I quit for a while, and here I am
posted by hurgi
2001-11-15 04:07:33
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I quit for a while, but im playing my chars once again... i just wanted to show
The End of Hurgi was a while back, my miniature trophy:
trophy #        *** TROPHY *** (Number Killed, Knowledge, Mobile)

|   2,  1%,  #Littleloo *OOPs!         |   1,  0%,  #Seek                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Brazsh                   |   1,  0%,  #Wound                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Elrik                    |   1,  0%,  #Kostihryz                |
|   1,  1%,  #Nishtyak                 |   1,  0%,  #Oglas                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Elkniwreob               |   1,  0%,  #Garrr                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Skarvok                  |   1,  0%,  #Doomer *LinkDeath                   |
|   3,  0%,  #Boomer *Overkill         |   1,  0%,  #Bromash                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Zoone                    |   1,  0%,  #Grul                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Stah                     |   1,  0%,  #Tragg                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Gravel                   |   1,  0%,  #Julie                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Ecko                     |   1,  0%,  #Wroom                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Karamellkungen           |   1,  0%,  #Britney                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Malock                   |   1,  0%,  #Sloshed                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Sthringth                |   1,  0%,  #Wucheria                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Loomer                   |   1,  0%,  #Bup                      |
|   1,  0%,  #Kurjam                   |   2,  0%,  #Nird                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Prishnak                 |                                      |

(My Info is next...)

* C>info
You are a male Dunadan.
You are 30 years, 1 month, and 10 days old.
You have played 9 days and 8 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Hurgi the Man (level 1). <Demotion sux>
You are six feet tall and weigh twelve stone and ten pounds.
Perception: vision 40, hearing -10, smell -25. Alertness: normal.
You must have been sent to Arda to free it from the sorrows that weigh upon it.
You are welcome in Bree, Fornost, the Grey Havens, and Rivendell.
Your equipment weighs one pound. Peanuts.
Your base abilities are: Str:17 Int:12 Wis:10 Dex:16 Con:15 Wil:16 Per:15.
Offensive Bonus: 9%, Dodging Bonus: 35%, Parrying Bonus: 0%.
You are not wearing any armour.
You have 31/31 hit, 72/72 mana, and 115/115 movement points.
Your mood is wimpy. 
You will flee if your hit points go below 320.
You have scored 1 experience points and you have 1 travel points.
You are not known for any acts of war.
You need 999 exp. points and 0 travel points to reach the next level.
You have 15 silver pennies and 56 copper pennies.
You are speaking Westron.
You will climb if necessary.

* C>
You might see me as mother chars until then, you can't live without
someone annoying, so hang on until i get back....
               /#######/ |  +> Time to open up this box
              /_______/  |     once again...
              | Real  |  /
              | life  | /
              |of Hurg|/    :(
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Evan2001-11-15 04:18:29
Well i say so what, if u deserved it.
ganon2001-11-15 04:39:33
what ya do?
Boomer2001-11-15 05:03:25
You overkiller!!!! Glad you got demoted, punk. *smirk*
Boomer2001-11-15 05:04:51
Why post all this garbage if you arent going to tell why you were demoted :P
Julie2001-11-15 06:27:35
1, 0%, #Julie Whine! suntrapped in Golden! *Comfort all trollfriends*
Fredde2001-11-15 07:26:49
hmms how come i dident get an overkill not on seek. i mean you just ported in 7 on me and 1 other orc behind fence and sun. but i guess iam to powerful so it dident count as overkill.
rza2001-11-15 08:16:08
thats the worst trophy ive ever seen, i bet ganons is bettER
Everhate2001-11-15 12:10:06
I've seen slithering snakes with a more impressive trophy.
Stah2001-11-15 13:50:03
Ehh, how did I get on your trophy? man, i feel ashamed :(((
Porien2001-11-15 13:51:50
... and ? ...
UFFE2001-11-15 16:38:47
shitty stats...
point2001-11-15 16:41:00
where am I?
Hurgi to Point2001-11-15 21:31:52
No where!
Hurgi2001-11-15 21:32:23
BTW, reason i was demoted was for cheating ;0 if you all REALLY wanted to know.
Julie to Stah2001-11-16 08:09:04
bad bad memory, Stah!!!! Julie feels ashamed too, but not that badly when she remember that 15pukes came for 5 ologs suntrapped in Golden :-)
Hurgi2001-11-16 17:26:44
yeah i think about 3 guys on 1 troll makes it even, *nod self*
A Slithering Sn2001-11-16 17:38:39
3, 1% #Hurgi. Log available upon request.
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