storming of bloodwight
posted by Dorfl
2001-07-27 14:34:27
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storming of bloodwight
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Winzy2001-07-27 14:46:24
Durlak2001-07-27 14:56:25
What's "nice" is in fact that Durcano was very very afk - I don't blame you at all for killing though
Devastator2001-07-27 15:02:45
AFK? I thought he was linkdead. Nice charge tho=P
Jimmy2001-07-27 15:08:30
laugh! nice killing linkless orc! shame
Unknown2001-07-27 15:15:41
Being afk is absolutely no reason to spare
Hyack2001-07-27 15:16:37
lets wait for durcano to come and claim that he lost link;)
Unknown2001-07-27 15:20:06
but look what eq he had!! no1 with such eq gets spared ever!!!!1
dragóth2001-07-27 15:40:34
durcano was afk, but looked linkdead. you should have left him!=P
Tsejov2001-07-27 16:07:48
and whats so special with that eq?
David2001-07-27 16:15:20
favorite part of the log, im guessing this is what happens when you try to type Meliza when in a killfrenzy =P ># $target is now set to {nekuza} [local]
Unknown2001-07-27 16:23:07
tsejov didn't get irony again, why to bother to explain;P
Unknown2001-07-27 16:23:21
Well Tsejov it was 2 pieces of shining in there, and I know you saw that but thought you would look cool by saying shining is nothing, sorry to ruin it for you.
Dorfl2001-07-27 16:30:42
lol, nod david, my favourite part of the log too, shrug, in log shows dragoth linkdead, went quite fast, wouldnt have killed if i noticed etc, the usual, it's a game, why would i spoil it by killing linkless if i knew..
Rogon2001-07-27 16:42:28
Hmpfh i didnt even notice that durcano might be afk/linkless when just reading the log normally, doubt i woulda noticed in fight either, since it probably went very fast, etc. Shit like that happens in big fights. he arrives in room atleast twice, might have been just wimpy flees from other pukes etc, but it looked somewhat like he moved.
Rogon2001-07-27 16:43:20
Btw how come darkies panic like that? geez, 3 of those pukes arent even legends! just a pack of lowbies, no way in hell darkies woulda lost that fight. 5 free kills, and you run away from it!
Drenical2001-07-27 16:51:55
Nod rogon... thought this would be one of the usual whitie overkill logs, but if darkie group would've stayed calm for a minute there'd been 5 dead pukes.. unprofessional. :)
whois durcano2001-07-27 16:52:49
killed again w/o having link
Unknown2001-07-27 16:55:30
Hmm, an experienced player like Durcano would probably set linkdrop, so he wasn't linkdead. And why would he go afk while fighting?
Smrtihlav2001-07-27 17:01:38
3 casters were no mana, i was already some down without armour ate 2 spells insta, no way we could win Rogon specially not with afk durcano
trevok2001-07-27 17:09:03
Why the fuck would you go AFK at bloodwight?
*ponder* He must have good actions set up do handle mobs...
Wryak2001-07-27 17:17:24
Doubt Dorfl woulda noticed him not being there, however he didn't take dmg from full->rip just from Dorfl's hits, surely someone else noticed it.
Tarden2001-07-27 17:32:38
we got cought by suprise.. as you could see, as Smrtihlav said.. casters with no mana, durcano afk me hurt/smrt hurt without spells up.. no way we woulda won
that fight as for the afk kill.. you all know had he been at computer you wouldnt of got that kill..
Everhate2001-07-27 17:48:43
So was he afk, was he linkless? 2 people in his group say he was afk, but his whois says he was linkless! Or now does afk = linkless?
Meliza2001-07-27 17:55:44
Another fullset gone, reequip here I come...

PS. Any twisted crown spare? =)
Everytime2001-07-27 18:17:44
meliza dies I applaud, great to see she is dying over and over
Jon2001-07-27 18:25:08
Damn! All you needed was Shake.. he'd have soloed em all 8()
Vargas2001-07-27 19:01:51
yeah not like Dorfl killed linklessbefore
Moonshade2001-07-27 19:42:23
Heh, it looks to me that pukes fuckuped with blocking. Everyone except Meliza and linkdead Durcano got out quite easy.
Unknown2001-07-27 20:19:46
door was blocked later to see witch side is winning
Tsejov2001-07-27 20:55:09
I didn't say shining is nothing but that unknown was saying 'that eq and he dont spare anything' I'm not saying shining is no good
Rogon2001-07-27 21:14:57
if i know the czechs right they probably did unqalome, dragon, gc, bw, etc, etc etc !
Smrtihlav2001-07-27 21:27:11
and if i knew rogonfuck he already killed all spiders in arda, i hate you poison using ass
Jon2001-07-27 21:40:25
Pfff.. how obviously fake Smrtihlav
Rogon2001-07-27 22:01:52
why bother making a comment in my name? yawn.
Rogon2001-07-27 22:02:44
Wasnt gothmog gonna fix this site june/july and get rid of the childish preteens?
Rackhir2001-07-27 22:15:28
rogon working on his multiple personalities *giggle* didnt wanna upset his only friends but i guess he did
Gurgel2001-07-28 15:10:37
smrti is preteen? Or who u mean? :/
Unknown2001-07-29 03:02:37
rofl i didnt notice he only fled 1 room at a time! jesus! ROFL
Devastator2001-07-30 11:07:06
Comf Rogon, same happening here ppl commenting in my name. Don't care too much about it, Gothmog won't fix it prolly =P
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