posted by ruscuck
2001-10-14 20:32:32
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Musty Cave
A canoe has been left here.
A brown bear is sleeping here.
A brown bear is sleeping here.

Saving Ruscuck.

o>close turf
That's absurd.



                        ***  Mume  VII  ***

                     In progress at FIRE
               (Free Internet Roleplay Experiences)
          Adapted from J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth World and
              Maintained by CryHavoc, Manwe and Nada.

           Original code DikuMUD I (view credits), created by:
     S. Hammer, T. Madsen, K. Nyboe, M. Seifert and H.H. Staerfeldt.

If you have never played MUME before, type NEW to create a new character,
or ? for help. Otherwise, type your account or character name.

By what name do you wish to be known? ruscuck
Account pass phrase: 


Musty Cave
A canoe has been left here.
A brown bear is sleeping here.
A brown bear is sleeping here.

Dwar narrates 'he he'

o>narra me truf

Ughlor narrates 'damn freezes'

The exit up blurs for a while.
You begin to feel thirsty.

Close what?

close turf

Saving Ruscuck.

OB: 37%, DB: 12%, PB: 31%, Armour: 0%. Wimpy: 0. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 101,186 xp, 0 tp. Gold: 0. Alert: normal.

o>cha mood berserk

You are thirsty.

o>tell wilma var ar du

Wilma tells you 'warrens'

Wilma tells you 'sitter du bears?'

o>tell wilma nod

Wilma tells you 'bara sitt dar sa kommer jag snart'

Octay narrates '8 pukes ?'

Morhol narrates '8 pukes?'

Ughlor narrates 'wher?!'

You are thirsty.

Saving Ruscuck.
You are thirsty.

You are thirsty.

o>close turf
It's already closed!

You are thirsty.

Saving Ruscuck.

You begin to feel hungry.
You are thirsty.

o>eat canoe
Even you with your big mouth can't gulp that canoe down!

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

You are already standing.

Saving Ruscuck.

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Merlin narrates 'Gnchahts ovaelaple nocesf'

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Wilma tells you 'sitter fint?'

o>tell wilma board

Wilma tells you 'du e dar fortfarande?'

Saving Ruscuck.

o>tell wilma nod

Wilma tells you 'jag kommer nasta natt, en bn bobbar mig'

o>tell Wilma va ar du

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Musty Cave
A canoe has been left here.
A brown bear is sleeping here.
A brown bear is sleeping here.

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Merlin narrates 'zubr + 2 tmt'

Saving Ruscuck.

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Wilma tells you 'synd att du inte har swim'

o>tell Wilma jepp

Wilma narrates 'anyone got spare water skin?'

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Saving Ruscuck.

o>tell wilma kommer du eller?

Wilma tells you 'det e inte natt an'

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Morhol narrates 'anyone spare mana regen ring maybe?'

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Saving Ruscuck.

According to the Dunadan calendar, it is:
7pm on Monday, the 15th of Foreyule, Year 2907 of the Third Age.
The present Tan Istar, Lord of the Istari Council is Ethelian.
Real time is Sun Oct 14 17:57:19 2001 GMT.
Last reboot due to manual reboot at Sat Oct 13 17:37:50 2001 GMT

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Kolm narrates 'pukes there?'

Ughlor narrates 'go kosti=)'

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Saving Ruscuck.

tell Wilma va e du
You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Wilma tells you 'kommer nu'

Ughlor narrates 'dwarf bashed'

Ughlor narrates 'small traol'

Kolm narrates 'where?'

Ughlor narrates 'n/m he fled'

Ughlor narrates 'he wounded'

Ughlor narrates 'or hurt..'

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Saving Ruscuck.

Merlin narrates 'sabl isk co aroank ghk nawtuvk mo'

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Octay narrates 'pukes lb'

Ughlor narrates 'many?'

Kolm narrates 'lb is puke'

Kolm narrates 'lbf i mean'

Octay narrates 'bogger, alfrim, dwarf'

Saving Ruscuck.

Kolm narrates 'portal into priest from cave?'

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Wilma tells you 'fan ossa'

Wilma tells you 'jag e warrens igen'

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Goodbye, friend.. Come back soon!

                        ***  Mume  VII  ***

                     In progress at FIRE
               (Free Internet Roleplay Experiences)
          Adapted from J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth World and
              Maintained by CryHavoc, Manwe and Nada.

           Original code DikuMUD I (view credits), created by:
     S. Hammer, T. Madsen, K. Nyboe, M. Seifert and H.H. Staerfeldt.

If you have never played MUME before, type NEW to create a new character,
or ? for help. Otherwise, type your account or character name.

By what name do you wish to be known? ruscuck
Account pass phrase: 5500225

           ~~         _----|        _ _ __ _ _                              
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T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-| '  I-|-T- 
  \T/    1-- | ||| /|Welcome|\ ||| | .  '   \T/    .  |   ..     |     _|
__/|' v .   .|\|||//|_______|\\|||/|. . Y . .|\_________________/ -  .. .\__ 
      ..   .                       . .   .                       . ..

             MUME: Multi Users in Middle Earth, Version VII.

*** Return: continue, b: back one page, r: redisplay, q:quit (96%) *** 
           Type 'news next' for the latest information.

Welcome to the land of Middle Earth. May your visit here be... interesting.
Never forget! Try to role-play...

Last login less than one hour ago from
Musty Cave
A canoe has been left here.
A brown bear is sleeping here.
A brown bear is sleeping here.
Exits: [Up].

Your default tongue is the Morbeth
Free rent.

News board                - 3 unread messages

The turf seems to be closed.

According to the Dunadan calendar, it is:
8am on Trewsday, the 16th of Foreyule, Year 2907 of the Third Age.
The present Tan Istar, Lord of the Istari Council is Ethelian.
Real time is Sun Oct 14 18:10:16 2001 GMT.
Last reboot due to manual reboot at Sat Oct 13 17:37:50 2001 GMT

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Saving Ruscuck.

o>con bear
You would need a lot of luck and great equipment!

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Saving Ruscuck.

Wilma narrates 'come roughb  passage'

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Wilma narrates 'ughlor incap'

Wilma narrates 'he died'

Kolm narrates 'dwarf rip'

According to the Dunadan calendar, it is:
12pm on Trewsday, the 16th of Foreyule, Year 2907 of the Third Age.
The present Tan Istar, Lord of the Istari Council is Ethelian.
Real time is Sun Oct 14 18:13:48 2001 GMT.
Last reboot due to manual reboot at Sat Oct 13 17:37:50 2001 GMT

Ughlor narrates 'thanks for curing me=) was dying for 1 min'

Wilma narrates 'i tried ughlor'

Zarhuk narrates 'ello all'

Ughlor narrates 'who looted my gold?'

Wilma narrates 'i died'

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Octay narrates 'bah, he's glowing'

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Kolm narrates 'any1 wants engraved hammer?'

Saving Ruscuck.

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

According to the Dunadan calendar, it is:
3pm on Trewsday, the 16th of Foreyule, Year 2907 of the Third Age.
The present Tan Istar, Lord of the Istari Council is Ethelian.
Real time is Sun Oct 14 18:16:28 2001 GMT.
Last reboot due to manual reboot at Sat Oct 13 17:37:50 2001 GMT

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

According to the Dunadan calendar, it is:
4pm on Trewsday, the 16th of Foreyule, Year 2907 of the Third Age.
The present Tan Istar, Lord of the Istari Council is Ethelian.
Real time is Sun Oct 14 18:17:28 2001 GMT.
Last reboot due to manual reboot at Sat Oct 13 17:37:50 2001 GMT

Wilma tells you 'nu kommer jag nasta natt'

Wilma tells you ':)'

o>tell wilma jag ar dod do

Saving Ruscuck.

Wilma tells you 'slass du?'

o>tell Wilma nep

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Wilma tells you 'da sa'

o>tell Wilma pallar ointe mer

Roadkill narrates 'deavon in warrens'

Wilma tells you 'jo'

Roadkill narrates 'was s e nexus'

o>tell jag ska hem om 10min
No-one by that name here...

o>tell Wilma jag ska hem om 10min

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Wilma tells you 'kan du inte spela hemma?'

o>tell wilma jo men det ar min syras dataor jag har min hos mans

Wilma tells you 'spela pa din syrras da'

Wilma tells you 'vi ska doda pukes'

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

o>tell wilma for ej

Wilma tells you 'be henne om det en enda gang'

Ughlor narrates 'er.. what trol died dark tunnel?'

o>say jag kommer snart do eller quita

Saving Ruscuck.

Drolt narrates 'anyone see the black sorcercer around?'

According to the Dunadan calendar, it is:
7pm on Trewsday, the 16th of Foreyule, Year 2907 of the Third Age.
The present Tan Istar, Lord of the Istari Council is Ethelian.
Real time is Sun Oct 14 18:21:23 2001 GMT.
Last reboot due to manual reboot at Sat Oct 13 17:37:50 2001 GMT

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

o>open turf

o>exa u
The turf is open.

Up    - High Hill

High Hill
A lone hawk soars high above you.
Exits: ^North^ ^South^ ^West^ Down.

Gorse-Covered Hills
Exits: ^North^ ^South^ ^West^ ^Down^.

*>Gentle Slope
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.

Rising Hills
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.

*>High Hill
A lone hawk soars high above you.
Exits: ^North^ ^South^ ^West^ Down.

Wooded Slopes
Exits: North ^South^ ^West^.

*>Ancient Forest
A fallow deer is grazing peacefully here.
A large rabbit looks peacefully at you, ready to dart away.
Exits: East ^South^ West.

Alas, you cannot go that way...

o>Dark Forest
A fallow deer is grazing peacefully here.
A fallow deer is grazing peacefully here.
Exits: North East ^South^ West.

Ancient Forest
A fallow deer is grazing peacefully here.
A large rabbit looks peacefully at you, ready to dart away.
Exits: East ^South^ West.

o>Wooded Slopes
Exits: North ^South^ ^West^.

*>High Hill
A lone hawk soars high above you.
Exits: ^North^ ^South^ ^West^ Down.

*>Gorse-Covered Hills
Exits: ^North^ ^South^ ^West^ ^Down^.

*>A Ridge in the Hills
Exits: ^North^ ^South^ ^West^.

Rocky Rise
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
You suddenly notice a mole.

*>Rocky Inlet
A tall stag is here, grazing peacefully.
Exits: ^North^ ^South^ ^West^.

You carefully try to walk on the frozen water.
Bend in the River
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
Thick ice covers the water.

*>drink water
You drink the water.
You are not thirsty anymore.

You carefully try to walk on the frozen water.
Rocky Inlet
A tall stag is here, grazing peacefully.
Exits: ^North^ ^South^ ^West^.
The ground is very frosty.

Alas, you cannot go that way...

You carefully try to walk on the frozen water.
Bend in the River
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.
Thick ice covers the water.

* Move:Tired>
You carefully try to walk on the frozen water.
Rapid River
A salmon swims here.
Exits: ^East^ ^West^.

* Move:Tired>e
You carefully try to walk on the frozen water.
The Waterfall
Exits: North ^West^.

* Move:Tired>
You carefully try to walk on the frozen water.
Behind the Waterfall
Exits: ^South^ West.
The ground is very frosty.

o Move:Tired>n
Alas, you cannot go that way...

o Move:Tired>A Watery Tunnel
Exits: North East.

o Move:Tired>e
Behind the Waterfall
Exits: ^South^ West.

o Move:Tired>
You are hungry.

o Move:Tired>close alcove

o Move:Tired>w
A Watery Tunnel
Exits: North East.

o Move:Tired>Tunnel Intersection
Exits: North South West.

o Move:Tired>A Damp Tunnel
A small campfire burns here, its low flames giving off only a little light.
*a Man* is standing here.
Exits: North South.

* Move:Tired>Tunnel Intersection
Exits: North South West.

o Move:Tired>n
A Damp Tunnel
A small campfire burns here, its low flames giving off only a little light.
*a Man* is sleeping here.
Exits: North South.

* Move:Tired>
*a Man* wakes up.

bash *man*
* Move:Tired>*a Man* clambers on his feet.

As *a Man* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground.
You fall to the ground.
*a Man* slashes your body very hard.
You hit *a Man*'s left hand.

* HP:Fine Move:Tired *a Man*:Fine>
*a Man* panics, and attempts to flee.
*a Man* leaves north.

* HP:Fine Move:Tired>
You are already standing.

* HP:Fine Move:Tired>Arglebargle, glop-glyf!?!

* HP:Fine Move:Tired>
*a Man* has arrived from the north.

* HP:Fine Move:Tired>bash
Bash what or whom?

* HP:Fine Move:Tired>
You are already standing.
*a Man* leaves south.

* HP:Fine Move:Tired>s
Tunnel Intersection
*a Man* is standing here.
Exits: North South West.

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>A Watery Tunnel
Exits: North East.

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>
Alas, you cannot go that way...

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>
Alas, you cannot go that way...

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>
Alas, you cannot go that way...

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>Behind the Waterfall
Exits: [South] West.

close alcove
o HP:Fine Move:Slow>
It's already closed!
close alcove

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>Wilma tells you 'barbaras nu'
It's already closed!

close alcove
o HP:Fine Move:Slow>
It's already closed!

close alcove
o HP:Fine Move:Slow>
It's already closed!

close alcove
o HP:Fine Move:Slow>
It's already closed!

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>close alcove
It's already closed!

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>l
Behind the Waterfall

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>n
Alas, you cannot go that way...

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>w
A Watery Tunnel
Exits: North East.

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>Tunnel Intersection
*a Man* is standing here.
Exits: North South West.

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>Dead End Tunnel
A huge black fungus is here, exuding a foul stench.
A fierce bat is here, lusting for your blood.
A large bat is here, hanging in the darkness.
Exits: East.

hit *man*
o HP:Fine Move:Slow>Tunnel Intersection
*a Man* is standing here.
Exits: North South West.

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>*a Man* swiftly dodges your attempt to hit him.
*a Man* slashes your head extremely hard.

bash *man*
o HP:Fine Move:Slow *a Man*:Fine>
Your bash at *a Man* sends him sprawling.

o HP:Fine Move:Slow *a Man*:Fine>Do you not consider fighting as standing?

o HP:Fine Move:Slow *a Man*:Fine>
You hit *a Man*'s head very hard.

o HP:Fine Move:Slow *a Man*:Hurt>
*a Man* seems to have recovered his senses.

o HP:Fine Move:Slow *a Man*:Hurt>
*a Man* panics, and attempts to flee.
*a Man* leaves north.

bash *man*
o HP:Fine Move:Slow>
*a Man* has arrived from the north.

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>*a Man* panics, and attempts to flee.
*a Man* leaves west.
You don't see any *man* here.

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>
Saving Ruscuck.
*a Man* has arrived from the west.

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>
*a Man* leaves south.

hit *man*
o HP:Fine Move:Slow>They aren't here.

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>A Watery Tunnel
*a Man* is standing here.
Exits: North East.

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>Behind the Waterfall
Exits: [South] West.

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>
You are hungry.

close alcove
o HP:Fine Move:Slow>
It's already closed!

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>
*a Man* has arrived from the west.

close alcove
o HP:Fine Move:Slow>
It's already closed!
close alcove

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>
It's already closed!
hit *man*

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>*a Man* swiftly dodges your attempt to hit him.
*a Man* strongly slashes your left leg and tickles it.

close alcove
close alcove
o HP:Fine Move:Slow *a Man*:Hurt>
It's already closed!

o HP:Fine Move:Slow *a Man*:Hurt>
It's already closed!

close alcove
close alcove
o HP:Fine Move:Slow *a Man*:Hurt>
It's already closed!

o HP:Fine Move:Slow *a Man*:Hurt>
It's already closed!

close alcove
o HP:Fine Move:Slow *a Man*:Hurt>
It's already closed!

o HP:Fine Move:Slow *a Man*:Hurt>
*a Man* panics, and attempts to flee.
*a Man* leaves west.

close alcove
o HP:Fine Move:Slow>
It's already closed!

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>
Kolm narrates 'where u?'

close alcove
o HP:Fine Move:Slow>
It's already closed!

close alcove
o HP:Fine Move:Slow>
It's already closed!

close alcove
o HP:Fine Move:Slow>
It's already closed!

close alcove
o HP:Fine Move:Slow>
It's already closed!

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>cha mood berserk

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>close alcove
It's already closed!

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>w
A Watery Tunnel
Exits: North East.

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>Tunnel Intersection
A large bat is here, hanging in the darkness.
Exits: North South West.

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>A Damp Tunnel
A small campfire burns here, its low flames giving off only a little light.
Exits: North South.

* HP:Fine Move:Slow>Tunnel Intersection
A large bat is here, hanging in the darkness.
Exits: North South West.

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>Dead End Tunnel
A huge black fungus is here, exuding a foul stench.
A fierce bat is here, lusting for your blood.
Exits: East.

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>Tunnel Intersection
A large bat is here, hanging in the darkness.
Exits: North South West.
A large bat lightly hits your body and tickles it.
You hit a large bat's tail extremely hard and shatter it.

o HP:Fine Move:Weak a large bat:Hurt>s
No way! 
You are fighting for your life!

o HP:Fine Move:Slow a large bat:Hurt>s
No way! 
You are fighting for your life!

o HP:Fine Move:Slow a large bat:Hurt>
A large bat lightly hits your right leg and tickles it.

o HP:Fine Move:Slow a large bat:Hurt>
You hit a large bat's tail extremely hard and shatter it.

o HP:Fine Move:Slow a large bat:Awful>
You hit a large bat's right wing extremely hard and shatter it.
You receive your share of experience.
get coins corpse
Congratulations! This is the first time you've killed it!
Your blood freezes as you hear a large bat's death cry.
A large bat is dead! R.I.P.

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>
You can't find a coins in the corpse.

o HP:Fine Move:Slow>A Watery Tunnel
Exits: North East.

o HP:Fine Move:Weak>Behind the Waterfall
Exits: [South] West.

o HP:Fine Move:Weak>w
A Watery Tunnel
Exits: North East.

o HP:Fine Move:Weak>Tunnel Intersection
The corpse of a large bat is lying here.
Exits: North South West.
You smell blood.

o HP:Fine Move:Weak>
You suddenly notice a bloodthirsty bat.
A bloodthirsty bat barely hits your left arm and tickles it.
You hit a bloodthirsty bat's body extremely hard and shatter it.

o HP:Fine Move:Weak a bloodthirsty bat:Wounded>eat crpse

You hit a bloodthirsty bat's tail extremely hard and shatter it.
You receive your share of experience.
get coins corpse
You're beginning to get the idea.
Your blood freezes as you hear a bloodthirsty bat's death cry.
A bloodthirsty bat is dead! R.I.P.

o HP:Fine Move:Weak>
You can't find a crpse.

o HP:Fine Move:Weak>
You can't find a coins in the corpse.

o HP:Fine Move:Weak>n
A Damp Tunnel
A small campfire burns here, its low flames giving off only a little light.
Exits: North South.

* HP:Fine Move:Weak>A Small Cave
Exits: North South.

o HP:Fine Move:Weak>n
A Cramped Cave
*a Man* is standing here.
Exits: South West.

* HP:Fine Move:Weak>hit *man*
You hit *a Man*'s right foot extremely hard and shatter it.
*a Man* slashes your right arm hard and tickles it.

* HP:Fine Move:Weak *a Man*:Hurt>close bearskin

close bearskin
* HP:Fine Move:Weak *a Man*:Hurt>
It's already closed!

* HP:Fine Move:Weak *a Man*:Hurt>
*a Man* panics, and attempts to flee.
*a Man* leaves west.

close bearskin
close bearskin
* HP:Fine Move:Weak>
It's already closed!

* HP:Fine Move:Weak>
It's already closed!

* HP:Fine Move:Weak>
*a Man* has arrived from the west.

* HP:Fine Move:Weak>hit *man*
*a Man* swiftly dodges your attempt to hit him.
*a Man* slashes your left foot very hard.

* HP:Hurt Move:Weak *a Man*:Hurt>
You are hungry.

close bearskin
* HP:Hurt Move:Weak *a Man*:Hurt>
It's already closed!

close bearskin
* HP:Hurt Move:Weak *a Man*:Hurt>
It's already closed!

close bearskin
* HP:Hurt Move:Weak *a Man*:Hurt>
It's already closed!

close bearskin
* HP:Hurt Move:Weak *a Man*:Hurt>
*a Man* panics, and attempts to flee.

* HP:Hurt Move:Weak *a Man*:Hurt>
It's already closed!

bash *man*
* HP:Hurt Move:Weak *a Man*:Hurt>
*a Man* panics, but can't stop fighting to flee.

close bearskin
* HP:Hurt Move:Weak *a Man*:Hurt>*a Man* panics, and attempts to flee.
Your victim has disappeared!
*a Man* leaves west.

* HP:Hurt Move:Weak>
It's already closed!

close bearskin
close bearskin
* HP:Hurt Move:Weak>
It's already closed!

* HP:Hurt Move:Weak>
It's already closed!
Kolm narrates 'up w'

* HP:Hurt Move:Weak>close bearskin
It's already closed!

* HP:Hurt Move:Weak>
Ughlor narrates 'pukes shaws'

* HP:Hurt Move:Weak>
*a Man* has arrived from the west.

* HP:Hurt Move:Weak>A Lit Passageway
A mean looking robber is here, demanding money from you.
Exits: North East.

* HP:Hurt Move:Weak>A Cramped Cave
hit *man*
*a Man* is standing here.
Exits: [South] West.

* HP:Hurt Move:Weak>
You try to hit *a Man*, but he parries successfully.
*a Man* slashes your left foot extremely hard.
You feel a strong ache there!

bash *man*
* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting *a Man*:Hurt>close bearskin
close bearskin
bash *man*
close bearskin
close bearskin
close bearskin
*a Man* panics, and attempts to flee.
Your victim has disappeared!
*a Man* leaves west.

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>
It's already closed!

close bearskin
* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>Ughlor narrates 'need bob olog soon'
It's already closed!

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>
You don't see any *man* here.

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>
It's already closed!

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>
It's already closed!

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>
It's already closed!

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>
It's already closed!

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>
*a Man* has arrived from the west.

close bearskin
* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>
It's already closed!

hit *man*
* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>*a Man* swiftly dodges your attempt to hit him.
*a Man* slashes your left leg hard.

close bearskin
* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting *a Man*:Hurt>
It's already closed!

close bearskin
* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting *a Man*:Hurt>
It's already closed!

bash *man*
* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting *a Man*:Hurt>close bearskin
close bearskin
*a Man* slashes your left foot hard.

Your bash at *a Man* sends him sprawling.

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting *a Man*:Hurt>
It's already closed!

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting *a Man*:Hurt>
It's already closed!

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting *a Man*:Hurt>
You hit *a Man*'s body extremely hard and shatter it.

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting *a Man*:Wounded>close bearskin
It's already closed!

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting *a Man*:Wounded>
Wilma tells you 'w of neni'

close bearskin
* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting *a Man*:Wounded>
You hit *a Man*'s right hand very hard and shatter it.

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting *a Man*:Bad>
It's already closed!

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting *a Man*:Bad>close bearskin
It's already closed!

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting *a Man*:Bad>bash *man*
Bash someone already bashed? Aren't we funny?

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting *a Man*:Bad>
*a Man* seems to have recovered his senses.

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting *a Man*:Bad>
*a Man* panics, and attempts to flee.

bash *man*
close bearskin
* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting *a Man*:Bad>*a Man* panics, and attempts to flee.

close bearskin
close bearskin
*a Man* panics, and attempts to flee.

*a Man* panics, and attempts to flee.
Your victim has disappeared!
*a Man* leaves west.

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>
It's already closed!

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>
It's already closed!

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>
It's already closed!

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>
*a Man* has arrived from the west.

hit *man*
* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>
You approach *a Man*, trying to hit him.
*a Man* slashes your left foot hard.

bash *man*
* HP:Hurt Move:Exhausted *a Man*:Bad>close bearskin
close bearskin
*a Man* panics, and attempts to flee.

*a Man* panics, and attempts to flee.
Your victim has disappeared!
*a Man* leaves west.

* HP:Hurt Move:Exhausted>
It's already closed!

* HP:Hurt Move:Exhausted>
It's already closed!

* HP:Hurt Move:Exhausted>close bearskin
It's already closed!

* HP:Hurt Move:Exhausted>close bearskin
It's already closed!

* HP:Hurt Move:Exhausted>sc
125/266 hit, and 1/104 moves.

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>sc

You are hungry.

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>125/266 hit, and 1/104 moves.

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>inv
You are carrying:

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>l
A Cramped Cave

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>close bearskin
It's already closed!

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>close bearskin
It's already closed!

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>
You suddenly notice a bloodthirsty bat.
A bloodthirsty bat barely hits your right foot and tickles it.
You hit a bloodthirsty bat's tail extremely hard and shatter it.

close bearskin
* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting a bloodthirsty bat:Wounded>
It's already closed!

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting a bloodthirsty bat:Wounded>close bearskin
It's already closed!

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting a bloodthirsty bat:Wounded>
A bloodthirsty bat barely hits your body and tickles it.

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting a bloodthirsty bat:Wounded>
You hit a bloodthirsty bat's right wing extremely hard and shatter it.
A bloodthirsty bat is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting a bloodthirsty bat:Dying>
You hit a bloodthirsty bat's body extremely hard and shatter it.
Your victim is shocked by your hit!
You receive your share of experience.
get coins corpse
You're beginning to get the idea.
Your blood freezes as you hear a bloodthirsty bat's death cry.
A bloodthirsty bat is dead! R.I.P.

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>
You can't find a coins in the corpse.

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>
Saving Ruscuck.

tro #
* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>          *** TROPHY *** (Number Killed, Knowledge, Mobile)

You never killed anything like that.

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>sc
124/266 hit, and 2/104 moves.

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>sc
124/266 hit, and 2/104 moves.

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>close bearskin
It's already closed!

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>
A ruffian has arrived from the west.
A ruffian has arrived from the west.
A ruffian has arrived from the west.

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting>
You swiftly dodge a ruffian's attempt to slash you.
You hit a ruffian's body extremely hard and shatter it.

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting a ruffian:Hurt>close bearskin
It's already closed!

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting a ruffian:Hurt>
You hit a ruffian's body extremely hard and shatter it.

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting a ruffian:Wounded>
A ruffian lightly slashes your right hand and tickles it.

* HP:Hurt Move:Fainting a ruffian:Wounded>
A ruffian strongly slashes your right arm.

* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting a ruffian:Wounded>
A ruffian crushes your body and tickles it.

* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting a ruffian:Wounded>
You hit a ruffian's right foot extremely hard and shatter it.

* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting a ruffian:Bad>
A ruffian strongly slashes your left leg.

* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting a ruffian:Bad>
A ruffian slashes your left arm.

* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting a ruffian:Bad>
A ruffian lightly crushes your right leg and tickles it.

* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting a ruffian:Bad>cha mood aggre
You are too furious right now to change mood.

* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting a ruffian:Bad>
A ruffian slashes your right leg.

* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting a ruffian:Bad>
A ruffian strongly slashes your right hand.

* HP:Wounded Move:Fainting a ruffian:Bad>
A ruffian strongly crushes your left leg.

* HP:Bad Move:Fainting a ruffian:Bad>
You hit a ruffian's right arm extremely hard and shatter it.
You receive your share of experience.
get coins corpse
Congratulations! This is the first time you've killed it!
Your blood freezes as you hear a ruffian's death cry.
A ruffian is dead! R.I.P.

* HP:Bad Move:Fainting a ruffian:Healthy>
You get a pile of coins from the corpse of a ruffian.
There was 1 silver penny.

* HP:Bad Move:Fainting a ruffian:Healthy>
A ruffian lightly crushes your right hand and tickles it.

* HP:Bad Move:Fainting a ruffian:Healthy>
A ruffian slashes your left foot.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

* HP:Bad Move:Fainting a ruffian:Healthy>bash

A ruffian crushes your left arm hard and shatters it.
You feel a strong ache there!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

A ruffian strongly slashes your left arm and shatters it.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

A ruffian says 'Prepare to dae, Ruscuck!'
Your bash at a ruffian sends him sprawling.

* HP:Bad Move:Fainting a ruffian:Fine>Do you not consider fighting as standing?

* HP:Bad Move:Fainting a ruffian:Fine>
You hit a ruffian's right arm extremely hard and shatter it.

* HP:Bad Move:Fainting a ruffian:Fine>
A ruffian strongly crushes your right foot and shatters it.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

* HP:Awful Move:Fainting a ruffian:Fine>b 2.ruffian
bash 2.ruffian

A ruffian lightly crushes your right arm and shatters it.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

A ruffian seems to have recovered his senses.

A ruffian says 'Prepare to die, Ruscuck!'
Your bash at a ruffian sends him sprawling.

* HP:Awful Move:Fainting a ruffian:Fine>
You hit a ruffian's left foot extremely hard and shatter it.

* HP:Awful Move:Fainting a ruffian:Hurt>
You are hungry.

* HP:Awful Move:Fainting a ruffian:Hurt>bash
A ruffian slashes your body and shatters it.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

A ruffian says 'It was iour list mastake Ruscock! I wall remember you!'
Your bash at a ruffian sends him sprawling.

* HP:Awful Move:Exhausted a ruffian:Hurt>
A ruffian seems to have recovered his senses.

* HP:Awful Move:Exhausted a ruffian:Hurt>
You hit a ruffian's right hand extremely hard and shatter it.

* HP:Awful Move:Exhausted a ruffian:Wounded>
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

* HP:Awful Move:Exhausted a ruffian:Wounded>
You hit a ruffian's left foot extremely hard and shatter it.

* HP:Awful Move:Exhausted a ruffian:Awful>
A ruffian lightly crushes your left arm and shatters it.
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

* HP:Awful Move:Exhausted a ruffian:Awful>
A ruffian seems to have recovered his senses.

* HP:Awful Move:Fainting a ruffian:Awful>
A ruffian slashes your right foot and shatters it.
You are incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.

* HP:Dying Move:Fainting a ruffian:Awful>
You feel a strong ache there!
You are mortally wounded and will die soon if not aided.

* HP:Dying Move:Fainting a ruffian:Awful>bash
You are in a pretty bad shape, unable to do anything!

* HP:Dying Move:Fainting a ruffian:Awful>
You feel a strong ache there!

You are dead! Sorry...

o HP:Awful Move:Fainting>stat
OB: 47%, DB: -38%, PB: 37%, Armour: 0%. Wimpy: 0. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 98,379 xp, 0 tp. Gold: 0. Alert: normal.

o HP:Awful Move:Fainting>sztat
Arglebargle, glop-glyf!?!

o HP:Awful Move:Fainting>
Wilma tells you 'jag restar scarred over natten'

o HP:Awful Move:Fainting>Chamber of the Trolls
There are two green slime moulds here.

o HP:Awful Move:Fainting>tell wilma fightade en man
Your voice doesn't reach from here!

o HP:Awful Move:Weak>
Wilma tells you 'over dagen menar jag'

o HP:Awful Move:Weak>u
You feel too relaxed to do that..

o HP:Awful Move:Weak>st
You stop resting, and stand up.

o HP:Awful Move:Weak>u
Sorry, you have to heal some of your wounds before returning to Arda.

o HP:Awful Move:Weak>slepep
Arglebargle, glop-glyf!?!

o HP:Awful Move:Weak>sc
16/266 hit, and 13/106 moves.

o HP:Awful Move:Weak>st
You are already standing.

o HP:Awful Move:Weak>u
Sorry, you have to heal some of your wounds before returning to Arda.

o HP:Awful Move:Slow>u
Sorry, you have to heal some of your wounds before returning to Arda.

o HP:Awful Move:Slow>sleep
You go to sleep.

o HP:Awful Move:Slow>20/266 hit, and 17/106 moves.

o HP:Awful Move:Slow>
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......2001-10-14 20:51:37
whats da point?sucks that u couldnt get pk kill
Rogon2001-10-14 21:23:34
numerical passwords rocks.
David2001-10-14 21:59:34
hahaha.. =P comfs
Fredde2001-10-14 22:14:37
"jag får inte spela på min syrras dator!" ROFL! kunde du inte logga nåt som var sämre?
wilma2001-10-14 22:15:57
im sorry i didnt logg when i killed 3 pukes in alcove 20 min before this happens.
Eothen2001-10-14 22:44:25
this guy doesn't know trolls can eat corpses?
Unknown2001-10-14 23:05:17
I like watching lowbie trolls fight lowbie pukes its like watching to 6th graders acting all tough and pathetically beat the crap out of each other!*snicker*
Tril2001-10-14 23:08:36
Wilma i was the hobbit in alcove when u got killed
Edvard2001-10-14 23:28:55
wilma u are forgiven=p
ruscuck2001-10-15 11:51:46
well this was a one night char dont care
(my first real pk)
ruscuck2001-10-15 11:52:14
well this was a one night char dont care
(my first real pk)

i tryied to eat a canoe
Blake2001-10-15 23:51:42
Next time eat one of the many corpses you left there.
zack2001-10-16 19:06:45
well i hope you just didnt leave your password there for all of us to see.
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