brave orcies
posted by Harsh
2001-09-23 02:43:49
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GF needed computer so went afk in bree.
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The anti-lamer2001-09-23 02:55:01
1. Next time try RENTING in Bree; 2. If it is "worK" you shouldn't be playing; and 3. SHUDDUPALREDDY.
Schlemp2001-09-23 02:57:48
Just admit you went to take a poopie. You don't have to make up a girlfriend cause we aint gonna believe it anyway.
gravin2001-09-23 03:04:25
Mammoth2001-09-23 03:10:02
pff... 15 darkies around bree and you go afk W gate? 8O
Draaz2001-09-23 03:15:39
no way of knowing for me.. and considering you knew we were outside.. all you had to do to be safe was spamm all e..
Harsh2001-09-23 03:16:34

I see sewer people have taken over
Daevia2001-09-23 03:47:41
Doomer rocks! Errr.
Doomer2001-09-23 04:07:12
Hrmm I left after I noticed he wasnt moving. I even narrated you got idle flag. It was those other orcs judgement to kill you. And I was wimpy only so I wasnt doing much damage.
Aschit2001-09-23 04:30:56
Well, with idle flag he should have been spared. But best part of log is all the newbies scouting w gate to try for free wps :)
Common Sense to2001-09-23 04:31:56
You are a Lamer now go spam for porn in AOL chat rooms!
The anti-lamer2001-09-23 07:29:15
Oh boo hoo hoo, you just devastated me with yer keen wit. (Note the sarcasm.) Why don't go suck ass with yer whinin' lamer friends and leave the heavy hitting critiques to somebody with a clue.
Kell2001-09-23 09:04:21
Dude! Your hand doesn't count as a date.
Unknown2001-09-23 11:20:15
If that had been some labswede warlord type, the killers would be getting flamed all to hell about "waahh you killed him when he was afk..etc". Funny how that shit works eh?
fredde2001-09-23 14:30:21
Well first of all. you where sitting w gate as when we go in and there are like 10 whities there and then it gets flooded with mobs also we just spam hit everything. next time go idle at sppi or barliman.
Draaz2001-09-23 15:34:50
i never saw Doomer narrate that he had idle flag, and i never saw the idleflag.. but then again i was buffering breedeffense so i didnt see much..
tĂ´mek2001-09-23 16:58:50
hrm, was it hard to tell your gf to wait 2 seconds and spam eeeneenu;rent?
a gal :o)2001-09-23 20:47:21
Those who play MUME can't have GFs (not wives tho, these you can get bored with to play a text game instead, eh Relim? :o)). It's a proven fact.
Agreed2001-09-23 22:23:53
Agreed, and why does everyone fight all the the time on this? Its just one huge flamewar!
Offended2001-09-24 01:58:42
What's that supposed to mean MR. Agreed??!!! We are loving peaceful Mumers here. Are you accusing us of being belligerent, huh, are ya? U just askin' for an ass-whompin' you four-eyed, geek pacificist hippie banana-breathed monkey-hugger.
Common Sense to2001-09-25 08:26:37
*yawn* Your dul low IQ remarks dont offend me, it only amuses me because im sure it took you long and hard to come up with them! I have NO lamer friends now little brat its past your bed time be sure to deleted all the porn off your computer before you mommy catches you!Unlike you I have "common sense" and several people including myself decide what to write here so if you dont like it well to bad to play with your toys you little child and leave Mume alone we have enough problems to deal with
*Lamer, a Dwarf2001-09-25 16:14:40
Who the hell takes care if getting killed or not! Stupid fighter eq can be baught in rivendell anytime !
I give a SHIT on a flag (if i don't know the enemy).
All with ** dies and it's my right to kill them!
The Anti-Lamer2001-09-25 20:31:56
Common sense ain't what it used to be. Come back when you're coherent. (I find it hard to believe in a group of "several people" there isn't at least one with enough "common sense" to stop you from posting such unintelligible nonsense. You must all be morons. You certainly do have "problems" deal with. Professional counseling might help.)
Common Sense To2001-09-26 05:16:37
Rotlmfao - Now you attempt to talk like a civilized human? My friends and I do not want to waste time with Newbie Trash. I have Common Sense and I WILL use it, because people now have a very very warped version of their own Common Sense *poke Lamer*
The Anti-Lamer2001-09-26 05:49:58
You are psychotic. Stop playing with your imaginary friends and get medication.
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