Traverza says: all ready
* W C>Astor has arrived from the north.
Traverza leaves south.
Ramm leaves south.
Cele leaves south.
Mopi leaves south.
You follow Traverza.
Great Hall
A dark shadow, wreathed in flames and exuding malevolence, towers above you.
Toe has arrived from the north.
Storarvid has arrived from the north.
You nod solemnly.
Cele nods solemnly.
* W C>Great Hall
A dark shadow, wreathed in flames and exuding malevolence, towers above you.
Traverza the Cave Troll is standing here (Glowing).
Ramm the Hill Troll is standing here.
Cele the Hill Troll is standing here.
Mopi the Hill Troll is standing here.
Toe the Cave Troll is standing here (Glowing).
Storarvid is standing here.
* W C>
The Balrog swiftly dodges Traverza's attempt to pound it.
The Balrog seems to draw energy from the lava and grows stronger.
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
* W C the Balrog:Healthy Traverza:Fine>
Storarvid recites a purple scroll.
Storarvid is surrounded by a white aura.
Storarvid creates a noxious cloud around Storarvid!
Ramm nods solemnly.
Toe nods solemnly.
Storarvid smites the Balrog's head hard and tickles it.
The Balrog smites Traverza's left arm extremely hard and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
Cele gets a purple scroll from a sable pouch.
Ramm pounds the Balrog's right leg extremely hard and tickles it.
Mopi pounds the Balrog's right foot very hard and tickles it.
The Balrog swiftly dodges Toe's attempt to pound it.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>Cele recites a purple scroll.
Cele is surrounded by a white aura.
Cele creates a noxious cloud around Cele!
ass traverza
No way!
You are fighting for your life!
The Balrog swiftly dodges Cele's attempt to cleave it.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
You smite the Balrog's right hand extremely hard and tickle it.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
Astor has arrived from the north.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
Astor leaves north.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
The Balrog entangles the struggling Traverza with his whip!
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
The Balrog smites Traverza's right hand extremely hard and tickles it.
Mopi strongly pounds the Balrog's right leg and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
Cele cleaves the Balrog's body very hard and tickles it.
Storarvid smites the Balrog's right arm hard and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
Ramm pounds the Balrog's left foot very hard and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
A column of flame rises from beneath Traverza, immolating her
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
Astor yells 'kill him!'
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
Toe strongly pounds the Balrog's left foot and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
Ramm pounds the Balrog's right foot very hard and tickles it.
Cele cleaves the Balrog's right foot hard and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
The Balrog entangles the struggling Toe with his whip!
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
The Balrog smites Traverza's head extremely hard.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
You smite the Balrog's body very hard and tickle it.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
Traverza strongly pounds the Balrog's body and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
Mopi pounds the Balrog's right leg extremely hard and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
An icy wind starts to blow in the room.
You panic!
You stand your ground!
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
Storarvid smites the Balrog's body hard and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
The Balrog smites Traverza's left foot extremely hard.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
The Balrog swiftly dodges Cele's attempt to cleave it.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
The Balrog entangles the struggling Ramm with his whip!
You smite the Balrog's body extremely hard and tickle it.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
Toe strongly pounds the Balrog's left arm and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
A column of flame rises from beneath Traverza, immolating her
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
Cele strongly cleaves the Balrog's right foot and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
The Balrog swiftly dodges Traverza's attempt to pound it.
Mopi pounds the Balrog's right hand and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
The Balrog smites Traverza's right foot extremely hard and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
Storarvid smites the Balrog's left foot extremely hard and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
Ramm pounds the Balrog's left foot extremely hard and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
The Balrog entangles the struggling Storarvid with his whip!
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
You smite the Balrog's left leg extremely hard and tickle it.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
The Balrog smites Traverza's body extremely hard.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
Traverza strongly pounds the Balrog's left foot and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Fine>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
Ramm pounds the Balrog's right hand very hard and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Fine Traverza:Hurt>
Cele strongly cleaves the Balrog's left arm and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
Toe pounds the Balrog's left leg hard and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
Mopi pounds the Balrog's left arm hard and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
Mopi yelks 'Aha! There you are!'
* W C the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
An icy wind starts to blow in the room.
You panic!
You stand your ground!
* W C the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
The Balrog smites Traverza's right hand extremely hard.
* W C the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>emote thunders "DIE scum!!!"
* W C the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
A column of flame rises from beneath Mopi, immolating him
* W C the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
Storarvid smites the Balrog's left leg hard and tickles it.
The Balrog swiftly dodges Ramm's attempt to pound it.
Mopi strongly pounds the Balrog's left arm and tickles it.
You gain a level!
You smite the Balrog's body hard and tickle it.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
Traverza strongly pounds the Balrog's left foot and tickles it.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
Mopi yelks 'Oww! Meat!'
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
Toe pounds the Balrog's left arm very hard and tickles it.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
Cele cleaves the Balrog's body very hard and tickles it.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
The Balrog smites Traverza's body extremely hard.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>emote scares "level"
Mopi strongly pounds the Balrog's body and tickles it.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
The Balrog entangles Toe in his whip and hurls him out of the room!
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
You giggle.
Traverza pounds the Balrog's right hand hard and tickles it.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
Cele cleaves the Balrog's right arm hard and tickles it.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
Ramm pounds the Balrog's left leg extremely hard and tickles it.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
The Balrog smites Traverza's right foot extremely hard.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
You smite the Balrog's body extremely hard and tickle it.
* W C the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>emote has gained a >>> L E V E L <<<
* W C the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
A column of flame springs from the floor, searing you!
* W C the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
Storarvid smites the Balrog's left foot extremely hard and tickles it.
Mopi strongly pounds the Balrog's right leg and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
Mopi claps for you.
* W C the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
An icy wind starts to blow in the room.
You panic!
Ramm collapses!
Cele collapses!
You stand your ground!
* W C the Balrog:Hurt Ramm:Fine>
Ramm pounds the Balrog's left arm hard and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Hurt Ramm:Fine>
The Balrog smites Ramm's right foot extremely hard.
* W C the Balrog:Hurt Ramm:Fine>
Cele cleaves the Balrog's left arm hard and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Hurt Ramm:Fine>
Storarvid goes 'stand if
* W C the Balrog:Hurt Ramm:Fine>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
* W C the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
Traverza pounds the Balrog's right hand hard and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
The Balrog smites Traverza's left leg extremely hard.
You smite the Balrog's left foot extremely hard and tickle it.
* W C the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
Cele cleaves the Balrog's right arm very hard and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Hurt>
Mopi pounds the Balrog's body hard and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Wounded Traverza:Hurt>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
The Balrog entangles the struggling Cele with his whip!
* W C the Balrog:Wounded Traverza:Hurt>
Ramm pounds the Balrog's body hard and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Wounded Traverza:Hurt>
Traverza pounds the Balrog's head very hard and tickles it.
Storarvid smites the Balrog's head extremely hard and tickles it.
* W C the Balrog:Wounded Traverza:Hurt>
The Balrog panics, and attempts to flee.
The Balrog leaves north.
* W C>emote thunders "DIE scum!!!"
* W C>
Storarvid shows his approval by clapping his small hands together.
* W C>
Traverza leaves north.
Ramm leaves north.
Cele leaves north.
Mopi leaves north.
You follow Traverza.
Great Hall
Storarvid has arrived from the south.
* W C>ass traverza
You cannot assist someone who is not fighting.
* W C>
Mopi yelks 'WE WIN!'
Traverza leaves north.
Ramm leaves north.
Cele leaves north.
Mopi leaves north.
You follow Traverza.
Great Hall
Storarvid has arrived from the south.
* W C>
Traverza leaves east.
Ramm leaves east.
Cele leaves east.
Mopi leaves east.
You follow Traverza.
Great Hall
Storarvid has arrived from the west.
* W C>
Traverza leaves north.
Ramm leaves north.
Cele leaves north.
Mopi leaves north.
You follow Traverza.
Great Hall
Njan the Black Númenórean is here, fighting the Balrog.
Astor the Black Númenórean is here, fighting the Balrog.
The Balrog is here, fighting Njan.
Storarvid has arrived from the south.
* W C>
Astor panics, and attempts to flee.
Astor leaves south.
The Balrog panics, and attempts to flee.
The Balrog leaves west.
The Balrog has arrived from the west.
* W C>[ass traverza]
You cannot assist someone who is not fighting.
* W C>The Balrog swiftly dodges Cele's attempt to cleave it.
Traverza tries to pound the Balrog, but it parries successfully.
Storarvid tries to smite the Balrog, but it parries successfully.
Mopi pounds the Balrog's body and tickles it.
[ass traverza]
You assist Traverza.
You smite the Balrog's body hard and tickle it.
* W C the Balrog:Wounded Cele:Fine>[ass traverza]
No way!
You are fighting for your life!
The Balrog panics, and attempts to flee.
The Balrog leaves south.
The Balrog has arrived from the south.
* W C>
Ramm leaves south.
* W C>[ass traverza]
You cannot assist someone who is not fighting.
* W C>
Traverza approaches the Balrog, trying to pound it.
Mopi approaches the Balrog, trying to pound it.
* W C>
The Balrog smites Traverza's body extremely hard.
* W C>
The Balrog panics, and attempts to flee.
The Balrog leaves north.
* W C>[ass traverza]
You cannot assist someone who is not fighting.
* W C>[ass traverza]
You cannot assist someone who is not fighting.
* W C>[ass traverza]
You cannot assist someone who is not fighting.
* W C>
Traverza leaves north.
Cele leaves north.
Mopi leaves north.
You follow Traverza.
Pool of Lava
Storarvid has arrived from the south.
The lava around your legs begins to melt you!
Mopi is burnt by the glowing lava.
Traverza is burnt by the glowing lava.
* W C HP:Fine>
Traverza leaves north.
Cele leaves north.
Mopi leaves north.
You follow Traverza.
The Graven Throne
The Balrog is resting here.
Storarvid has arrived from the south.
The lava around your legs begins to melt you!
Mopi is burnt by the glowing lava.
Traverza is burnt by the glowing lava.
* W C HP:Fine>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
The Balrog entangles you with his great whip, tearing your flesh!
Cele strongly cleaves the Balrog's left leg and tickles it.
Mopi pounds the Balrog's body extremely hard and tickles it.
The lava around your legs begins to melt you!
Mopi is burnt by the glowing lava.
Traverza is burnt by the glowing lava.
The Balrog smites Storarvid's left leg extremely hard.
Traverza pounds the Balrog's right leg extremely hard and tickles it.
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
Storarvid smites the Balrog's right arm extremely hard and tickles it.
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
A column of flame rises from beneath Traverza, immolating her
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Wounded>
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Wounded>k balrogh
They aren't here.
The lava around your legs begins to melt you!
Mopi is burnt by the glowing lava.
Traverza is burnt by the glowing lava.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Wounded>k balrogh
They aren't here.
The Balrog smites Traverza's right arm extremely hard.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Wounded>k balrogh
They aren't here.
You smite the Balrog's left hand very hard and tickle it.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Wounded>
Mopi yelks 'FUCK'
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Wounded>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
The Balrog entangles the struggling Mopi with his whip!
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Wounded>k balrogh
They aren't here.
Ramm has arrived from the south.
Cele tries to cleave the Balrog, but it parries successfully.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Wounded>k balrogh
They aren't here.
Traverza strongly pounds the Balrog's right arm and tickles it.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Wounded>
Storarvid smites the Balrog's body very hard and tickles it.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Wounded>Ramm joins Traverza's fight.
k balrogh
They aren't here.
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
Ramm pounds the Balrog's right leg hard and tickles it.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Wounded>k balrogh
They aren't here.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Wounded>
The lava around your legs begins to melt you!
Mopi is burnt by the glowing lava.
Traverza is burnt by the glowing lava.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Bad>k balrogh
They aren't here.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Bad>k balrogh
They aren't here.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Bad>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Bad>
The Balrog smites Traverza's right foot extremely hard.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Bad>k balrogh
They aren't here.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Bad>k balrogh
They aren't here.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Bad>
You smite the Balrog's right hand extremely hard and tickle it.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Bad>k balrogh
They aren't here.
Mopi pounds the Balrog's right hand very hard and tickles it.
* W C HP:Fine the Balrog:Hurt Traverza:Bad>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
The Balrog entangles you in his whip, then hurls you out of the room!
Pool of Lava
The lava around your legs begins to melt you!
The lava around your legs begins to melt you!
The lava around your legs begins to melt you!
Astor yells 'we vonhimb soems'
You head stops stinging.
* W C HP:Hurt>k balrogh
They aren't here.
* W C HP:Hurt>k balrogh
They aren't here.
The lava around your legs begins to melt you!
* W C HP:Hurt>* W C HP:Hurt>* W C HP:Hurt>* W C HP:Hurt>The Graven Throne
The Balrog is here, fighting Traverza.
Traverza the Cave Troll is here, fighting the Balrog (Glowing).
Cele the Hill Troll is here, fighting the Balrog (Glowing).
Mopi the Hill Troll is here, fighting the Balrog.
Storarvid is here, fighting the Balrog (Glowing).
Ramm the Hill Troll is here, fighting the Balrog.
Exits: South.
The lava around your legs begins to melt you!
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
* W C HP:Hurt the Balrog:Wounded Traverza:Wounded>
You smite the Balrog's right hand hard and tickle it.
* W C HP:Hurt the Balrog:Wounded Traverza:Wounded>
Ramm tries to pound the Balrog, but it parries successfully.
* W C HP:Hurt the Balrog:Wounded Traverza:Wounded>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
A column of flame rises from beneath Ramm, immolating him
* W C HP:Hurt the Balrog:Wounded Traverza:Wounded>
The lava around your legs begins to melt you!
Mopi is burnt by the glowing lava.
Traverza is burnt by the glowing lava.
Cele strongly cleaves the Balrog's right foot and tickles it.
* W C HP:Hurt the Balrog:Wounded Traverza:Bad>
Mopi pounds the Balrog's right arm very hard and tickles it.
The Balrog smites Traverza's body extremely hard and shatters it.
Traverza pounds the Balrog's body hard and tickles it.
* W C HP:Hurt the Balrog:Wounded Traverza:Bad>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
* W C HP:Hurt the Balrog:Wounded Traverza:Bad>emote scares "fuck this"
Storarvid smites the Balrog's left hand very hard and tickles it.
* W C HP:Hurt the Balrog:Wounded Traverza:Bad>k balrogh
They aren't here.
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
Cele cleaves the Balrog's body hard and tickles it.
* W C HP:Hurt the Balrog:Wounded Traverza:Bad>
Ramm strongly pounds the Balrog's left arm and tickles it.
* W C HP:Hurt the Balrog:Wounded Traverza:Bad>
The lava around your legs begins to melt you!
Mopi is burnt by the glowing lava.
Traverza is burnt by the glowing lava.
You smite the Balrog's right foot extremely hard.
Traverza pounds the Balrog's right arm hard and tickles it.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Traverza:Bad>k balrogh
They aren't here.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Traverza:Bad>k balrogh
They aren't here.
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
The Balrog entangles the struggling Mopi with his whip!
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Traverza:Bad>
The Balrog smites Traverza's body extremely hard and shatters it.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Traverza:Bad>k balrogh
They aren't here.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Traverza:Bad>k balrogh
They aren't here.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Traverza:Bad>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
An icy wind starts to blow in the room.
You panic!
You stand your ground!
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Traverza:Bad>k balrogh
They aren't here.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Traverza:Bad>
The lava around your legs begins to melt you!
Mopi is burnt by the glowing lava.
Traverza is burnt by the glowing lava.
The Balrog swiftly dodges Cele's attempt to cleave it.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Traverza:Awful>k balrogh
They aren't here.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Traverza:Awful>k balrogh
They aren't here.
The Balrog swiftly dodges Traverza's attempt to pound it.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Traverza:Awful>k balrogh
They aren't here.
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
A column of flame springs from the floor, searing you!
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Traverza:Awful>
The Balrog smites Traverza's left foot extremely hard and shatters it.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Traverza:Awful>k balrogh
They aren't here.
Ramm pounds the Balrog's body hard and tickles it.
Storarvid smites the Balrog's body extremely hard.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Traverza:Awful>k balrogh
They aren't here.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Traverza:Awful>
Mopi pounds the Balrog's right hand very hard and tickles it.
You smite the Balrog's body extremely hard.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Traverza:Awful>k balrogh
They aren't here.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Traverza:Awful>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
The Balrog entangles the struggling Ramm with his whip!
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Traverza:Awful>k balrogh
They aren't here.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Traverza:Awful>
Mopi gets a blue scroll from a sable pouch.
The lava around your legs begins to melt you!
Mopi is burnt by the glowing lava.
Traverza is burnt by the glowing lava.
Traverza is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Traverza:Dying>k balrogh
They aren't here.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Traverza:Dying>
Mopi recites a blue scroll.
Mopi heals himself.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Traverza:Dying>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
Traverza is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Traverza:Dying>
The Balrog smites Traverza's body extremely hard and shatters it.
Your blood freezes as you hear Traverza's death cry.
Traverza is dead! R.I.P.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Cele:Fine>
Cele gets a fortune in gold from the corpse of *a Troll*.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Cele:Fine>k balrogh
They aren't here.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Cele:Fine>k balrogh
They aren't here.
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
Cele cleaves the Balrog's left arm very hard.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Mopi:Bad>
The lava around your legs begins to melt you!
Mopi is burnt by the glowing lava.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Mopi:Bad>k balrogh
They aren't here.
The Balrog swiftly dodges your attempt to smite it.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Mopi:Bad>
The Balrog swiftly dodges Mopi's attempt to pound it.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Mopi:Bad>k balrogh
They aren't here.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Mopi:Bad>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
The Balrog entangles the struggling Ramm with his whip!
The Balrog smites Mopi's body extremely hard and shatters it.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Mopi:Awful>k balrogh
They aren't here.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Mopi:Awful>
Storarvid smites the Balrog's right foot extremely hard.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Mopi:Awful>k balrogh
They aren't here.
Mopi gets a blue scroll from a sable pouch.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Mopi:Awful>
Mopi recites a blue scroll.
Mopi heals himself.
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Mopi:Awful>k balrogh
They aren't here.
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
A column of flame rises from beneath Storarvid, immolating him
* W C HP:Wounded the Balrog:Bad Mopi:Awful>
The lava around your legs begins to melt you!
Mopi is burnt by the glowing lava.
* W C HP:Bad the Balrog:Bad Mopi:Awful>k balrogh
They aren't here.
Cele cleaves the Balrog's left leg very hard.
* W C HP:Bad the Balrog:Bad Mopi:Awful>
Mopi recites a purple scroll.
Mopi is surrounded by a white aura.
Mopi creates a noxious cloud around Mopi!
* W C HP:Bad the Balrog:Bad Mopi:Awful>k balrogh
They aren't here.
The Balrog smites Mopi's right leg extremely hard and shatters it.
Your blood freezes as you hear Mopi's death cry.
Mopi is dead! R.I.P.
A shadow slowly rises above the corpse of Mopi.
* W C HP:Bad the Balrog:Bad Cele:Fine>
As Cele greedily kneels down towards the corpse, the icy grasp of a shadow stops
As Storarvid greedily kneels down towards the corpse, the icy grasp of a shadow
stops him!
A shadow whispers 'I won't allow the looting of my fallen body!'
Astor yells 'killkill :)'
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
An icy wind starts to blow in the room.
You panic!
You stand your ground!
* W C HP:Bad the Balrog:Bad>k balrogh
They aren't here.
As Ramm greedily kneels down towards the corpse, the icy grasp of a shadow stops
A shadow whispers 'I won't allow the looting of my fallen body!'
* W C HP:Bad the Balrog:Bad>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
The Balrog entangles a shadow in his whip and hurls it out of the room!
* W C HP:Bad the Balrog:Bad>
Cele strongly cleaves the Balrog's left foot and tickles it.
* W C HP:Bad the Balrog:Bad>
The lava around your legs begins to melt you!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
* W C HP:Bad the Balrog:Bad>
Ramm strongly pounds the Balrog's right arm.
You smite the Balrog's body very hard.
* W C HP:Bad the Balrog:Bad>
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
The Balrog smites your body extremely hard and shatters it.
You feel a strong ache there!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
Storarvid smites the Balrog's body very hard.
* W C HP:Awful the Balrog:Bad>k balrogh
They aren't here.
* W C HP:Awful the Balrog:Bad>k balrogh
They aren't here.
* W C HP:Awful the Balrog:Bad>k balrogh
They aren't here.
You are burnt by the heat of the Balrog!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
* W C HP:Awful the Balrog:Bad>k balrogh
They aren't here.
The lava around your legs begins to melt you!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
The Balrog smites your body extremely hard and shatters it.
You feel a strong ache there!
You lose a level!
You are dead! Sorry...
o W C HP:Awful>k balrogh
You feel too relaxed to do that..
o W C HP:Awful>Info
You are a female Mountain Troll.
You are 34 years, 0 months and 0 days old. It's your birthday today!
You have played 3 days and 15 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Duvel doesn't exist! (level 27).
You are six feet nine and weigh thirty-three stone and eleven pounds.
Perception: vision 28, hearing 25, smell 26. Alertness: normal.
You are totally corrupted by the Evilness of Morgoth!
You are carrying 0 pounds of equipment. Peanuts.
Your base abilities are: Str:24 Int:6 Wis:4 Dex:10 Con:21 Wil:17 Per:7.
Offensive Bonus: 99%, Dodging Bonus: -40%, Parrying Bonus: 74%.
You are not wearing any armour.
You have 4/595 hit, and 95/123 movement points.
You have scored 7,855,750 experience points and you have 9,140 travel points.
You need 794,250 exp. points and 0 travel points to reach the next level.
You have 0 copper.
You are speaking Morbeth.
You will swim if necessary.
You will climb if necessary.
o W C HP:Awful>
You go to sleep.