"BN's pray to strange places"
posted by (some newbie bn
2001-08-21 19:17:10
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i has just made a newbie bn and i had prayed a few places , thinking i might bea
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nice going chro2001-08-21 20:26:42
to land on hatch tree
Mandor2001-08-21 20:50:00
Other great places to pray to are Inside BW (behind locked door).
Into dark room, with 3 trolls and only secret exits.
Into a group of 4 named pukes (of which 2 were glowing).

Yes, I've had them all.
Mandor2001-08-21 20:50:25
I wonder what the message is when someone prays into your room, same as for pukes perhaps?
Alfirin2001-08-21 21:38:14
I once prayed into a room with no exits and no desc. A friendly ainu ported me
out of there, but it was mighty confusing I must say.
kreb2001-08-21 21:56:08
i once prayed into Elronds butt.
Wellknown2001-08-21 22:02:44
In prayed into room with one visible exit - with exit to dt.
Nienor2001-08-21 23:50:35
You know, people, there are places BNs are not supposed to pray to. For example, you're not supposed to pray to any room from which a newbie BN without climb or swim wouldn't be able to leave. If you think you prayed to some place where you shouldn't have had, why don't you make a log and bugreport it? (Yes this is addressed to you, Mandor. At least 2 out of the 3 prays you claim you had are supposed to be impossible according to the code and have been so for a few RL years.)
Axel2001-08-22 02:25:55
all my prays were fine till to date - at least, if I ever might have prayed to some obscure place I would never ever have posted a log of it - ok, maybe if I would have prayed to Barliman, then yea, maybe :P
after all, if a BN player is so much focused on warrens, I think he wont have fun with that race anyways, or will turn out to be one of the portal-only-bns...
Almacar2001-08-27 13:44:49
I once prayed to Sauron himself.. So good of a minion was I!
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