Jon dies
posted by Nótt
2001-07-31 04:10:52
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Lame log, but ppl asked me to post here ya go
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gretna2001-07-31 04:14:02
i got about 10 los at least then hehehe , ;)
Jon2001-07-31 04:14:34
8P I thought you did't get any kills from trapping Everhate
about time2001-07-31 04:16:49
live by the trap die by the trap
Boomer2001-07-31 04:17:59
*chuckle* Everhate wasnt trapping, he was coming to help us to see if corpses were looted, since Gabriel cant seem to do nothing without trapping somewhere, or luring to a trap.
Aschit2001-07-31 05:33:29
I would have laughed my ass off RL if they broke and he got out after Everhate narrated Jon dies :)
Everhate2001-07-31 05:35:52
It's happened before! hehe
Nótt2001-07-31 05:36:15
Fortunatelly your ass is still can be useful sometimes
Morgan2001-07-31 05:54:26
Comf for to die this way to kill this way! gratz for all da orcs ...i like all them orcs and both them pukes ....bahhh
Everhate2001-07-31 06:15:48
If Gabriel had entered and Gray stayed, might have been an interesting fight. Unfortunately for Jon, his compadres pussed out and he died. But, not to let him go to waste, I fashioned a nice lampshade out of his skull to read the Mordor Daily News at night with.
Gray2001-07-31 06:28:16
Everhate: we just killed 2 orcs here inside, and I was only caster. Then I broke down my own block and was simply MANALESS. You did shadow faster than I was able to sleep mana and break again. Well, bad luck for Jon - comfs, but it was really pointless to stay all inside and die all 3...
gretna2001-07-31 06:28:21
hehe i tink gabriel was bad thru luring tho ;*(
an interior dec2001-07-31 06:30:10
Silly Everhate! Everybody knows that you can't make a bright light out of a dim Jon. You want a reading lamp, go kill a firefly.
Kazan2001-07-31 07:45:41
mmm,wusses? i lead 2 into your group of 4,was bad hit u who were fine,and u all fled. the only way we won that fight and nott getting away awful eventually:( was that u guys fled around like wusses instead of fighting
Kazan2001-07-31 07:46:02
was to everhate btw
Jon's Mom2001-07-31 07:55:04
Oh,good! hope you now realize this game is nothing compared to being with your family. come home Jon...pls....
Shining2001-07-31 10:39:05
* R W C>get all.shining corpse
Zhagrat2001-07-31 10:48:31
Did I miss smthing but why didnt jon use rock ?
Screyo2001-07-31 10:48:56
Whoretrapping bastard, now everhate can gimme back the jeweled ring he stole! *cackle*
Unknown2001-07-31 11:33:52
Enforcer2001-07-31 11:41:39
thats what i was pondering, why he didn't use rock
Wut2001-07-31 12:00:43
Seems to me he used the rock but it was obviously saved..DUH
donovan2001-07-31 12:52:51
he used rock, but my mighty block survived it!
Elestir2001-07-31 14:09:41
Shoulda used da rock right away, followed by "get rock" command in case it gets thrown on open door.
Really no point to wait for block. :-)
Boomer2001-07-31 14:30:33
Gab was fine and then he fled into fence and I ran in there and spam closed, somehow Doomer got in through my spam! He was bad screaming for help like a bitch before Jon showed. =P
Alcion2001-07-31 14:35:23
I hope you enjoyed it Jon, because you deserved it more than anyone else. And
for the looting, suprise surprise, Gretna got both corpses, orc and Jon. *clap*
Porien2001-07-31 14:47:34
Gray got break door, or i'am wrong ? :P
Zubr2001-07-31 15:10:30
The nevertraping everhate ;P
Tarden2001-07-31 15:12:41
Everhate.. i dunno if i like you or not.. but ya killing him MAKES ME HAPPY!
good work all grats Nott gretna and yes.. Everhate
Jon2001-07-31 15:45:37
Pff don't tell me i should've used rock before block, I know i should have.
And i've seen you all fuck up with rocks on wrong did i 8p
I thought i have main door set for fence.. unluckily i didn't so i had to
change that and then rock it took me long enough for donovan to block.

I'll trap you guys back 8P *nod self*
Zhuk2001-07-31 15:54:14
Darkies overspammed at closing, and did Gray spam open when he left north ?
Nótt to Kazan2001-07-31 16:38:34
Learn to count dear...your group of two was 4 pukes, and we were all low hps and it was sun
gretna2001-07-31 17:13:29
rofl gretna loots as always blahblah, i gave fukin away loot, besides as if all shouldnt be spam looting with pukes al around and loot like that ? , u didnt see that the door was open as shadow died 2 ....... bleh
Drenical2001-07-31 17:56:03
Everhate whines like a retard in every log Jon posts about the megaoverkilling he does... and then is proud about this?.. *sigh*
Everhate2001-07-31 19:02:51
When did I ever claim to be proud about this Drenical? This was no trap other then that I went to go help the oomers out (who had just been trapped :/) and Jon walked in, I hit Jon, and Donovan blocked. We didn't have lurers, we had been there 20 seconds maybe, etc. Now even if this does count as a 'trap', I hardly think I have even 1/100th of the trap time or reputation Jon does. All this was for me was more exp.
Zubr2001-07-31 19:04:32
Everhate u are SOO full of shit :)
Drenical2001-07-31 19:09:57
You are soo proud to be the one who kill Jon finally, but I'm not saying you trap all the time.. I honestly don't know what kinda player you are.. just find it kinda amusing that a couple of logs down you puke all over Jon with your complaints about his trapping, and then seeing how he dies in this log.
gabriel2001-07-31 19:12:13
laugh at boomer. btw we didn't wuss out on fight. we never entered fence the second time. then jon got stuck and we couldn't break. as for my screaming boomer, that was a narrate to backtrap u after u tried 2 on 1 vs me. thanks for the equip
Kazan to Nott2001-07-31 20:00:19
mmm,i said i lead 2(!)=we were 3, i was bad none of u were below hurt i think, and yes it was a dark room...
Nótt2001-07-31 20:05:35
hehe I was around 20 hps....but well...managed to cure up to 80 hps though
Everhate2001-07-31 20:19:15
We were at Last Inn when the oomers narrated for help Zubr :/ That's some cool trap, bet you'd never expect us to lure from there! As for Kazan, you may have only had 2 with you, but there were ALOT more legends there (one's who actually had wps as opposed to you ;) ). Maybe in all the spam you didn't notice Eiwowiel, Gabriel, Morgal, Wendle, Gray, Norglin, and a few other unnamed dudes.
Add in a few rangers and we are much closer to the truth about your heroics.
Everhate2001-07-31 20:25:10
Almost forgot Drenical. There is a big differance between an occasional trap and permatrapping the same locations over and over again. Do you evenknow what a trap really is? It's not running from Last Inn to fence to check out corpses, have a hobbit walk in, and kill it. That's good fortune alright, but it's not a trap. Now what I did as Brynhilde to Shake's group, that was a trap!
Drenical2001-07-31 20:52:24
What's shown in this log is a trap... I guess the log doesn't show the whole truth, and I don't know the other circumstances. Hell, I like trapping... yeah it's fun to spam down an orc now and then, but what really gets the adrenaline pumping is sitting and waiting in a trap and have someone enter, narrate to close and go berserk.. then if it was a single bn that died to our group of five, I'm not very happy about it but if was like in the log two over this one it's the coolest thing that can happen in mume, next to 1v1 fights where someone dies. Like Falemir says all the time "The only way to die in mume is moveless or in a trap"... how many other ways of dying can you name?
Zubr2001-07-31 21:34:19
Everhate i know why u dont trap, u are too afraid of backtrap! We charge dt very much and get backtraped also and die also there and yes i get my adrenaline when i trap risky traps, we try pulling out 6 v 4 (us) traps etc so u dont know anything about trapping! And yes i agree with drenical, its booring to spamm kill some1 with a group. I solo at Noc almost everyday i play, i see solo orc he instacalls some more and finally there are some 5 legends trying to kill me, so i call backup and try to trap em or just spam kill em, no fun there! And btw see ya all in a trap!
Zubr2001-07-31 21:35:28
I ment that its not fun to go solo when ppl dont wanna fight 1 vs 1 so i get group and overkill!
Kazan to Everha2001-07-31 22:09:05
Mmm,the reason i don't have wps as opposite to you, is that i am a suicide char, and got balls(which u apparently don't have),i give a fuck about wps, i get overkilled all the time, but so what?
Everhate2001-07-31 22:31:33
How can you have balls if I continually chop em off Kazan? Suiciding is not brave, as you have NOTHING to lose when you die except for your backsword and GH map. When you die, nobody gives a flying fuck. When I die the whole whitie side does a little dance and festivals break out on the streets of Bree.
Kazan2001-07-31 23:06:14
mmm,i play to have fun,i.e i fight solo fights and end up overkilled etc. and you say you are proud to be an overkiller who never fight fair fights? cos the pukes will dance when the cowardfuck dies?
Doomer2001-07-31 23:13:26
Gabriel dont hand me that bullshit about you trying to backtrap us after we tried to trap you. You tried some 3+ times to trap us many times before but we never ever entered because your lame and we know thats what you do. Instead of doing fence your plan was to do hunter trap, instead we never entered and you fled into fence, we followed, we kicked your ass, and you narrated like a little girl for help. Simple as that (thats why more than the "expected trap group" came).
Boomer2001-08-01 00:53:43
UHHHHHHHHHHHH! Gabriel, We did not try to 'trap' you at ANY TIME, Doomer didnt want to enter for you in hunter, because he thought Jon was on the other side of door, I seen you flee south into fence, and got horny for kill and LEFT doomer and spam closed to my fakkin DEATH. So what you talking about Willis?!
Boomer2001-08-01 01:18:05
Zubr, you are cool dude =/ *nod self* If its not fun going to NOC solo, why go? *chuckle* and EVERYDAY as you claim? And why would you expect to go NOC and NOT have Orcs around? Its what Orcs call 'home'. Kazan, no one gives a rat's ass about who you are, your play style, or your thoughts on others play style's.
gabriel2001-08-01 01:24:26
gabriel2001-08-01 01:25:42
heh nobody was ever in hunter u 2 jerkoffs :) I fled into trap on purpose doomer. u kicked my ass cuz I let u, and yep I called jon and another. 3 on 2 and u 2 died like pigs and u cry like babies. so sad so sad.
Everhate2001-08-01 01:58:44
Kazan, most newbies know at least to shut the fuck up. How is 7+ legends and rangers vs 4 orcs and I still almost killed you an unfair fight? Yes, scarred is dark area, but it was sun out. The only reason you lived is cause I got hit by rangers multiple times chasing you down. You were far more lucky than good, that's for sure. I know it's unfair of me to pick on a retard so slow he still hasn't figured out the brief command yet, but I'm an evil orc, what can I say.
Boomer2001-08-01 03:14:40
I am not crying, I'm laughing at you=) You have no skill, unless trap is involved, unless someone is there to save your scrawny ass my man=) Now go play in your village, with the rest of the childen =PPPPP
Unknown2001-08-01 07:15:05
Kazan2001-08-01 07:16:33
Sorry to bring this to you but it was southern dc, and no other pukes in zone,we were 3 and entered on u 4,u mighta been low,but i started bad and u fled like a schoolgirl. end of story.
Doomer2001-08-01 07:18:11
Hrmm died like pigs and 3 vs 2? I remember seeing 4 vs 2 in there. But whatever, your lame, your pk ways are lame, its as simple as that. Hehe, if Jon isnt around you wont dare come to Noc. And as for cry like babies? Oomers dont cry. And sure "you let us" kick your ass, thats why you spam fled and tried to flee out.
Kroms2001-08-01 08:11:15
Everhate is a prick nothing more...
His ego needs to come down a few notchs
Kroms2001-08-01 08:12:04
you arent that good says the last chick you fucked
Jon2001-08-01 08:26:21
Short summary: Everhate trying to be someone he ain't.
Doomer spamming some deep shit.
Gabriel boasting about his trap lurer skills.
Drenical solving some personal issues with Everhate.
And some random good work, lame work etc. comments 8)
Everhate2001-08-01 08:38:35
Yep, I'm a prick with an ego Kroms. Maybe if I stopped spam killing your chars I wouldn't have these problems. And while I may not be good, I got enough Golasgil/Kroms on trophy to build a corpse bridge to the moon. Doesn't exactly speak highly of your playing skills either ;)
Rogon2001-08-01 17:06:12
So people who doesnt trap, does it because they're afraid of backtraps? Nice try to make trapping sound cool/brave/daring and everything else it's not. Trapping is boring waits and easy kills
a snot2001-08-02 16:43:25
Trapping is not easy kills unless you overkilltrap, and spending all time running around with superchars playing permasafe and overkilling people surely sounds fun to everyone of us who played this game for several years. Well i was here today and now im gone again so no use flaming me here!
Kroms2001-08-02 23:09:22
no i suck at this game so now i move on :P
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