A fun fight in my eyes.
posted by Eàle
2001-12-14 01:15:07
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me and torkild were hunting some bn down to south dunland, and we entered on him
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shadrach2001-12-14 01:23:35
yup poisoned arrows is sooooooo creative
I assume yer sarcastic eale
Eàle2001-12-14 01:25:24
nope, he did all that he could for a bn thief to stay alive against staffmage and 400 hp warrior i think he desirved the kills and he was solo all the time.
Oscarmeyer2001-12-14 02:02:20
Honestly, I can't recall another time a bn caster-thief rocked that much. If you had casted rem instead of armour, you had a chance to live at least though.
Casque2001-12-14 02:07:54
Why isnt this one posted at elvenrunes ? Way to go Jheran :)
David2001-12-14 02:16:44
its one thing when bns use arachnia arrows.. they are basicly weak..but when ppl like.. ohwell.. i will name no names.. you know who im talking about.. a pukescout sits in tharbad waiting for bns with different kinds of poisons on arrows/blades.. it gets old kinda fast..
Fredde2001-12-14 02:28:55
i got no clue who you are talking about david.
Oscarmeyer2001-12-14 02:34:07
Bah, even pukescouts fighting solo are ok with poisons, IMO. It's warriors in groups spamming around with 3 kinds of poisons on blades, chasing down solo foes that sucks ass.
hate2001-12-14 02:43:55
of cos i suppose Jheren burned corpse with staff on it.
Unknown2001-12-14 03:08:36
Axel is cool. Axel has got to be the only elvenrunes admin
to still have and play legend mortals. Amazing how much hype
a site where noone really plays anymore gets. Those who can
play, those who can't teach.

Ethar2001-12-14 04:14:11
axel rocks
Stolb2001-12-14 11:47:08
i remember now a log when Girando ran into shady for 1 pukie and some 2 more ported in on him and he got out alive, and even killed that pelf,
and someone commented:
in future i wanna be like you, Mr. Axel!!!!,
<<<<< now i must say: in future i wanna be like you, Mr. Axel!!!!

Relim2001-12-14 13:12:15
David refers to me I think. All I ever do these days is sit in Tharbad with 3 different poisons, 3 different sets of arrows so I can pick off those bns with each of the poisons, and a brd with venom, a fang with arachnia and an eket with psylonia (I am thinking of changing this, giving the fang psylonia and the eket arachnia... I'll get back to you). There was a rumour I handed out equipment in Rdell the other day, and that I went down ABR, but this cannot be true, I'm always inside Shady!

And the other day, I sat Shady and used two arrows to poison 3 bns and 7 trolls. New magic arrows created just for me can now shoot 3 zones deep, homing in on any BN who comes near Tharbad. On the way, they stop by any puke carrying a poison vial and make sure they're drenched in the stuff, lowering the chances of saving the poison to zero.

Meanwhile, I'm having an affair with Shady's wife - since I'm always there, I stand in on the marital 'chores' side when he's busy letting people in and out of rooms. Dont tell him though - he's a tough bastard, and probably immune to all my poisons.

My DB is now -21 as a result of carrying only furs, tails and vials, and my weight has bloated to 57 stone, harming somewhat my ability to fight. But it's okay - I have magic arrows!

In the meantime, the Storyteller took pity on me and put me on that funny list with Aschit, who is always Tharbad too. He doesn't use poisons though - and is still able to walk through two rooms, rather than being so big he has to stand in both simulataneously. Nice chap!

That's it - if you ever see me warrens fighting, or noc fighting, or hanging out in RD, or wandering down ABR, or, god forbid, in Dunland, please close your eyes and count to ten - it will be but a figment of your warped imagination.

If you need me, I'm shagging the Shady's missus and trying not to poison the bitch. I'm sure I spilt some arachnia on my dick a while back, since I'm always going straight to sleep after I'm done. How weird...


Aicanár2001-12-14 13:17:55
*lol* Relim's comment
Aschit2001-12-14 13:54:01
Hey now! I'm pretty sure, Relim, that was a sarcastic comment! Are you implying that I didn't make it to #4 on storyteller's list by hanging out in Tharbad? I specifically remember one incident, many RL years ago, when some 30 darkies were in Tbad, so I went to Bree! And as I recall, you showed up there not too long after that! And once or twice I had a newbie lead me to GH so I could make a focus! And I even saw that Elfrog guy who leads all the dwarves in Rivendssmell!
Aschit2001-12-14 13:54:34
I mean are you implying I did make it to list that way :P
David2001-12-14 16:03:42
Fredde: its because you never go tharbad =)
to Relim: you just BLEW my mind.. you ONCE ran to rdell and gave out eq?!?! ONCE!? jesus man.. if i knew that you ONCE ran to rdell and bought some more arrows to poison i wouldnt have accused you.. i mean.. ONCE to rivendell is ALWAYS in rivendell .. im sorry that i blamed you for being an uberwuss.. i know, i know.. sometimes you walk to bree and then back to tharbad again.. you make huge ventures out into the scary lands of level 5 bns too.. *apol*
Relim2001-12-14 16:27:54
*pat* Davey boy. You obviously miss the huge sarcasm in my post (you also didn't read it properly, though I wouldn't expect anymore more from you - I never said I went there ONCE (sic)). On your logic, though, I spend all my time wherever the last BN saw me, or died to me... and yes, Aschit, there was rather a big amount of sarcasm in there. Seems that you and I spend all our time in Tharbad, but somehow made travellers. As far as I'm aware, you don't exactly get that from heading to Rivendell ONCE (sic), to to bree and then back to tharbad again. Oh - magic arrows ho!
Eàle2001-12-14 16:45:44
no jehran left my staff :)
David2001-12-14 16:50:32
was abit of sarchasm from my side aswell, i mean.. you cant just walk ONCE to buy ash arrows from rdell.. you gotta make a couple of trips.. and since Relim was your first char or stuff you prolly mapped alot with it and therefor got your tps, but the fact is the only time i ever see you is at tharbad shooting bns.. and i wonder.. how the hell can you keep yourself from getting bored? then i remember, ppl who have never had any fun, wont miss it when its gone for everyone.
faint2001-12-14 18:49:23
last 3 lines in yer post was nice david=) but the thing about you beeing noc is pure lies relim!! can any1 recall relim ever seen/heard on narrates/tracks whatever around noc? (strange english indeed)
Lore2001-12-14 19:00:57
Maybe if gods hadn't fucked over thieves' backstab on mobs thieves/scouts might move around more and exp on mobs??? Can't really blame them for avoiding areas where they will die moveless and have no other reason besides pk to be there.
Lore2001-12-14 19:03:29
Another thought ... It's crazy how all those bn thieves hunt up around rivendell and in the misties. They should spread out more around Arda.
David2001-12-14 19:42:17
my pukescout lives at noc.. =P
Shady2001-12-14 20:24:50
Dràghkar2001-12-14 22:31:29
saying stuff like: Oooh this was the funniest fight I ever had! I love you *enemy* and such looks so fucking moronic...Fucking faggy elves
Haazheel2001-12-15 09:00:32
Jheran rocked here!
Relim2001-12-15 14:14:23
You really are a bitter little boy, Davey. Relim is nowhere near my first character. I've never mapped. Shit, I didn't even make travellers til a few weeks ago. Maybe, just maybe, you're wrong - I will run to tbad to fight bns, sure, but I am more often to be found way north and east. Seems to me that you boys spend a lot more time there than I. And Faint, you just dont like it that you died to me. You threw a lovely tantrum. Made Paque look tame. I appreciate it :)
David2001-12-15 16:56:22
i am never wrong. and im not bitter.. for once... i almost have a rl! so there!
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