posted by Thalantyr
2001-07-30 02:09:27
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You can all eat shit with this flee, this is really annoying when u need no skil
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Meliza2001-07-30 02:29:44
Thats what you get after 6 hours of hugegrouping =)

Silwyth2001-07-30 02:30:06
150 defense DOES NOT eat shatters like that, at least i've never ate them like that, where you aggr?
Jocke2001-07-30 02:30:47
Tell me what way that is? A fight 5 vs 5 and you lost when your friends left you.
We were trying to fight you 3 vs 4 or 5 all the night and lost. WE then decided
to get an equal number in our group to be able to actually be able fight you.
this resulted in 2 of you dying, and it was not due to our skill but to your
lack of it.
Elistan2001-07-30 02:31:02
Huge *comf* man, new flew does increase the power of huge groups.
Unknown2001-07-30 02:39:24
Don't see how you can blame the new flee on you dying. First of all, there was absolutely no co-ordination on the puke's side. Second, you're trying to mount a horse while fighting....nice try. Then you're already attempting to flee but you still start spamming "flee". You played like a newbie, and you died like a newbie.
Everhate2001-07-30 02:43:18
Didn't change anything in this log from what I saw. New flee bites and does affect being spammed down by bigger numbers on faster links, but this log in no way shows that at all. You got bashed on hurt, ate some smites and harms, failed a flee and died. At my work, we have a an acronym for things like this, it's called NAPWAD (not a problem worth addressing).
to Everhate2001-07-30 02:50:01
Olorion2001-07-30 02:58:48
yes we lost,, after you killed hmm. "the cleric"...
Meliza will from now on be my prime target. bolted my armour down, and me to wounded when i was icy tired..
..suck to be me..
Unknown2001-07-30 03:06:38
150 slashing with glowsword? Thats some pretty shit defense. My crusher has 160def!
Draaz2001-07-30 03:24:34
bwahah.. when i was Bad.. i heard, Nator bashed.. then some secs later Nator has arrived from above, so i hit.. he is hurt and i am bad.. he flees runs=P reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeespect.. =P
Jon2001-07-30 03:44:08
Oh Shut up you newbie Unknown. Ofcourse it was the new flees fault.
The guy typed flee just after he recovered from first bash - failed 3 flees and ate another
Had it been old flee he could've managed to try at LEAST 6 flees during that time.

And silwyth 8p with 3 enemies on you and you bashed the 150 defence ain't 150 anymore *pfft*
Unknown2001-07-30 03:54:07
Hmm .... You start fleeing on hurt (after bash wears off). You then get 3 flee attempts in before next bash. Your wimpyflee kicks in on bad (which actually gets you OUT of the bash, something the old system wouldnt have accomplished) where you miss another flee. The old system MIGHT have given you ONE extra attempt at fleeing before the second bash, but that's all (according to your own spam). Only dex, will, attack skill and exits count in flee, NOT defense, and setting your wimpy that low WILL get you susceptible to bash-deaths. Sorry, but i actually don't see the new flee making a difference here.
Jon2001-07-30 03:55:19
New flee is T O N S slower than old flee.. with old flee one could flee like 4x per round
with autowimpy on 5x per round.. with attack skill 6x per round! SO HUSH About your ONE extra flee
itS TONS EXTRA FLEES with old system! Dead fact.
Olorion2001-07-30 03:59:05
quoting unknown:
Your wimpyflee kicks in on bad (which actually gets you OUT of the bash, something the old system wouldnt have accomplished)
. this is a newbie since the old system DID make your autowimpy make you flee OUT from a bash.
Unknown2001-07-30 04:03:11
Yes, Jon you could spam a lot, and spam back to where you left etc., but since he spammed rem cloak, rem fur etc, he would have missed that opportunity anyways, and since he was wearing fur, i doubt that he had 150 defense, especially during the first bash, where he was aggressive
Rogon2001-07-30 04:07:56
Unknown who said that old flee would give one flee attempt more, you got shit for brains. even the FASTEST bash is ATLEAST 3 seconds (=12 flee attempts with old flee).
Silwyth to Jon2001-07-30 04:10:16
Wtf I wasn't talking about when ALL are engaged, i'm talkin when he enters room, Jaanor engages him insta and he eats shatter before other orcs hit or anything. THAT does NOT happen. When i would flee from Norsu group they couldn't hit me. Flee, 1.Approach could occur 2.Others wouldn't engage fast enough to give me pb malus thus making orc that hit me fail miserably.
Jon2001-07-30 04:24:25
You obviously haven't seen a true Uruk in battlerage.
8P 150 defence is peee...
Unknown2001-07-30 04:31:08
Look, how long would you judge the time between the second panic after the first bash and the second bash to be? Multiply that timespan with your estimated spam-flee and subtract one, and you'll get the extra flees he could have gotten in using the old system. I'd like shorter flee rounds too, but I doubt he would have gotten 9 more flees in, mainly because of his cloak/fur-spam
Wryak2001-07-30 06:31:34
Dear unknown fuckhead, would he have spammed that useless bullshit if he could have gotten more flees in by not doing it? Nowadays you just sit back and relax while you die to not being able to flee.
To Everfag2001-07-30 06:59:15
I have a little saying at work that we call STFU.
Everhate2001-07-30 07:17:35
Or what? You keep on using 3rd grade insults from behind an alias? I mean I don't blame you, seeing it's got to be pretty embarassing to be how old and still have less creativity in your skull than the avg burnt popcorn kernel.
*a burnt popcor2001-07-30 08:22:38
Ya wanna just leave me outta this? Thanks.
Unknown2001-07-30 09:38:08
lol, Meliza says thats what you get for hugegrouping for hours,
yet thats all she does every day, is follow people for wps she
could never get by herself. Fucking hilarious =)
To Everfag2001-07-30 10:50:25
Is it not pretty embarrasing to be that old and still
live for a computar game everhate bah
Devastator2001-07-30 11:02:59
It would be nice if people stop blaming their deaths on the new flee system. I posted last week a log of my death too. I died against like 10+ pukes in a bottleneck, but it was because of my own stupid fault not using my scrolls in time nor running north instead of east/west. This death was just because YOUR group lost the fight. Ppl actually die now in pk, instead of flee out all the time and now they blame the new system because pk in open is possible again =/ would you want the old trappk times back?
Gräve2001-07-30 12:02:48
for every log someone posts showing how they died to flee I can
post 10 logs showing where i fled and lived. gimme a break with
this please
Giant Frog2001-07-30 12:31:23
Deva made pretty good point about "real" changes, but stil - flee should be #FASTER#
diediedie2001-07-30 12:41:11
ummm Thalantyr should be talking he overkills more than most pukes all the time...
He gets his ass kicked by a far superior force and he whines about new flee system.
I say tough luck, he can dish it out but he cant take it when it happens to him.
Tairach2001-07-30 13:18:15
Definitely another death caused by new flee system. This shit can happen to any of us, and if nothing is changed, it will. 1 more reason for ppl to play wimpier.
Nod Tairach2001-07-30 13:25:14
Yeah, ppl don't quit but walk in huge grps... thanks to gods who tried to give chance for soloplayers... NO. Only soloexpingsmiter may have some better luck.
Fredde2001-07-30 14:16:06
oh poor little you! you go around with 5 and meet a group of 5 and die and blame the new flee.
Enforcer2001-07-30 15:03:52
new flee blows goat anyway, i'm not gonna go out solo except as troll =)
Dear unknown fu2001-07-30 15:24:18
Yes, he would. He actually DID type flee, followed by the cloak/fur-spam followed by another flee before he came out of bash. This pretty much just shows that he WOULD have done the same in the old system. In most logs you see that people haven't yet adjusted to the new flee, and usually type flee a couple of times before they get the fact. Sometimes out of habit, sometimes in panic.
Astar2001-07-30 15:37:17
New flee? 'train on portal' & 'train off soloplay'... whatever
Thalantyr2001-07-30 17:05:47
Should i send a log about ford fight 3 on 3 when i dodged 2 bashes from Jaanor and 3 from Denzel? Yes i was aggro with fur, that sucked. But i can say that i would have got around 10 flee attempts in with the old system. Yes, 2 of us died to u before it but it was not my fault cus i was standing calm , hitting orcs and spamming rescue ,i was the last to leave battlefield (pity it didn't help). Anyway we revenged Nator's death to Denzel and saved his eq...
Thalantyr2001-07-30 17:06:56
Portal, 75% leadership, hold spell - that is the key of success with this new system...
Edvard2001-07-30 17:57:59
Well duhh.. Lets stop blaiming everything on new flee.. call it "no luck" instead, since this is the way this game is now coded, and you all have to live with it.
Ramangth2001-07-30 22:27:48
Umm, Edvard, that's saying people with max dex 'have all the luck' when they are fleeing. Its coded in the system, not pulled out of a hat.
Fredde2001-07-30 23:23:15
okay now iam laughing my arse off. thalantyr aka haazheel posted a second log about the new flee in like 4 days or something. how retarded are you? pls ainurs make another crappy change so the whiners can post other logs about that change. and whine that they died cuz the new change and shit. bah!
Jocke2001-07-31 10:51:49
thalantyr aka haazheel, you better stay off when i'm playing as i would only kill you again. :)
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