posted by Svin
2001-07-25 23:05:25
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Jon2001-07-25 23:13:31
* HP:Fine>n
The hedgerow seems to be closed.

* HP:Fine>open The hedgerow

Nsl just doesn't learn 8P
Eàle2001-07-25 23:18:29
mycket bra ole :P
Svin2001-07-25 23:19:42
Hihi2001-07-25 23:20:19
Obvious trigger on door name :) but then again its not the worst cheating I've ever seen.
Svin2001-07-25 23:20:19
btw, I'm not nsl =)
Cagim2001-07-25 23:20:28
Mumma2001-07-25 23:21:49
svin isn't nsl :p he's storeportteenlab! We rock!
Cagim2001-07-25 23:21:51
And btw, that's no door triggercheating, Svin using The in front of all doors he
open/close even exit.
Unknown2001-07-25 23:24:28
Also: The secret, The slab (although I love how he uses 'the' in his trigger, it makes it kinda RP-ish.
Unknown2001-07-25 23:25:39
It's not cheating? Are you saying he actually took the time to type "The" for each exit? If his computer sets a variable for the exits, it *is* cheating.
Hihi2001-07-25 23:37:57
Would be nice to see a clear ruling on doorname triggers, I mean there is ALOT of people using it, including me.
Vurm2001-07-25 23:44:28
Why dont those foolish orcs come bm when i play :(
Jon2001-07-26 00:01:47
hhee.e.clarification ... when this guy gets demoted i suppose it's clear enough 8)
Cagim2001-07-26 00:06:11
Unknown is to stupid to even show his name, let's say that the variable for doors is $door, He got a button to - > Open the $door, is that hard to understand?
Unknown2001-07-26 00:12:07
Dolt2001-07-26 00:14:35
That's hard to understand. Why can't he just open the door like a real person instead of using a computer to open the doors for him? If he wants automatic doors he should go to the grocery store and run in and out the sliding doors and leave the rest of us alone. P.S. Be careful you don't knock over any bag-boys or old ladies. They kinda touchy about that.
David2001-07-26 01:42:08
hmpf.. why run?.. you were just low hurt and weak.. you shoulda killed jon and made them flee back to bree..
Unknown2001-07-26 06:46:18
as if Cagim doesnt have a door trigger action. riiight
Wryak2001-07-26 08:15:55
Cagim doesn't get it. Having a trigger that sets the variable automatically is ILLEEEEEEEEGAL. Why is it so hard to realize that? It's clearly stated in rules actions that if you bump into a door for example, it's not legal to have an action that sets that doorname as a variable.
Wryak2001-07-26 08:17:32
On the other hand, I do use a variable for opening doors too, much like everyone can use mume aliases (in fact thats what I did before getting a client - alias 2 open shatteredbranches alias 3 close vegetation), now its just dd1 shatteredbranches and dd2 vegetation, then just od, od2 etc. - nothing automatic, convenient to play with and at not (at least not yet!) illegal.
Sharmak2001-07-26 09:42:56
Its not illegal if client sets the doorvariable for u, its illegal to actionopen it, like if u hit the door u isnta open/close it ;)
Skojardu2001-07-26 09:50:09
As i was told it is illegal to have the client set the doorname so i only need to press #f1 open blabla
rza2001-07-26 10:22:07
fuck it, just demote the stupid cunt anyway
Aschit2001-07-26 13:51:29
I remember a very specific statement by a V+ that using a trigger to set doornames is illegal. I also remember in rules actions or something it said something like: "having your computer do anything for you that would be a benefit in pk is illegal". Besides, why risk demotion for the shit when all you have to do is have an alias for open exit? (Or open exit north, east, etc.)
Aschit2001-07-26 13:52:07
And Cagim, do you think it is *your* lab that is humiliated when someone calls you nsl? *tickle* :)
Cagim2001-07-26 14:16:50
You are all stupid!11, If someone have open the $door as a button but change the $door variable with a command like #alias {sd} {#var door %1} or something it's not cheating, all get it now?
Jon2001-07-26 14:19:10
And you are just as stupid Cagim 8) In this log it's clearly seen that he doesn't have an alias to change his variables.. he has a trigger!
Unknown2001-07-26 14:35:57
Why is that CLEARLY seen Jon? The client doesn't HAVE to show when variables are changed, and you get no feeling of time spent in front of hedgerow, so ...
Jon2001-07-26 14:39:06
I won't bother to answer to you Unknown wuss 8)
Jon2001-07-26 14:41:25
I won't bother to answer to you Unknown wuss 8)
Devastator2001-07-26 15:54:12
Cagim lab blows, we all know. NSL rocks 100 times more then that lab.
faint2001-07-26 16:33:33
but i rock more then both nsl and malmö lab together! and i am just 1 person!
iamgine me beeing like....4 persons!

hell CH-lab would rock!=)
a snot2001-07-26 17:55:08
HEJ! TROLL NÄSTNÄSTA VECKA ELLER? (kanske e i gtb o förbereder exjobb)
Trasis och jatt2001-07-26 18:55:06
um, lite mer exakt tid när vi ska spela isåf!
Ramangth2001-07-26 21:04:41 rules all
Onatah2001-07-31 10:46:28
dax att käka eq igen alltså
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