good way to get kill
posted by Sidlo
2001-11-18 09:44:40
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Sidlo2001-11-18 09:46:42
yaaa ... figth maybe was lost for me ... both blocked, but still this is linkless kill
Stolb2001-11-18 09:55:50
noway u could win that fight, u died in smite+pound linkdead, we had the same lag btw
Zmej2001-11-18 09:57:03
the only chance u could survive there were rocks, comfs, we lagged in same freeze and u died in 1 smite after we reconnected. Comfs.
Omg, isbi2001-11-18 10:09:53
Why is it that always when someone dies it is usually because a freeze / lag / broken link ...
Some ppl too immature to just face the fact that he died ?
And I agree with the darkies here, you all had the same lag (as we all these days) and you would have died anyway ...
Sidlo2001-11-18 10:40:19
my plan was ... hide at mobs. So you must fight mobs first :) Every time is some chance to win. I had it very small but i had it as anybody else.
Porien2001-11-18 11:39:09
Comfort Sidlo. Thought you was dead anyhow.
Relim2001-11-18 11:56:52
Hrmph. Funny that someone who can't use his own Mume name is too immature to face the responsibility of his words, or have the belief in them to actually state who he/she is. Something to bear in mind the next time you call foul on someone else's maturity!
Lore2001-11-18 12:36:25
This is nothing to whine about - you were doomed.
Omg, isbi2001-11-18 13:38:44
Dear Relim, the reason I dont use my real name is that I cant stand ppl giving me shit while I try to play.
Dont you perhaps agree that there is a lot more whining going on about dying these days than before ?
My comment about maturity was general not personal, I do think that there are immature players a lot more now.
Just reading these logs proves my point ... there is a helluva lot of whining going on ... cant stand whinig ...
So I may be a asshole but at least nobody whines to me about it when playing when they don't know my name ...
Jocke2001-11-18 17:23:07
How can you even complain when you die linkless after beeing blocked in on bad hps?
ppl seem to use the contempt against linkless killing much to often and in all sorts
of situations as an explanation for their deaths, as if it would give them more
respect. An example of this is when i chased a sneaker down in eregion and finally
got him exhausted. He then started to spam me with insults like "asshole" etc.
At awful he loses link. Ofcourse i relize my objective in killing him, as he in my
eyes was already dead. Later i get some hate mails where he is accusing me of
linkless killing. He allso spreads the word among the whities that i killed
him linkless etc. Of course i'm opposed to linkless killing but there are allways
situations where reality dont apply to our ethics. Also, in a high speed enviroment
with fast scrolling text like MUME, we are working highly selective, with pattern
matching on text strings. It's then very easy misunderstand the situation, make
a bad decision or simply miss something vital (like a linklless flag).

Aschit2001-11-18 17:31:37
Omg, isbi: As you can see, I am not afraid to write my name here, and if you read comments from past logs, you can see that I'm also not afraid to state my opinion. On several logs you can see outright flame-wars I was involved in *blush*. But never, not even *1* time, has someone brought it back to mume to argue. And even if they did, all I would have to do is ask a god to tell him/her to stop. I guess I'm just man enough to stand up for my opinions, even if it is in an online game where perhaps 5 people know my real name. What does it say about you, when you are actually more wimpy than *Aschit*?
Aram2001-11-18 17:43:04
you had lag first, then linkdied, so if you were bad, i bet in 1 round you were dead, before link even dropped out
Omg, isbi2001-11-18 18:31:41
Well the last time I stated my opinion on a matter that I had strong views about I got like 10 mume hate mails and also I was looked up on as a person with nobody wanted to group with.
Also, this alias I use reflects my real person, not my mume characters.
When I play mume I roleplay to the max, and so my characters dont always share the same view of things as I do.

And besides, what difference does it make ? why jump on me when there's huge amount of "anonymous" commenters here ?
I just wanted to point out that :
1) We have more immature players now
2) We have more whiners now
3) We have more players accusing other players of various reasons when they die

If you dont agree with the above, fine, but I still have a right to my opinion that is based on the fact that I have played this game since mume 4 with huge amounts of both darkie and puke characters.

So flame me all you want for using this name but learn to live with it ...
Omg, isbi (the2001-11-18 18:43:55
Oh and one more thing ...

If you are a player of several characters including ainur you should never express harsh comments because that automaticly makes you bias in eyes of players reading these ...

But as it seems that I cant make a rational comment here anymore I wont,
so be glad I will stop commenting forever.
I would just wish that some of you would cared to comment on my comments, not my "alias."
Blackfox2001-11-18 21:14:32
Well there are always cases where its hard to judge if some1 dropped link on purpose or not.
Just today i find an orc inside eregion demons cave blocked in, block wears of, he stands inside
with linkless flag...
Now some ppl would say, kinda convienent, he would be in trouble when many outside spamin in and close
and so he dropped on purpose. Others say, what if he really had link troubles?
So how would you react in such a situation?
My past experience shows that many ppl with ultrafast/stable links (like Jocke maybe) hesitate less
and kill linkless faster than others who have shit links themselves and know
how it feels to die linkless more often than with link...
On the other hand sometimes it sure is only a mistake and you didnt see flag or whatever.
Jocke2001-11-19 02:55:01
Trust me Blackfox, i have died linkless countless times. I know exactly how it
feels. Some times you just shrug and say, well shit hapends. Other times you
say, was that REALLY necessary? Anyway, a death is just a death and life goes on, don't you think? Some of us take this spare time entertainment way to
serious. Maybe it has something to do with how mature you are as a person.
darastrix2001-11-19 03:17:12
y does anyone complain, they pissed, i hate it too man
Sidlo2001-11-19 07:13:50
In this situation got lags both sides (as Astar told me), so it wasnt linkdrop to save my ass. And to win chance .... orcies finishes mobs on bad and wounded ass i heard from Astar, and when i started fight i had still almost full mana, so can cure self maybe to low fine hp. So there was still chance to win. Btw. if some1 saw group of "x" players from other side and said for self "i die" he surely die.
Stolb2001-11-19 10:07:26
when u died we were all almost full, wanted to loot, mobs hacked us to bad, regenned, went back, waked mobs, got hacked again, regenned and finished shadow,
we were there 15+ ticks and no1 even came to chek out around
Mumin2001-11-19 10:38:43
Nod Jocke, I am totally wired to insta hit opponant, I constantly insta hit *elf* when I run into *orc* as troll since the button is the same for k *orc* as puke and k *elf* as darkie. :)
Fragir2001-11-19 11:24:31
He was prob going to die anyway without help from outside, but with hiding some and few narrates he could make it maybe, or you could get backtraped. Atleast you could wait for him to reconect when you knew it was global lag, if wanted to be realy fair.
khrazlo2001-11-19 19:01:38
Everyone needs to stop crying over things like this and get over it! If you would have killed one of those darkie's linkless you wouldnt have cared at all! You would have just thought that wow, i gues he shouldnt have been playing with that lagg if he was going to go linkless! Maybe you should think more about pking if you are stupid!
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