Wheee. A log featuring me *lifts up her skirt and bows gracefully*. Thought you would stay still and cure so I could bob in peace after I ran away a couple of rooms.. I was fainting, so you could have slapped me dead there if you wanted ;-)
2001-10-16 22:15:42
2001-10-16 22:36:26
And btw.. If I knew you was on 50 hps I would have stayed and shot you with all my 6 arrows... Thought you were one of those pesky high level elves who call them self noble by killing poor honest Numenoreans in cold blood..
2001-10-17 09:54:59
Dice, here's to many falling victim to your daggers *Raise a toast*
2001-10-17 17:50:30
That thing about Falathrim+Alfrim doing 2 trolls is pretty funny, since there were 4 pukes in same room + Alfrim a cpl rooms away when we came to barbaras. These pukes instantly scattered though, they didn't even try to fight.
2001-10-19 13:20:07
It was only myself and Alfrim who went inside necro area to fight the trolls,
where we got one wounded one hurt, the hurt troll ran outside and died to the
idleing pukes outside - the 2nd troll died inside two me and Alfrim. So stuff it