posted by Unknown
2001-12-14 10:19:53
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AicanĂ¡r makes another ironic comment immediately before darkies come; at least h
## Resting a bit NE of Necro, just about to go in to do chief thug...
## Had been running to BNs all night long, but finally seems
## they had gone east to priest to play there...

* C Mana:Hot>
Nebula narrates 'ttroll priest'

## ah, good


## i reflect on the news

* C Mana:Hot>say seems like action is epriest

* C Mana:Hot>
*Zigurakhor the Black Numenorean* has arrived from the west riding a trained horse.
*a grim Man* has arrived from the west riding a trained horse.

## oh, hello again!

* C Mana:Hot>
*a grim Man* fails to pierce Vengence.
Vengence strongly pierces *a grim Man*'s head.

## Reno and I made it out, but Vengence ripped again :(

## I really am wondering what it is with me and ironic says before darkies...
## Aicar was namechanged to Aicanár ;)
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AicanĂ¡r2001-12-14 10:20:22
Doh, forgot a title and name for the log :P
Rumble2001-12-14 10:55:11
Heh, I wondered my I went on that suicide mission. Now I know I was just a pawn in a much grander scheme! MORE BLOOD FOR SAURON!!
rza2001-12-14 11:37:51
maybe im just too drunk but was wthis a ,log or soem fucking crap vby a retsrded newbie? fucing go pull yourself instead when u feel the need to post gay logds
Nebula2001-12-14 12:01:00
For those who don't understand Rumble's comment, he was the troll I narrated about
priest, and he died to me a bit later.
Spears2001-12-14 12:23:10
clap you killed lvl 8 troll... rocks!
Aschit2001-12-14 13:55:42
I once stepped on a level 3 bn warrior. He died too.
Astar2001-12-14 14:56:16
I definitely should burn pukecorpses more
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