Rockin'! Sorry that I got put in Mandos after 1/2 of bree. *sigh*
2001-11-14 19:53:37
You have enough money for at least 29 years ! At 14 silver a day... Are you the richest guy in mume?
2001-11-14 20:13:07
Unknown when you rent long time, then fee for renting is lowered over time
2001-11-14 23:32:42
OMFG!!! 14 silver!!! thats nowhere in comparison to my 2 gold a day rent!
2001-11-15 01:16:19
I have money for 65 years in fullset with scrolls...
2001-11-15 18:48:21
well watch my whois
2001-11-16 01:56:28
i'dve rented then too. or had frogos block door us in the library. *laugh* that was pretty huge darkie army INSIDE of fnst.. first i've seen that in a while.