A history of a silly dwarf. The newbie how-not-to-do-it hint log
Relim narrates 'come on'
Frostie narrates 'i know durcano was there.....'
Gibbs narrates 'and for those with faulty memory... where :)'
An old man has arrived from the east.
An old man stops using a lantern.
*>On the 13th of Halimath, 2901 of the third age, you reached level sixteen in
the Under a Ledge.
On the 14th of Afterlithe in 2901, you gained level fifteen in the Abandoned
Mine Shaft.
On the 25th of Rethe in 2900 of the third age, you were killed in a Wooded
Dell of Silvery Firs by Dragóth the Orc.
On the 12th Halimath in the year of 2899, you achieved level fourteen in a
Ridge through the Hills.
On the third of Afterlithe in 2899, you drowned in the Nan Duin.
On the 30th Thrimidge, 2899, you reached level thirteen in the Outside a Grove.
On the 19th of Blotmath in the year of 2898 of the third age, you felt renewed.
On the 29th Afterlithe, 2890 of the third age, you were killed in the Cave by
Shake the Orc.
On the 11th Afterlithe, 2885 of the third age, you were slain in the Greenway
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A Dúnadan soldier leaves east.
An experienced Dúnadan officer leaves east.
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by a terrible highwayman, and fell to level twelve, and you were killed in the
Greenway by Morthan Blacksoul, and therefore fell to level thirteen.
On the 4th Halimath in 2884, you achieved level fourteen in the Inner Supplies
On the 13th of Thrimidge in 2859 of the third age, you achieved level thirteen
in the Scarred Pit.
On the 15th Rethe, 2857, you reached level twelve along the Road to Grey
On the 14th of Afterlithe, 2856 of the third age, you reached level eleven in
a Dank Crypt.
On the 20th of Halimath, 2855 of the third age, you reached level ten in the
Bear's Den.
On the 4th of Thrimidge in the year of 2855 of the third age, you achieved
level nine in the Dense Forest.
On the third of Rethe in the year of 2854 of the third age, you achieved level
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eight in the Stables.
On the 6th of Afteryule in 2854, you were slain in the darkness.
You were
killed on a Runway by an Orc.
On the 26th Afteryule, 2853, you gained level seven at the Road to the Grey
On the 4th Blotmath in 2851 of the third age, you reached level six in the Dry
On the 2nd of Blotmath, 2851 of the third age, you gained level five in an
Apple Orchard.
On the 30th of Winterfilth, 2851 of the third age, you reached level four in
the Stables.
On the 19th of Afterlithe in the year of 2851, you gained level three in the
You achieved level two in a Big Pond.
On the 15th of Afterlithe in 2851 of the third age, you began your journeys.