stabber log (not too exciting)
posted by Deimus
2001-11-13 05:43:36
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hiding near morthan waiting for something to show up when i start hearing large
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Known2001-11-13 05:46:50
Why post this shit?You retarded newbie why dont you actually post a log of you using the slightest bit of skill...oh wait you dont have any!HAHAHAHA!!!!
Ramangth2001-11-13 06:04:47
Erm, I'm guessing "Known" is Opothod? giggle
Aschit2001-11-13 06:27:10
"Known" can't you read the fucking title of the fucking log you fucking immature little fucking moron who can't even show his pretend fucking name? I don't think anyone held a gun to your fucking retarded RL newbie head and made you read the goddamn thing, so why not just shut the hell up and use the only skill you possess, which is the masterful skill of masturbating!
Digtakh2001-11-13 08:04:54
Aschit has a way with words :o) I don't think I could have said it any better!
Known2001-11-13 09:40:29
I said WHY post this shit I didnt say DONT post this shit, im guessing Aschit's reading comprehension level is extreamly low. Let me state it so even the dumbest person on mume *poke Norsu* could understand,"THIS LOG IS SHIT" and no im not opothod i just thing Demius is a pathetic excuse for a clueless newbie stabber whore. Who put all the other clueless newbie stabber whores to shame of their titles just by the mention of his name.
Deimus2001-11-13 10:55:53
apparently 'known' is so good he doesnt have to tell us who he is ;)
i bet he is a storeporter! people who are too afraid to post under
their names are usually too afraid to pk as well
Roman2001-11-13 13:35:21
I hate ppl like Known who afraid to show their names. I don't afraid to say: Suck my cock everybody :) /NOW/
Aschit2001-11-13 14:10:34
Known, you flame him for posting it but tell him not to stop? Ahh, I see. It makes you feel suprerior to flame logs that don't rise to your discriminating tatstes. Well, if you truly are suprerior we will never know, since you won't tell us your name.
Known2001-11-13 17:27:25
Why should I tell you my name? Do i get some fancy award?? Or do i get overkilled by some legends because your going to get your painties in a knot becuase I hurt your fealings *sniff* boohoo!And again Aschit amazes me with his reading comprehension!!Where in the hell did i say for him not to stop??Are you drunk???And again when the hell I didnt say i was Suprerior?I thought so maybe you should try hooked on phonics Aschit! Anyways No you retarded newbie i Dont store port and i DO pk hell ive tried to PK you but you ran like a pussy when you con'd me and it DIDNT say Now whered that chicken go?
Relim2001-11-13 17:35:57
I read half of Known's comments. Did the other half make more sense? I think Deimus warned us of the contents of this log in the title, and it's not half as bad as a lot of other logs here. Gives us workers something to read, and, evidently, gives the wankers something to whine about. C'est la vie.
Aram2001-11-13 22:11:36
Known, i wish i had anouther life to live so i could make it my only goal to find you, hunt you down, tear out your eyes, and brutally dismember you while drinking blood from a torn artery from your still beating heart
Aram2001-11-13 22:12:18
that or you can save me the trouble and put a bullet in your head
Deimus2001-11-13 22:50:29
*bow relim* ;)
Aschit2001-11-13 23:42:04
1) You get the award of not being the biggest dumbass on mume. 2) Do you really think someone is going to overkill you just for flaming a log? You do realize that 95% of mume thieves are solo players, and thus an overkill is technically impossible? 3) I wear thong panties, hence no knots. 4) My reading comprehension is quite high, I assure you. Quoting you: "I said WHY post this shit I didnt say DONT post this shit" 4) "And again when the hell I didn't say i was Suprerior?" Read that carefully, and you will realize you just implied it again. (Check your own reading comprehension, perhaps?) 5) The "Hooked on Phonics" program is a joke. It focuses almost entirely on fluency, and wholly ignores the comprehension aspect of reading, which is vastly more important than reading rate and accuracy. Also, since english is basically a colloid formed of a multitude of languages, more than half the words in the language can not be learned through phonemic study rather; a variety of decoding strategies are required to successfully read unfamiliar texts. These strategies include, but are not limited to: sounding the word out (phonics, of limited usefulness in a significant number of words), using contextual clues, utilizing syntactic information, and, on occasion, making an approximate guess with the available information. It is worth noting, perhaps, that you had a rough count of 63 errors in spelling, capitalization, spacing, punctuation, and grammar between your two posts. I'm sure the figure is actually quite higher, but I only glanced over them briefly.
Aschit2001-11-13 23:43:05
In other words, (I'll write it shorter here since you probably can't focus your attention long enough to read the above post) I AM A FUCKING READING TEACHER, YOU STUPID MOTHER FUCKER. I don't need your fucking advice.
hate to aschit2001-11-14 00:27:16
Write a book damnit :P
Unknown2001-11-14 00:39:38
wow they must be hiring Anyone to be a reading teacher now adays
Ulynn2001-11-14 23:07:45
1) I really hope you are a female Aschit ; ) "I wear thong panties, hence no knots" 2)both of you want to be right hence both of you want to feel superior over the other. proving a point whilst arguing is proving you are superior the one you arguing with. make sense? (Blah, now i am trying to prove that i am superior.) 3)*clap* Deimus, i suck at pk so this is entertainment and a true example of might, as opposed to the overkill logs i see.
Aschit2001-11-15 00:50:45
1) Was a joke :) 2) I have no need to write a post to feel suprerior; however, I can't stand to see morons who think *they* are. 3) *nod*
brolin to aschi2001-11-16 02:41:35
when i was reading ur LONG comment, i just happened to be thinking(and i quote) "she wouldn't happen to be a hot reading teacher out of college would she?" *wink*
brolin2001-11-16 02:42:37
*smile* i'm just messin wit u, i dont want u to go slap me around a bit next time u c me
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