What Ainu do hear when it's reboot time?
posted by Lia
2001-08-21 22:16:59
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Time to reboot. Listening to the last narrates from both sides.
Nakki narrates 'panicccc!!!'
Emanthyr narrates 'last'
Teron narrates 'hehe ouch'
o W C>tel diamonium LAST TELL!
Globur narrates 'last!'
Diamonium tells you 'NO ME'
Diamonium tells you 'NO ME'
Emanthyr narrates 'last'
Globur narrates 'narrate that is!'
Gibbs narrates 'ick'
Kharas narrates 'bla'
Ike narrates 'argh'
Stor narrates 'stormy weather calls hurt too '
Globur narrates 'narrate that is!'
Ogah narrates '(.)(.)'
Diamonium tells you 'damn spam siht:P'
Zubr narrates 'last narrate'
Globur narrates 'mien'
Ike narrates 'stop dat'
Deorwine narrates 'hhhhh'
Shagrath narrates 'last'
Nakki narrates 'meeee'
Globur narrates 'mine!'
Globur narrates 'mine!'
Zubr narrates 'i rule!'
Evista narrates 'i rock'
Ogah narrates '(.)(.)'
Otto narrates 'hi'
Reverant narrates 'you idiots still have a minute'
Emanthyr narrates 'last'
Evista narrates 'i rock'
Falemir narrates 'mine!'
Falemir narrates 'mine!'
Kharas narrates 'children....'
Doreth narrates 'doh'
o W C>tel diamonium oh, ok, you may have it :o)
Globur narrates 'me'
Falemir narrates 'I rock!'
Zubr narrates 'fuck u all!'
Iomene narrates 'me, dudes'
Globur narrates 'mine!!'
Kharas narrates 'children....moan'
Tinrar narrates 'boot'
Globur narrates 'mine!!!!'
Faabrat narrates 'wave (null)'
Evista narrates 'i rock'
Emanthyr narrates 'last'
Reverant narrates 'SHUT UP!'
Ogah narrates '(.)(.)'
Zubr narrates 'mine!'
Globur narrates 'mine!!'
Falemir narrates 'STOP!'
Nyhvel narrates 'blablablalalalal'
Aldares narrates 'heh'
Zubr narrates 'or somting'
Deorwine narrates 'you all suck'
Iomene narrates 'me, dudes'
Evista narrates 'i rock'
Gaal narrates 'it is mine'
Urght narrates 'lol'
Globur narrates '(.) (.)'
Emanthyr narrates '!!'
Gaal narrates 'it is mine'
Zubr narrates 'u all suck'
Globur narrates '(.) (.)'
Done narrates 'MINE!'
Tinrar narrates 'silence them'
Jahara waves.
Emanthyr narrates '!!'
Globur narrates '(.) (. )'
Aldares narrates 'shut the fuck up'
Globur narrates '(. ) (. )'
Reverant shouts 'shut the fuck up!'
Falemir narrates 'I rock!'
Ogah narrates '(.)(.)'
Gaal narrates 'mine'
Globur narrates '(. ) ( . )'
Zubr narrates 'i never done this before'
Globur narrates '( . ) ( . )'
Teron narrates 'p(naga) on?'
Jahara says 'I'm going to be on as Novari'
Globur narrates '( . ) (  . )'
Dodge narrates 'first'
Gaal narrates 'mine'
Falemir narrates 'I am the best!'
Zubr narrates '!'
Iomene narrates 'jerks, i win'
Evista narrates 'i rock'
Ogah narrates '(.)(.)'
Diamonium narrates 'I LOVE U ALl( GIVE ME TOTALREROLL)'
Globur narrates '( . ) (  . )'
Venessa narrates 'last'
Falemir narrates 'hehe!'

o W C>
Automatic reboot. Come back in a little while.

#Connection lost
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Unknown2001-08-21 22:21:39
Get a life?
Well-known2001-08-21 22:33:51
Good idea. Maybe you should just do it, mr.Unknown. :)
Falemir WINSSSS2001-08-22 00:45:19
Nepenthe2001-08-22 01:59:45
Globur's boobs almost won.
evista2001-08-22 02:00:42
lotsa fun=)
evista2001-08-22 02:01:22
all your base are belong to us, oh no, they set us up the bomb!
Axel2001-08-22 02:40:15
so Falemir won? :)
Axel2001-08-22 02:40:16
so Falemir won? :)
Devastator2001-08-22 03:58:06
who cares?????????? i won it.
Krown2001-08-23 20:45:10
PS. You know youre nuts when youre standing in the comp. lab
screaming narr ... . And ofcourse youre expecting the whole world to hear.
I bet just a few of the last narrate ppl are in that catagory. :=)
Unknown to Well2001-08-25 08:05:11
Maybe you wouldnt be so well known on mume if you had a life? Or are you just one of those losers who goes to work and comes home and logs on mume because you dont have a life? If you get off on reading this kind of shit perhaps you should get a ticket to the Jerry Springer show or something and consider it a vacation.
Well-known2001-08-26 23:55:24
2Unknown: we all know that Unknowns are the ones without any personal life. ;) Go fall off a cliff or something. :)
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