Dieing is worth it sometimes. (look care
posted by *I wish not to
2001-11-09 05:21:37
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Dieing usely makes me mad , this time it dident., Make sure you look carefuly
* HP:Dying Mana:Icy a studious elf:Hurt>OB: 26%, DB: -136%, PB: 9%, Armour: 36%. Wimpy: 0.
 Mood: berserk.
Needed: 43,645 xp, 0 tp. Gold: 1. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- a light wound at the left arm.
- noquit
- panic
- a light wound at the right foot.

* HP:Dying Mana:Icy a studious elf:Fine>
You feel a strong ache there!

You are dead! Sorry...

o HP:Awful Mana:Icy>OB: 25%, DB: -34%, PB: 0%, Armour: 0%. Wimpy: 0. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 158,983 xp, 0 tp. Gold: 0. Alert: normal.

* HP:Awful Mana:Icy>
You are a male Dwarf.
You are 50 years old. It's your birthday today!
You have played 1 day and 2 hours (real time).
This ranks you as **** the Dwarf (level 10).
You are four feet six and weigh twelve stone and eleven pounds.
Perception: vision 35, hearing 0, smell -25. Alertness: normal.
You are a balanced individual with little concern for good or evil.
You are welcome in Bree, Fornost, the Grey Havens, and the Blue Mountains.
Your equipment weighs nothing. Peanuts.
Your base abilities are: Str:16 Int:19 Wis:15 Dex:13 Con:13 Wil:15 Per:14.
Offensive Bonus: 25%, Dodging Bonus: -34%, Parrying Bonus: 0%.
You are not wearing any armour.
You have 1/82 hit, 8/117 mana, and 100/115 movement points.
Your mood is wimpy. 
You will fight to the death.
You have scored 346,017 experience points and you have 1,937 travel points.
You are not known for any acts of war.
You need 158,983 exp. points and 0 travel points to reach the next level.
You have 0 copper.
You are speaking Westron.
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Ganon2001-11-09 05:27:05
"I love my own log's."
The real Ganon2001-11-09 05:32:11
"I dont post log's", But I like Men.
Bren2001-11-09 06:23:25
This is my log btw.
Fredde2001-11-09 07:29:44
what kinda shit fuck char is this? god!
DB: +136%2001-11-09 07:59:51
wanna be wanna be some day!
Ganon2001-11-09 09:41:37
this is my greatest log yet, except that one where i killed 7 wolfs neer fornost that rocked, i should have warlorded
Myz2001-11-09 11:37:47
erm... You are a male Dwarf. ok, agree, so what???
You are 50 years old. It's your birthday today! wtf??? did you born when your
grandfather was bialogically bisected???
Point2001-11-09 12:12:31
If I was in this log, people would notice me. However, I'm not, so go read Hate's logs instead, they are funny at least.
Aschit2001-11-09 14:29:52
I think this is just a shining example of today's mume newbie: he actually sucks SO bad at xping that he had to resort to mobkilling himself in order to get back to a playable age, since he averages 1.5 RL years per level.
Aschit2001-11-09 14:30:36
Ok, so it is really 1.5 RL days to reach level 10, but you get my point!
Unknown2001-11-09 15:20:56
Those must be the gayest stats ever.
dont understand2001-11-09 16:41:33
SORRY why post this log
muffe2001-11-09 16:42:31
I can post a log when i xpeing
khazgren2001-11-09 17:48:19
he was berserk. :P prolly happy he didnt lose level or sthing to a wolf. :P
Whats the fucki2001-11-09 19:34:58
You were incap moron, you expect to have nice dodge then?
Studious Elf2001-11-09 21:14:39
Int: 19 Doesn't show it tho, does he? Actually we were playing chess, his brain couldn't handle defeat.
ganon2001-11-09 23:51:37
god...some fucking unknowns are real immature fags and keep fucking posting on my name...idiots
Unknown2001-11-10 02:02:14
Why do you commies allways write dieing when you want to write dying?
Ganon2001-11-10 06:08:39
And something else to those cowards who type in my name ..... i DO like men.
Ulynn2001-11-13 17:56:34
The best thing to do "real" ganon is not to comment at all, these "real immature fags" will keep commenting in your name if you continue to comment about them.

And YEAH! Those Stats really suck!
wow....(darastr2001-11-17 04:00:19
1.5 RL days is a long time to get to level 10. i have a feeling the real ganon dindt make a new char and do this to him
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