07-23 20:15:33
Is that area no-port?
Ozon2001-07-23 20:39:29
Of course it is bug, that it poped. You should got reimb for that.
Gurgel2001-07-23 20:56:28
nod make entire moria nopop when some1 is in it(!)
Rogon2001-07-23 21:08:58
I dont see how its a bug that a zone pops? 98% of the zones in the game pops with people in them. People mobdie when all kinds of doors pop. Bad luck for sure, but there is no BUG involved.
Moonshade2001-07-23 22:04:38
Sure 98% of zones repop while players inside. But for example, no zone in Moria ever repops while at least one player is in that zone (other Moria zones can repop at the same time though). Should be done same for all smob zones in my humble opinion.
Armodo2001-07-23 22:08:50

BBT pops even with players there. Perhaps WC does too, not sure.
Tsejov2001-07-23 22:25:43
i think its bullshit really... a smob zone should *NOT* repop with players in it
as moonshade states its very unroleplayish....
Ozon2001-07-23 22:41:11
It should pop unlocked at least like door at chief of tharbad. No door should suddently become closed/locked, when you have just opened/picked it. It doesn't matter, if you call it bug or feature, it is wrong behavior. The similar problem is mobs poping. It is bad, that whole zone pops with all mobs at once. All cities (Bree, Shire, Fornost, noc, warrens, moria) should pop step by step and mob should never pop in room where is player, who mob is agro on.
Melinda2001-07-23 22:46:27
I bugreported it... it's really weird when I get to think of it now, that the DOORS closes/locks but nothing else pops (shadows, keys, etc) and Unqalome doesn't move back to 'start position' (Ice Mound). Isn't it weird that only doors closes/locks themselves when everything else is dead/not at 'start position'?
Denethár2001-07-23 22:47:54
I think this log sucked so much ass...Moripped while reading it!!=(=(
Shake2001-07-23 22:49:24
Ok its propably one of 'features'. Really cant see reason for poping door
closed/locked there. Eh is it more rpish or what? ;)
Ozon to Moonsha2001-07-23 22:52:23
Yes, some places in moria are good example of right poping ( grey spider, Shaghosh, balrog ). But mezagor doors can pop, when you are in (maybe it is corrected now, never tryed, i always break it first). Down mustering and battlepits can pop too, when you are in.
Zedar2001-07-23 22:52:56
what mobs return to their start position on repopp melinda?
Garkan2001-07-23 22:56:02
*nod Zedar* that's bullshit that they should pop at start position.
Melinda2001-07-23 23:01:53
Ok I give ya right for that start position thingie but still isn't it weird that only doors closes and locks and nothing else in zone pops?
Rogon2001-07-23 23:04:14
I dont see why it would be more "unroleplayish" for a smob to pop than for any other mob. Or are smobs extra roleplayish? or should no zone pop? *twiddle* And both shake and melinda knows this pops with players in it FOR SURE
Rogon2001-07-23 23:04:49
And more uruks pop melinda, so you're wrong. shadows pop too.
Melinda2001-07-23 23:15:18
Hm I've been in when it popped like that and I didn't see 'a shadow has suddenly arrived' etc, so I thought shadows and shit didn't pop, just doors, I missed it totally then. Well live and learn (die and learn :-)) For me it was ok since I only climbdied and lost some eq but Shake lost tons of age/exps so worse for him :-( Sure would be better if they made smob-zones nopop while ppl are doing :-(
Shake2001-07-23 23:29:19
Of course i knew it pops .. I dont whine about death ..
And of course i think its not rpish if you enter door and it closes and *lock*
for apparently no reason (i know all doors do same).
But if you die to that it kind of sux *shrug*
Rogon2001-07-23 23:45:48
Well, if you want RP, i think you should stop playing shake when he dies for the first time. Because seriously, how much roleplay can it be to die over and over and always come back!
Crackle2001-07-24 00:11:09
Why do certain persons have this attitude that because one thing in MUME is not realistic, it's pointless to make other things more realistic?
hate2001-07-24 00:33:54
Giveme de best MUD ever and i'll give u thousands of no RP things.
Ozon2001-07-24 01:03:35
It doesn't matter, if it is RP or not. Problem is, that this is force_ppl_mobdie_at_pop "feature". Disable zone pop, when ppl are in, or make "Warning: Zone, you are in, is going to pop in XXX seconds!" message. It isn't RP solution, but sudden zone pop isn't much RP too. More RPish could be something like: "You hear noise of guards, returning to their former guardpost." some ticks before pop. The best solution would be wandering mobs, coming from places, you can never reach(like Rivendell, magical portal, ...), but poping mob from the middle of nowhere is the worst.
Rogon2001-07-24 01:16:58
I have another solution: plan for a pop and be ready if it happens.
Shriek2001-07-24 04:53:35
My motto as of late has been "shit happens, deal with it." *comf to Shake and Melinda* I know you'll both be back to where you were in no time, so it's all good. Never knew Unqa could be done with two people now. I might have to play more often when Shake plays and see if he'll teach me. =)
Moanwe2001-07-24 08:44:31
Definitely a bug. Should absolutely be no-pop when people are inside. Should also have more bunnies, butterflies and all those mean thingies should be replaced with daisy-wielding smurfs. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Ozon to Rogon2001-07-24 09:04:40
Your solution always means hugegrouping.
Evan2001-07-24 09:57:06
Something makes me belive they where more
Melinda2001-07-24 10:36:27
No was only me and Shake, why would I try to go out solo as BN if we were more? :-)
Tairach2001-07-24 11:45:41
Of course these kinds of repops are stupid. There should definitely be warning similar to lightning weather warning. But of course there are means to be ready for that. I.e. friend who keeps eye on clock and tells you when its gonna tick, but as some1 said, thats very unrpish. Tick is just silly DIKU feature.
Rogon to ozon2001-07-24 13:32:49
maybe smobs werent intended to be done with only 2 people anyway...? How many times have they tried to make sage/lord harder because it was too easy to do with 1/2 people? (always failint too, of course.)
Moonshade2001-07-24 14:52:10
Lord is still easy with 2 ppl, sage with 3. Unqa is possible with 2 players too, but takes time and dangerous
Lina2001-07-24 16:24:44
Nagrorh sometimes even resancs on pop, even when he's awful :)
wc pops always(due to stairs)
Rogon2001-07-24 16:46:50
So maybe they dont WANT those smobs to be easy with 2ppl, so its just good there's SOME risk for a small group? yeah? see what i'm trying to say? good.
Devastator2001-07-24 20:02:52
COMEON WC and BBT are no smobs that are pussies=P
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