I was the fireball throwing elf. Was unfourtunate as we did not even know that you had died until Morgan happened to check trophy. Good fight though, you rocked us the second time around. Hard luck on the flees mate.
2001-07-28 09:30:00
Never trust a pack horse, they are used for warez, not elves.
2001-07-28 10:23:09
Don't walk on foot with climb on unless you are sure you really want to climb.
2001-07-28 18:55:59
*comf* Buddy, next time we kill them all!
2001-07-30 11:35:58
That looked like a nice pk fight to me, comf on having climb on, it happens to all trolls someday. But really make it a habit to have it OFF unless U DON'T NEED IT since you can sundie at necro having it on for example=P (happened to my troll Karate and Luke's troll Manandoun)