Fealandir reaches the bottom
posted by Sophia
2001-12-28 21:12:40
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This is a whine log about myself getting killed from healthy when obiously afk.
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faint2001-12-28 21:19:51
and thats the log, below this comment there will be tons of "dont post these logs here" comments but hell, i wanna know what you think or what you would have done in same situation..
Edvard2001-12-28 21:41:45
After i quaked one out, smiled, and bolted once, i definately would suspect linklessness.... and then after i bolted her 4 or whatever times more, i would bonk my head out. Lame move, lamelamelame...
Unknown2001-12-28 22:33:41
I would have killed you. If you have to leave, rent. If you have to stay, play.
Rogon2001-12-28 23:14:02
What's wrong with killing afk people? Rent if you need to go afk, or go someplace safe, or take a risk. Not like you're linkless eh.
Evan2001-12-28 23:33:14
PLEAZE, never even compare afk with linkless. One is a Stupidity other is not.

Morog2001-12-28 23:39:58
I agree. There is nothing wrong with killing AFK players. The game has rent and camp for a reason. I have killed AFK players and have had my characters killed while AFK. It's your own fault when this happens.
Porien2001-12-29 00:01:36
There is no need to compare afk and linkless ppl, couse its the same - noone controls charecter. This is lame to kill someone afk and utterly lame to kill linkless.
Unknown2001-12-29 00:16:24
....but how do you know they are AFK and not linkless?
Prist2001-12-29 00:59:02
The last unknown has a fat point there...
Hate2001-12-29 01:04:10
Afk is the same that linkless. Sometimes RL calls you and u cant do shit (Mother yelling, kitchen burning or someone calling door, who knows).
Noone is so stupid to stay afk on pourpose in that place so u should have enough kwnoledge to think that he NEEDS to go afk and dont kill him.
Rogon2001-12-29 01:14:07
Afk is a choice you make. Linkless is not a choice you make. It is by no means the same thing.
Edvard2001-12-29 01:23:33
WHO CARES if she was afk or linkless. Faelandir still killed a bn who did not move, nor show any sign of activity. If sophia really would have been linkless, she would've been a dead sophia anyway...
faint2001-12-29 01:28:28
well rogon and others did you read log? did you see that i had noquit or did you miss that point? i COULDNT RENT! what are you supose to do? let the phone ring causae you are playing a game that obiously is more important then real life? silly way of doing things id say...
Ytinas2001-12-29 01:54:58
Rogon, there are plenty of reasons to draw one away from the keyboard, such as a child sticking it's fingers in the wallsocket, or the kitchen catching flame. This (or something greatly less catastrophic) is also something you cannot control. Now i am guessing you are the sort of player that would then drop link in that situation, and the not dropping link part of afking is then a stupidity.
Or wait, that is intentionally dropping link to try to avoid pk. I think ld/afk issues are all about style, and call em good or bad style, and everyone plays different here, but just a few actually have fun. Now i am truly just blabbering and spewing nonsense, so i better stop :P
Rogon2001-12-29 03:13:45
If its an emergency and you have to go, #zap the link, i dont see why he/she couldn't camp or zap link here instead of going afk. And i would have spared him/her in this situation because i would have thought him/her linkless. But i have killed people i thought was afk, such as orcs resting inside dt... and i have no problems with killing afk people, but i dont touch people (i know) are linkless.
Crackle2001-12-29 05:51:44
I've gotta agree with Rogon here, you should have zapped. Though you said as much yourself. As for linkless/afk, I don't understand why everyone doesn't use linkdrop. Even when I played from pure telnet I usually had linkdrop at 60 or so. Of course faelandir still acted like a complete ass here. It's gay to kill afk, with certain exceptions (orc resting in dt, town raids, etc.)
Jessiah2001-12-29 08:10:57
The problem is, most of the time when something happens in real life that requires your attention you usually think of what you believe to be the most logical way of securing yourself before having to go away from the computer. In this case Sophia thought that his character would be secure enough if he hid and went afk. From his past knowledge, he knows that alot of people consider afk and linkless killing lame so most will not do it, he was as well hidden, and on top of that, he wouldnt think that a lowbie (so he says) would try to kill him. having this knowledge he arrived at the decision (which had to be acquired in a matter of seconds mind you) he saw himself as secure. In other words; this seemed to be the best and easiest solution to be secure enough to be away from the computer to talk to his gf. I am sorry, some people are just not as smart and quick thinking as Rogon.
Urian2001-12-29 08:56:49
... if you _have_ to go afk why dont you eighter zap the link or use the "acts" command stating that you are afk ? like : acts AFK, please wait in line :-P ...
I agree that killing afk / linkless is shitty but it's not against the rules, so dont give Faelandir too much shit about, that at least wont help
humala2001-12-29 09:16:31
what the fuck for you whine about dying to your own stupidity
Jessiah2001-12-29 09:25:47
Did you guys read what i wrote or was it too hard to understand?
Wellknown2001-12-29 10:37:46
Both afk and linkless(linkdead) you can't fight back (which is point of online games you know - that you have smart oponents e.g. players to fight with you). Now, afk is really your choise but link loss isnt. But but... both kills are pointless imho - what do you gain from killing some1 afk/linkless? Eq in textbased game? Wps that decay? 100k xp you loose afterwards? *Rofl*. But what you loose? Possible cool fight with enemy who could act back.
faint2001-12-29 10:43:14
so you guys are now saying everytime you leave keyboard you drop link to avoid pk? which is very illeagal...you now you said you cheat, great rogon!!
now we all know why you warlord all the time *COUGH* =)
Blackfox2001-12-29 11:10:53
When you go afk or linkless, just expect to die every time, so
you won't feel angry about it and on the other hand you can be happy,
if some1 really spares you. And i don't get it why ppl kill afk but not linkless,
or some kill linkless without flag but not with flag, its all the same to me,
either kill them all or don't find lame excuses why afk killing is better than linklesskilling.
Faelandir2001-12-29 12:01:37
I think that killing afk ppl is ok, I wouldnt have killed if she was ld.
If she had had the (Linkless) i wouldnt have killed but why hide instead of dropping link so its obvious u arent there?
Fredde2001-12-29 13:15:26
Faelandir. how did you know she wasent linkdead? she dident move one square. she dident do anything. even a newbie like you would know that if she was moveless you would have gotten like 325236 lines of tries to flee blablabla. afk is pretty same as linkless. there is noone there. and about dropping link. its illegal you do know that?
Aschit2001-12-29 15:27:37
I used to think killing afk was just fine, since it is a choice the players made. However, it is VERY hard to know for certain if someone is afk or linkless, so I would only consider killing if the person was in an obvious afk situation (for example: a pking puke sits down and rests inside a closable for a tick). Then, after I found Gimilzor afk once I stabbed him (he would have eaten that stab afk or not), and he fled a room, where I chased and instahit. Then he fled another room and stood still. So I figured 'ahh, he's afk' so I started a second stab. Then at the last second I thought 'Wait, maybe he's linkless?' and I tried to cancel stab. I didn't cancel it in time, so Gimilzor died. It turned out Gimilzor was afk anyway, so I felt a bit better. However, afterwards I realized that I hadn't 'won' the 'fight', any more than you 'win' the 'fight' of successfully getting a spoonful of your soup into your mouth without spilling. In fact, I kinda wish my trophy of Gimilzor would 'disappear' from my trophy list, kinda like the V+ chars I killed that mysteriously vanish from my trophy a couple weeks after I kill them...
Aschit2001-12-29 15:28:21
Erp, short version: I don't think killing afk shows any skill whatsoever, and is kinda lame. However, it ain't NEARLY as bad as linkless killing.
Rogon2001-12-29 15:47:07
Faint, are you retard or are you just trying to make us believe you are?
faint2001-12-29 19:03:38
good way to end a disscussion rogon
Rogon2001-12-29 20:01:10
What did you discuss? "so you guys are now saying everytime you leave keyboard you drop link to avoid pk? which is very illeagal..." . . . Is that your discussion? Ok let's discuss it. I drop link if i feel like dropping link and if i'm not in a pk situation. I dont drop link if i don't feel like dropping link, or if i'm in a pk situation. Your turn faint. Keep the DISCUSSION alive now.
Greasy Bob2001-12-29 21:53:23
Sophia should be shot for being stupid enough to go AFK instead of camping. How ridiculous. He can rent anyplace, choses to sit there like an idiot instead and then whines because he gets wacked. Boo hoo hoo. His immort should be deleted for violating char sep rules and harassing Faelandir. Immorts are not in the game to be a fast track to whiney spam and harassment. Screw it, just delete his whole account and he can spend eternity AFK in complete safety!!!! (AND, in the time it takes to wack some dipshit like Sophia, Faelandir couldn't tell if he was AFK or just momentarily inattentive (MIA). Nobody could, so shuttup already.)
AFK2001-12-30 02:38:45
I despise people who kill when they can see that the opponent isn't doing anything :)
Edvard2001-12-30 04:12:59
If you go afk, and you drop link BECAUSE you go afk, it kind of is to avoide pkdeath isnt it? why else would u drop link!? and it says in the rules, that its illegal.......
Jessiah2001-12-30 06:25:25
bah, you guys are too one-sided.
faint2001-12-30 12:07:45
i still dont get people who after this log say i coulda CAMP RENTED, you tihnk bns are some kind of super race? that can rent with noquit still there?
and rogon, i know it is stupid to go afk but it is more stupid to kill afk and rogon, if i shoudl do like you, i woulda died aswell man, since i obiously WAS in a pk situation i didnt know about
Téar2001-12-30 12:16:29
Come'on people, I dont have any sympathy with faint but Faelandir is a fucking linklesskiller. There was no way he could tell that faint wasnt linkdead and just afk, so in other words even if faint was linkdead faelandir would've killed him and that makes him a stupid fuck.
faint2001-12-30 14:54:48
haha ironicly i died linkless with flag now to 6 morons who ofcourse looted aswell
HELLO2001-12-31 01:13:51
Jessiah, there are many sides here. Open your eyes, blind man. And I cant
sympathize with this guy because he hid to go AFK. ANYONE would have thought
he hiding to regen and killed him. ANY smart player would have assumed that
he was moveless/regening and killed him. In same situation, how many of you
would have assumed what Tear assumed. Not too damned many. So if anyones the
stupid fuck, its you, Tear.
Téar2001-12-31 15:56:42
I dont see your point 'HELLO', when faint afked noone was on his tail. So why would faelandir think he was low moves? +Most 'smart' players knows who sophia is and knows that he has bob and rarely goes moveless, and if your opponent doesent react after 3 fucking bolts you dont continue bolting him. I Dunno who your are since you dont dare to show your name, but I asume you're some newbie who thinks its cool to join the discussion with loose arguments hardly thought through.
wilma2002-01-01 23:44:20
But you´re such a great and experienced player ,tear. *LOL*
Fragir2002-01-02 09:50:41
Hahah Rogon you are so pathetic, ir you REALY think that you can always avoid going afk ??
Téar2002-01-02 12:41:28
And who the fuck are you to question my skill Wilma? I dont even know you. If your talking about pk experience I can say I have it. Been playing mume for 2 years mostly darkie (Tear is my first legend puke). I have 1 troll lvl 17, but I never play him anymore and he never grouped with wilma so I dont understand why you're chuckling like a fucking retard.
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