action looter orc?
posted by Armodo
2001-09-05 00:34:28
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Doing Jaron's shadow with stabber orc around.
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Ramangth2001-09-05 00:44:02
Woo another stupid log. Its legal to autoloot when shadow rips, just not when a player rips!
Armodo2001-09-05 00:52:36

Making your own freaking rules, Ramangth idiot? The orc was Seek btw. He died later to some other hobbit.
Aschit2001-09-05 01:00:04
You spelled bejewelled wrong! Maybe orc spammed get coins corpse instead of get all corpse, then realized his mistake too late? Just trying to envision the possibilities :)
Kreil2001-09-05 01:16:20
Nod Aschit.. I was wondering about the beajewelled thingy.. hehe maybe paste problems?
Heh why wasn't Moreides 'action looting' I see the same result there.. RIP..SPAM...
Who knows..who cares :)
Armodo2001-09-05 01:18:47

If I am typing something while input comes to screen, the screen shows them mixed
up. For ex if I type 'stat' while 'info' input is coming in, the s/t/a/t get split and show up mixed with 'info' stuff. :) I thought that was normal for most screens tho.
Zim2001-09-05 01:29:55
He died to me... he had been stalking the Shire for to long!
Ramangth2001-09-05 03:47:19
Uh, Armodo. Shadow = mob. *an Orc* = player. you killed a mob. he action looted a mob. Who's the idiot?
Ethar2001-09-05 05:01:26
the idiot isnt you ramangth :P its armodo
Rogon2001-09-05 05:17:11
There is no way to separate a shadows rip from all other mobs rips, and its legal to have coin loot trigger for mob rip. So you're completely wrong and orc did nothing he wasnt allowed to.
Bulldozer2001-09-05 08:37:38
haha, you fool, its plainly obvious its the coin loot from the shadow is dead rip msg, i pity your foolishness.
Filibert2001-09-05 09:14:17
M O R O N !
Gimilzor2001-09-05 10:25:11
Moriedes gets a bejeawelled shield from the corpse of *an Orc*.
I want that one too. Its 40 pb?
Atastor2001-09-05 11:58:53
OOOOOOooh..Arent Actions generally forbidden in PK? And isnt the killing of a
shadow clearly and immediately related to an ongoing PK? So in my view actionlooting char-shadows is clearly forbidden.

Fredde2001-09-05 14:37:48
was me and i dident do anything illegal! so go die! to bad i wasted almost all draughts here on trying to save jarons eq cuz [hiphoper expression TM] i ran out of draughts when that furrball zim was on my tail! i ripped like 3 rooms from safety moveless.. ARGH hehe.
Fir2001-09-05 15:31:04
Shadow = mob. *an Orc* = player ...i agree this far and i would agree if he looted shadows corpse or shadows eq ... but that corpse was players ... and it was players eq ... erm its still looting in pk with triggers ... no matter how long the corpse is there and u loot with actions ..
Fredde2001-09-05 15:41:53
well its not my fault that the management said that looting on you recive your share of experience or blabla is dead R.I.P is leagal! and if they gonna use that phrase when you kill a shadow from a player and say that is illegal then they got some nice dubble moral! either they say that action loot is illegal in all forms or they make another msg when a shadow from a player rip! capiche?
Rogon2001-09-05 18:08:33
If the management didnt want to allow trigger-looting of shadows, they would just change the death message to that of players, since they havent...
Armodo2001-09-05 18:17:38

Forget the technical crap. When opposing races are involved in a competition, even if it is looting a corpse, you are NOT supposed to use clients to help your

case. In this even, Moreides WOULD HAVE LOOTED THE GOLD, if Seek's _client actions_ had not been there. Seek BENEFITed from ACTIONs in PK situation. Capiche?!
Jaron2001-09-05 18:46:13
Well he wouldn't have gotten my 3 gold anyways jerk:p gold is the last item taken from a corpse,and moreides couldn't get all.
Shagrath2001-09-05 19:10:46
Armodo, I dont know why you need to call someone idiot. You have some rl problems or what? And Ramanagth and Rogon are right. It was written in some old News, that if somone wants to use action for looting coins, he must put in trigger message You receive your share of experience, because if you kill player you will get message You feel more experienced. And because orc was got in last hit, he got message You receive your share of experience and this message triggered his action. There is NOTHING illegal on this. So again, why are you calling people idiots?
Drenical2001-09-05 19:45:44
Armodo is so right here... what if pukes are doing, say, lord, and an orc enters and action loots ruby ring. It's legal? Technical bullshit I say. Rogon is clearly wrong here. It's interaction between players and actions isn't allowed in those situations...
Drenical2001-09-05 19:47:36
Another example... if a bn charmed a bear, and some whitie uses action for hit *man* if that bear enters the room. Is that legal because it's the bear the action is on? The shadow is a mob, but it's still the orc's eq, and players from both sides were in the room.
Fredde2001-09-05 19:51:56
no no no.. rogon and ramangth is soooooooooooo right! and jaron got a real point there! THE LAST THING YOU GET FROM A CORPSE IS GOLD! SO YOU WOULDENT HAVE GOTTEN IT ANYWAY! well if you cry so much of 3 gold armodo i can give 3 gold to you with some puke char. now go to mama and cry some more.
Drenical2001-09-05 20:50:25
Heh... doesn't really matter if it was 3 gold or a circlet, was still an action loot ya know. It's the principle I'm looking for, and I say it's clearly illegal to action-loot, action-hit, action-whatever in _any_ siutation concerning pk. And if players of both races are in the room, it's obvious it's a pk-situation, and in this case it's even more obvious since it was an *orc* corpse, how much more clear does it have to be? :)
Drenical2001-09-05 20:55:06
I wanna hear what Rogon has to say about this. Copied from the Rules Action: "Since actions grant a computer-enhanced reaction time, their use is forbidden in contexts where they might provide an advantage on other players." The didn't get an advantage against another player?.. *laugh* So freaking obvious it was illegal I just wanna cry... :)
Fredde2001-09-05 22:49:10
well management changed the msg when a player die so noone could action loot on that one. why dident they change the shadow msg then?! maybe cuz it aint illegal?!
Fredde to dreni2001-09-05 23:00:44
and about that rules action. could you pls check when that was last modified? "Last modified, Dec 21 2000, Manwë." and they changed the rules about actionlooting coins for like hmms.. was it 4-5 months ago? i win!
Armodo2001-09-05 23:53:51

They didn't change the shadow message because mobs get shadows too. How hard is that to remember?
Drenical2001-09-06 00:36:22
Ok then... copied from the news (from Thu Dec 7 21:59:03 2000 ): "If you create any kind of device that makes your character automatically respond to game output it is - in general - forbidden if you are in a PK situation. The exeptions to this are mentioned in the rules file." And in the rules file it says "...their use is forbidden in contexts where they might provide an advantage on other players." So.. I win!.. :)
Drenical2001-09-06 00:40:28
Erm.. didn't find any newer news I guess.. :) still, if it's in the rules, it's true. And it's in the rules that actionlooting in pk is illegal. I think a lot of people misunderstood the R.I.P. change (surprisingly enough including Rogon)..
Fredde2001-09-06 00:45:49
WELL GAT DAMNIT! do you think they have time to update every friggin rule when they change it?! if it was illegal why the hell arent i demoted for it then?! i win until i get demoted for that one! so STFU!
Fredde2001-09-06 00:52:33
Besides! Manwe.. you prolly know him.. he kinda owns this game. he wrote a post that actionlooting on shadow is legal. but then again.. he can be wrong. KNÄCKT!
Drenical2001-09-06 01:33:29
Manwe's right.. and he says that autolooting and auto-whatever is illegal in pk-situations, and this was a pk-situation. Du kommer inte runt det... jag vinner. :)
Fredde2001-09-06 01:49:04
men han har ju skickat en post för nåra månader sedan när dom ändrade kill msg på players att loota med actionloot på pengar när det är shadow är lagligt så. du kan fråga han så får du se! sen ska jag hånskratta åt dig i flera månader! elle rnåt.. hehe
Drenical2001-09-06 01:51:54
Jo... ska fråga. Tycker det är ruggigt uppenbar regel att all action-nånting är förbjudet i all form av pk. Konstigt att han skulle ändra på det... Prayade nyss och Atlas sa direkt att han tyckte det var självklart olagligt och Mandor sa att det nog var lagligt, men att de diskuterade om det.
Drenical2001-09-06 01:58:53
Postade en discussion greja på elvenrunes, får se om det kommer några smarta svar där. :)
Ramangth2001-09-06 04:13:36
Ever wonder how to be a smartass and never admit you're wrong? See above. :)
Filibert2001-09-06 08:17:35
Now this get exciting, please don't stop. The question is how fucking retarded some guys with super swede links when they don't get like they want. Coins looting as leagal for mobs - the shadow is a mob, meaning this was a legal trigger. Thing that happens next is that the shadow is a shadow and don't have a corpse, resulting in looting coins from 1.corpse in room in this case a player corpse. Nothing is wrong with that. Så ta o dra något gammalt över dig, erkänn att du har haft fel i detta fall och ta det som en man och inte som en muddare!
Jocke2001-09-06 10:27:08
Only an TOTAL FUCKING IDIOT would post a log like this, trying to give away his
friends. I totaly hate and disrespect blabing arrogant assholes who allways digs
their brown noses into buisness that is none of theirs. Trying to frame others
sneaking with gossip is totaly unacceptable even if the victim(in this case Jaron?)
did something wrong. Where i come from we severly punish ppl acting like Armodo.
Fucking bitch behaviour!
Jocke, keeper of moral justice.
Enforcer2001-09-06 10:54:45
looting coins when mob dies is get over it armodo..
Kasper2001-09-06 11:58:31
Hehe, you are both wrong, this wasn't a PK-situation since you were not intrested in killing eachother as much as going for the treasure of a fallen hero. The action didn't help in a pk it helped in a treasurehunt, and as far as I know there is no rules against that. ;o) The PK-situation producing the treasure was over and done with at least a few minutes earlier. This was a situation just like any mob with loot. It's the same thing as if for example a puke was doing morthan when a bn enters fballs morthan and autoloots his accumulated gold and leaves.
Fredde2001-09-06 12:24:13
Natash2001-09-06 14:25:30
the irony is, that withuot the action, orc wouldave looted eq instead, since i presume it was spamming get all corpse too :) (it triggered shadow response)
Armodo2001-09-06 14:33:03
LOL Jocke, where you come from, the sun never shines - no use bragging about it. :P
And enforcer, looting coins from a P*orc* corpse is ILLEGAL if u use client to do it.
Simple as that. Kasper, I was trying to hit the orc but Moreides was bolting shadow which I had already stabbed once.
It WAS a PK situation.
Filibert to Arm2001-09-06 15:22:40
Drop it, you are wrong here, even it it was a pk situation as you say, the action is legal, since it triggers on a mobs death, and that is a legal action right now.
Kasper2001-09-06 16:28:16
Hehe if actionlooting coins from an *orc* corpse is illegal then I guess it must be illegal if there where only pukes killing the shadow and had loot-trigger on. Right? And then there's the case of a mobkilled *orc* with shadow, pukes doing shadow *orc* enters bolts shadow dead and actionloots. Is that PK too? Btw you are aware of the fact that he didn't gain anything by having the trigger on, aren't you?
Unknown2001-09-06 21:47:58
WHO THE FUCK CARES? GRow up Armodo. Or atleast get a life besides MUME. Then you wouldn't get hung up over trivialties like this.
I really can't understand why you would even consider to post a log like this. It's like
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