Mume Audit
posted by Some Ainu
2001-08-06 15:11:23
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Biggest ego on Mume (In no particular order)

1. Devastator
2. Relim
3. Mumma
4. Eale
5. Rogon

Biggest whiner on mume (I only know one)

1. Devastator

Greatest EQ hoarders

1. Devastator (Popular guy ain't he)
2. Rogon
3. Eale
4. Relim

And last comment on the player you think mume would be best without...
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Core2001-08-06 15:24:37
How about Manwë!
Unknown2001-08-06 15:29:38
We need an american IMP!
About the whine2001-08-06 15:30:05
Half of the darkies fit into the whiners list... At least on ;)
Re: Whiners2001-08-06 15:32:13
I would have to say that whitties are the biggest whinners! But darkies are beginning to follow the trend. Perhaps people like deva should play whittie?
Devastator2001-08-06 15:33:44
You forgot to put cz in the list of eqhoarders=p
Most Helpfull2001-08-06 15:37:15
1. Devastator
Biggest storepo2001-08-06 15:48:48
Edvard2001-08-06 15:50:22
hahahahha lol, poor david storeported once with regin, and that will come stalking him for the rest of his life =p
Relim2001-08-06 15:51:18
Sheesh, one thing I dont do is hoard... i give away tons of shit. I narrated ONCE about trading something for some fine chain, some idiot now holds this against me for life! Oh, wo is fucking me!
Chuckle2001-08-06 15:53:21
Relim bitching and his name is there, now that's something!
Edvard2001-08-06 15:59:23
Do you say having good eq the same thing as hoarding?? I seriously doubt Devastator/relim/eale hoards.. Rogon on the other hand, i dunno... all i know is he died with what? 9 iron rings etc? =p but who the fuck cares really, if they are skilled enough to kill lotsa enemies/do lotsa supermobs, and if they do it with guys that already have those eq, why couldnt they keep it? why should they have to give it to someone who had absolutely nothing to do with the kill?
Celorfilas2001-08-06 16:02:03
Why are some people so obsessed with how other people play the game? That's a good poll question, too bad no one except Unknowns will answer.
Edvard2001-08-06 16:03:10
sure, personally i think its quite lame to keep eq in some fucking backpack, when you dont really need it, but i also think its their choice. if the now managed to kill someone, they should atleast be rewarded with the option of keeping everything to themselves (if they want). Its totally lame to whine at em for it imo, get out the and kill some enemies of your own instead!
Relim2001-08-06 16:07:01
Celorfilas, that's a jolly fine point.
GORETONGUE2001-08-06 16:07:49
#1 in all categories: UNKNOWN the Gutless Wonder
Vale2001-08-06 16:13:28
To Celorfilas. Everyone thinks their way is right. Many of these folks think that if their way is right, then everyone else's way is wrong. So these folks try to 'push' their beliefs onto others. Ever heard of The Crusades dude? It's human nature. Some of us KNOW we are right and silently ignore and leave the others to their own foolish designs. *wink*
Unknown2001-08-06 16:17:30
We rock!
Eàle2001-08-06 16:19:08
calling me a eq order is like calling rogon a poison hater.. anytime you fell like it get a +v to show you my pouches and backpacks..
Grill2001-08-06 16:21:48
I bet eale made this log to put his names among famous ppl.
Wellknown2001-08-06 16:38:14
1.Rogon 2.:) 3.Relim (sic!) 4. goes for storeporter, and winner is... Mestan
David2001-08-06 16:44:56
lol, i bet the unknown that put me on storeporterlist is either pHaazheel, pZhagrat or pBelemoth, because the only time I storeported was at tmt vs them when they were poisoning and i was checking Falemirs corpse without remove poison..
Lochdale2001-08-06 17:16:16
Relim its woe no wo. I am here to help.
Hoarders2001-08-06 17:18:10
1. Vainamoinen! 2. Elestir 3. Caress
Unknown2001-08-06 17:58:28
I agree that most of darkies that comment logs and post them are the
greatest whiners. If a puke rips and says he/she had a bad link they whine and
say that the reason was not link but the uncompetence of playing skill.. when a
darkie rips then they whine about bad link, unluck, etc..
jimmy2001-08-06 17:59:21
laugh, devastator made this "log" to win more popularity? lame.
Bubla2001-08-06 18:18:44
In eqhoarders cathegory you forgot Elestir.
Unknown2001-08-06 19:41:54
Actually u forget close to every *.cz :)

A faithful read2001-08-06 19:44:41
*yawn* This joint is becoming a real waste of space. Much like most Mume players.
Devastator2001-08-06 20:29:21
I'm not a guy I'm a bitch! Geez stupid Maia!
Tarden2001-08-06 21:58:17
1.ME :( 3.any and all nsl :)
Padarah2001-08-06 22:09:46
Well said, Celorfilas
Ytinas Ni2001-08-06 22:50:37
I have by far the largest ego on mume. I just prefer not to share it with anyone else, its MINE!
Relim2001-08-06 23:27:39
Irish, it's not, not no. I'm only here to be facetious. ;)
*a newbie bn*2001-08-06 23:46:05
Once i found a big bag of meat, i dont know what kinda meat, some was smoked though, and instead of eating it all myself i gave some to other peoples and even an *orc* that i met on the road who didn't give me nothin, i think it was everhate, and then a fish killed me so that is a lesson why not to horde stuff cause you never know when you going to run into a fish. It is also a good reason to hate fish, which i do. A LOT!!
Wellknown2001-08-06 23:56:18
*a newbie bn* made a good point here, but yes, all *cz/*.ee players are awful hoarders, really strange since they die anyways:) Vainamoinen, however, as Elestir and Caress, are called hoarders since logs of their equipment were posted here some...
Zhagrat2001-08-07 00:49:57
I always use my name on comments so wasnt me who commented that
Everhate2001-08-07 01:03:24
Kind of hard to call Caress a hoarder when all she hoards are gems and jewels, and offers a service for everyone donated to her too!
Manatark2001-08-07 01:13:37
You haven't seen the last of me yet!
Edvard2001-08-07 02:26:48
heh.. nod everhate, thats whoring, not hoarding =p
Shriek2001-08-07 03:57:28
Ooo... Caress female? It's been too long since I last played with Melinda, or Tiara... *stretch*
The Fish2001-08-07 04:58:33
It was all skill baby!
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