Yes... its a new bye bye log(my first one).
At the firsts days of 2001 i promissed myself to study so much and finish
the fucking university (its my 5 year here and i will not stay all my life).
But u know, i wanted to be the first spanish warlord in Mume and i havent
noticed the year goes fast. Today, resting in Hidden Island i have noticed i
was really adicted. I have loss many wp with my last 5 deaths, i cant reach
warlord if i still die that way even in 4 years. I though i can have
cable-modem to avoid the phone-linless problems, but its expensive for me.
So now its time to keep my promess. I will be all this year studying, and
then i will get a job and gain enough money to go sweeden and play mume from
there :P.
Some numbers here:
Total pk: 164 (unique kills, i havent counted repeat kills).
Deaths: 96 (including linkless, mob, drown, etc...)
I will dont show trophy, but i have the list of all the named pukes who got
me! (some of them are repeat).
I think the most repeated killer is brutish troll, and then Ishant, but im
not sure.
Tiamat the Elf.
Rocco the Elf.
Lore the Elf.
Azaril the Half-elf.
Just the Elf.
Fingal the Elf.
Falemir the Elf.
Ishant the Elf.
Dragan the Man.
Ganon the Man.
Elenrl the Elf. ( i supposse elenril or something)
Vatar the Elf.
Smooth the Hobbit.
Faeolle the Hobbit.
Naurill the Elf.
Punkin the Hobbit.
Elmir the Man.
Vral the Hobbit.
Oguga the Dwarf.
Fingror the Elf. (should be Fingeror)
Ele the Elf. (Eale?)
Herold the Dwarf.
Emanthyr the Half-elf.
Caolin the Man.
Sistina the Elf.
Mouser the Hobbit.
Elladan. (without race?; is that a mob or something?)
Shagrath the Elf.
Snowy the Elf.
Erowyn the Man.
Mestan the Dwarf.
Smiths by a Man.
Khazdul the Dwarf.
Vassago the Ainu. (!!!??)
wow, you really are an addict :P